Rhiannon's Goddess Guide

Below is an alphabetical list of Goddesses from around the world. Many people have emailed me asking me which goddesses they are supposed to worship. My answer to that it that it all depends on the person. Each person feels closer to a certain deity, and often times that changes depending on what stage of life you are going through. Originally I worshipped Diana, now I worsip Kali or Tara, or Isis. Blessed Be!


APHRODITE: She is the Greek Goddess of sexual love. She was born from the bloody foam of the sea where Cronus threw the genitals of his father Uranus after castrating him.

ARACHNE: She is the Greek spider goddess. She was skilled in weaving and challenged Athene to compete with her. The contest was held and Arachne's weave was flawless. Enraged, Athene turned her into a spider, doomed to eternally spin thread. She represents the spinning and weaving pattern of destiny.

ARADIA: She is the Italian goddess born from Diana and Lucifer. She came to earth to teach the witches her mother's magick.

ARANI: Hindu Goddess of Fire, including female sexual fire. Her symbol is the firewheel. Her rituals include female masturbatory and/or lesbian practices.

ARIADNE: She is Cretan and Greek. Her festival is December 26th.

ARIANRHOD: She is a major Welsh Goddess. Is sometimes considered the goddess of the stars, to which souls withdraw between incarnations. She is the goddess of reincarnation. She is honored at the Full Moon.

ARTEMIS: She is the Greek Nature and Moon Goddess. Her name means "High Source of Water" which means she is the ruler of all waters, oceanic,psychic, and menstrual tides. She is invoked by women in childbirth. She is the protectress of youth, especially young women. She is also invoked by travelers to bring good weather.

ARIEL: European goddess fairy/queen linked to the magickal power of the moon.

ASTARTE: She is a fertility goddess. She is associated with the planet Venus.

ATHENA: She is the Greek Warrior Goddess. She is also the goddess of intelligence, war, and the art of peace. She is the protector of towns, heroes, and patroness of architects, sculptors, spinners and weavers.

ATHTOR: Egyptian Goddess. She is the personification of Mother Night, the element covering the infinite abyss.


BAST: Egyptian cat Goddess. She represented the beneficent power of the Sun in contrast to Sekhamet who represented the destructive powers of the Sun. She is a kind goddess of joy, music, and dancing. She also protected men from contagious diseases and evil spirits.

BEAN-NIGHE: Scottish and Irish Goddess that haunts lonely streams washing the bloodstained garments of those about to die. A Bean-Nighe is said to be the spirit of a woman who died in childbirth, and fated to act this way until the day she was supposed to die.

BEFANA: The Italian witch-fairy who flies her broomstick on Twelfth Night to come down chimneys and bring presents to children.

BRIGHID: She is the Irish Goddess of fertility and inspiration.


CALLISTO: The Greek Moon Goddess.

CERRIDWEN: She is the Welsh Goddess of the moon and grain, the giver of inspiration and knowledge. She is famous for her cauldron of wisdom.

CYBELE: Greek Goddess of caverns, the Earth in its primitive state, and worshipped on mountaintops. She ruled over wild beasts, and bees.


DARK MAID, The: The Chinese Goddess who sends frost and snow.

DEMETER: The Greek Goddess of the fruitful Earth. She is the mother of Persephone.

DEVI: Hindu mother goddess. She embraces all things from a pure spirit. She is the goddess of Intelligence, the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water. She embodies the creative love and motherly love.

DIANA: Roman Goddess equivelent to Artemis. She is the Goddess of light, mountains, woods, and the Goddess of witches. She is invoked to protect the harvest against storms. She is also the Goddess of the Moon.


EDAIN: Irish Goddess of reincarnation.

ERZULIE: Haitian voodoo goddess of love. She expresses the worshippers dreams of luxury and wealth.


FAUNA: Roman Goddess of the Earth and fields.

FLORA: Roman Goddess of everything that flourishes, i.e. budding springtime, fruit trees, flowers, and the vine.

FREYA: Teutonic Goddess. She protected marriages and made them fruitful.


GAIA: The Greek Earth Mother, the first to emerge from Chaos. She created the Universe, the first race of gods, and mankind. She presides over marriages, was invoked in oaths, and offered the first of fruit and grain.


HATHOR: Egyptian goddess of the sky. She is the goddess of pleasure, joy, love, makeup, music, and dancing. She is the protectress of women.

HECATE: Greek Goddess of the Moon, Underworld, and magick. She is associated with the Crossroads, and is the Crone.

HEKET: Egyptian Goddess of childbirth and resurrection. She is the midwife of kings and queens, and also of the sun every morning.

HERA: Greek Goddess of marriage and maternity.

HESTIA: Greek Goddess of the domestic fire and of the home.


INANNA: The Sumerian Queen of Heaven. She is the mother goddess, associated with Earth, love, grain, oracles, battles, weaving, and wine. She is also the goddess of sovereignty.

ISHTAR: She is the Assyro-Babylonian mother goddess. She is the goddess of Earth, fertility, love, battles, storms, marriage, the moon, and divination. She is honored on the Full Moon.

ISIS: Egyptian Goddess of reincarnation, rebirth, etc. She has a very rich history and the mythology stories about her are fascinating but lengthy.


JANA: Roman Goddess, guardian of doors and of the turn of the year. January was named after her.

JUNO: Roman Goddess of the new moon and sky.


KALI: Hindu Goddess, one of the DEVI. She is often called Kali Ma, which means "the black mother." She is the goddess of demons, the creative force, she is a terrible but necessary destroyer.

KUNDALINI: Hindu Goddess, she is the universal life force.

KWAN-YIN: Chinese/Buddhist Goddess of healing and children. Her image is of sitting on a lotus flower and a child in her arms. She is a magician, a teacher of magick, sometimes a prostitute.


LAKSHMI: Hindu Goddess of good fortune and beauty. She was an early mother and earth goddess.

LI: Chinese Goddess of solar feminine aspects, fire, the middle daughter, the lucid, the bride. She is associated with Mid-summer and noon.

LILITH: Hebrew goddess, Adam's first wife. She would not subordinate herself to him and was thus turned into a demoness.

LILITU: Sumerian goddess that brought nightmares and other nocturnal menaces. She was also a storm goddess and the name is often associated with Lilith.

LUNA: Roman Moon Goddess, identified with Diana and the Greek Selene.


MA'AT: Egyptian Goddess of justice, truth, law, and the divine order, the natural and inevitable order of the universe rather than artificially imposed rules. She played an important part in the judgement of the dead.

MAYA: Hindu Goddess of nature, she is the universal creatress. She is associated with magick, witches, and knowledge.

MESHKENT: Egyptian goddess of childbirth.

MINERVA: Roman Goddess of industry, commerce, and education. She was also a war goddess.


NEMESIS: Greek Goddess of divine anger, against mortals who offended the moral law, broke taboos, or achieved too much happiness and wealth.

NEPHTHYS: Egyptian Goddess of the desert. She was a mourner with Isis and also guardian of the dead. She stood at the head of the coffin, Isis stood at the foot.

NIKE: Greek goddess of victory.


None at this time.


PANDORA: Greek Goddess. Each God and Goddess gave her a gift, Zeus put it in a box and gave it to her, instructing her not to open it. She did anyways and all the evils that plague mankind came out of it. All that was left at the bottom was Hope.

PARVATI: Hindu Goddess of love, metaphysics, and power.

PERSEPHONE: Greek Goddess, daughter of Demeter. She is an Underworld goddess, and a corn-seed goddess. Her attribute is the pomegranate.


None at this time.


RHIANNON: Welsh Goddess of fertility, otherworld, horses, night, death, and the moon.


SARASVATI: Hindu goddess of speech, music, wisdom, knowledge, and the arts. She was originally a river goddess.

SEKHMET: Egyptian goddess of war, the destructive power of the Sun, and also the defence of the divine order.

SELENE: Greek Moon goddess.


TARA: Hindu star goddess, teacher of the gods, the founder of the lunar dynasties.


UMA: Hindu Goddess of light and beauty, called the Golden Goddess.


VENUS: Roman goddess of spring, protectress of vegetation and gardens, goddess of love.

VESTA: Roman goddess of fire both domestic and ritual. Her name means torch or candle.

VICTORIA: Roman goddess of military success, protectress of fields and woods.


None at this time.


XOCHHIQUETZAL: Aztec goddess of the moon and magick, the deity of flowers, spring, sex, love, and marriage.


None at this time.


None at this time.

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