Elemental Magick: Earth

Spell for Conception
Gaia Healing Spell
Earthquake Protection
Spell for Success and Prosperity
Chant to the North


Element: Earth
Represents: Growth, fertility, birth, business success, healing, finances, nature, creativity, the body.
Deities: Gaia, Demeter, Pan, Herne, Dionysus, Cernunnos, Rhiannon.
Animals: Wolf, cow, bull, stag, snake.

Spell for Conception

Decorate altar with red eggs, flowers, and grass. Burn a pink candle and rose incense.
"Mother of all mothers, hear my cry,
My arms are empty, my heart is full of love.
Ripen my body with a little child,
A soul that needs and loves me in return.
Gift this child with wholeness and health.
Fill my arms, Mother of all Mothers."
Meditate on this baby and tell the goddess your deep desire to have a child.

"Loving and caring Mother
My heart beats in time with yours
All children come from your heart.
I ask sincerely that you entrust me with a child.
This child will be loved and cared for.
For this is truly my desire."

Gaia Healing Spell

Perform this ritual during an eclipse or a waxing phase. Arrange sea shells on a secluded beach in a circle. Or in a garden, and use stones to make the circle. Kneel at the centre, facing the ocean. Light a blue candle and some incense. Raise arms high and recite:
"With smoke and flame this spell's begun.
O Goddess of the stars, moon, and the sun,
Let the healing power begin.
Let the earth be whole again!"

"The earth is my mother and I am her child.
The earth is my lover, free and wild.
Heal on the outside, heal within,
Land and sea, fire and wind."

"With love sincere I chant this prayer,
To make mankind begin to care.
Let every sister and every brother
Heal the wounds of the great Earth Mother.
Let the healing power begin,
Let the earth be whole again.
Heal on the outside, heal within,
Land and sea, fire and wind!
So mote it be!"

Earthquake Protection

Set out a chalice of spring water and place a small horse toy or statue beside it. Light a blue and a green candle. Add a pinch of salt to the water and gently swirl it with your athame, clockwise. Stand with your arms stretched out.

"Earth shaker! The seas and land tremble before you.
Quake maker! The deep ocean opens before you.
Sea rider! Hold back your hand.
Trident bearer! Vent not the anger on the earth.
Let the Earth Mother rest in peace, Poseidan.
Spare the humans living upon her.
Do not shake or crack the land.
I recognize your existence and honor your power.
Spare us, Earth shaker!"
Gently pour out the salt water on the earth.

Spell for Success and Prosperity

Do during the waxing or full moon. The first full moon after the winter solstice is the most powerful one all year. You will need: small green or brown talisman bag, three silver coins, and a cauldron. Herbs for money and riches: jasmine, patchouli, sage, heliotrope. Herbs for Luck: heather, rose, violet.

Tap each coin with your wand or athame, three times. Chant:
"Glistening silver, coin of the moon,
Shiny and round, bring me a boon.
Draw to my hands many more of your kind
Multiply, grow, like the imagine in my mind."

Place coins in the cauldron with the herbs. Stir the air clockwise seven times over the cauldron. Chant:
"Earth elementals, cunning and bright,
With me share your treasures here on this night.
Share with me riches of silver and gold,
Success, prosperity, all I can hold."

Put the coins and herbs in the talisman bag. Carry with you at all times.

Chant to the North

"With patience do I seek sacred knowledge and wisdom.
With practicality do I prosper.
With ceremony do I learn earth wisdom.
With ritual do I support my soul's growth.
With symbols of Earth do I teach."


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