Elemental Magick: FIRE

Spell for Protection from Fire
The Goddess of Fire
Fire Scrying Chant


Element: Fire
Represents: loyalty, energy, purification, courage, success, creativity, strenght, protection, relationships.
Deities: Bridget, Pele, Mars, Hestia, Vesta, Vulcan, Horus, Persephone.
Animals: fox, coyote, dragons, lions, horses.

Spell for Protection from Fire

Physically cleanse your house by walking deosil around your house and sprinkle the blessed salt in each corner. Light a red candle and lay beside it a hammer. Face the south and stamp the hammer three times on the floor. Hold your hands to the earth.
"Vulcan, God of forge and flame;
Hear me when I call your name.
Hold back the fire and destruction
Keep me safe from this disruption."

Hit hammer three times at each direction.
"Elements of the South,
Little ones of flame and fire
Treat this home kindly
Friendship is my desire."

"Begone all those who cause fire trouble!
If human, be caught by the police.
If supernatural, Vulcan take them away!"

Repeat to the South, West, and North:
"Vulcan of the flaming hammer,
Let there be peace and harmony between us.
I honor your life giving fire,
But I do not want its destructive aspect in my home.
Honor to the God Vulcan!"
Let candle burn out in a safe place!

The Goddess of Fire

Prepare an altar of fiery colors with sparking objects to catch the candlelight. In the centre, place three candles: orange, red and gold. As you praise each of these Goddesses in turn, light her candle, and sit silently, receiving her messages and blessings.
"Blessed Be the Goddess of Creativity
Brigid, Bright One
Goddess of the forge, teach me to bear the fires
Of transformation, the furnace that tempers my blade
And makes me strong.
Be with me as I blaze my trail.
I light this candle in fiery offering to you,
Brigid, Goddess of Fire!"

"Blessed be the Goddess of Death,
Persephone, Courageous One.
The molten kore of the Earth
Teach me to enter the underworld without fear
To emerge without regret
Light my path with your torches.
I light this candle in fiery offering to you,
Persephone, Goddess of Fire!"

"Blessed be the Goddess of Faith,
Hestia, Constant One,
Goddess of Hearth and temple.
Teach me the lessons of committment and
Contentment, service and celebration.
Warm me within and without.
I light this candle in fiery offering to you,
Hestia, Goddess of Fire!"

Fire Scrying Chant

Sit before a fire and still your consciousness. Look directly into the flame and breathe deeply. Whisper:
"Blazing fire, as you dance,
Give me now the secret glance.
Call upon my second sight,
Make me psychic with your light.
Blazing fire shining bright,
Give me now the second sight."
Repeat. Divine the future within the fire's restless flames.


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