Rhiannon's Crystal Journal

Crystals have an enormous amount of power and energy in them. Some witches--not all--use crystals very frequently in their spells and rituals. It is not a requirement, of course, but having crystals that correspond to the ritual at hand greatly helps to effectiveness of the ritual.

Some witches have a certain connection with certain crystals--they are drawn to them, just as everyone is drawn to different deities and elements. I myself, am an EARTH sign (being Capricorn) but I have always had a *very* strong pull towards FIRE and WATER. As for crystals, Amethyst has always been my favorite but recently I have become infatuated with Malachite and Hematite for their magickal properties.

There are a number of ways to discover which crystal is your "working crystal." I will post some other ways to this page at a later date. One possibility is to do a dream spell. This spell is also effective in discovering which deity works best with you. Simply light a candle corresponding to the deity or crystal (i.e. color or quality) do a short spell asking the greater powers to assist you and then go to sleep. Analyze your dreams for signs and hints towards an answer. Good luck on exploring the wonderful world of Crystals and Gemstones!

To find color correspondances and information on candles, go to my Candle spell section. Candle Spells. To find out information on other spells that use crystals, go to the Book of Shadows section of my website.

One quick note: I have gotten a lot of this information from a fantastic book by Scott Cunningham called "Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic". It's a good book to have on hand as a resource. Everything else I have collected along the way in my Book of Shadows. If you are interested in reading about some of my experiences with Crystals, go to my Ritual Journal section!

COMING SOON: I will be adding Crystal rituals and spells, how to purify/cleanse, charge, and use Crystals, and also the physical benefits of certain Crystals. Check back often, or sign up for the "Witch Garden" egroup and be notified whenever I update the site.

Energy: Projective
Powers/Magickal Uses: mental powers, reducing emotional involvement in a situation, analytical abilities, quells strong emotions, soothes anger and depression, strengthens the effects of other stones.

Tiger's Eye
Element: Fire
Energy: Projective
Planet: Sun
Powers/Magickal Uses: money, protection, courage, energy, luck, divination, protects against danger, use for the weak or sick, use to delve into past lives, promotes energy flow through the body when worn.

Element: Fire
Energy: Projective
Planet: Mars, Saturn
Powers/Magickal Uses: protection, defensive magick, reducing sexual desires, for conflicts, psychic attacks, spirituality, cleansing.

Element: Fire
Energy: Projective
Planet: Saturn
Powers/Magickal Uses: Protection, grounding, divination, peace, scrying, protective rituals, the physical and spiritual, subconscious mind.

Element: Fire
Energy: Projective
Planet: Saturn
Powers/Magickal Uses: healing, grounding, divination, drawing illness from the body, stabilizing, scrying, the physical plane.

Element: Fire
Energy: Projective
Planet: Sun
Powers/Magickal Uses: anti-nightmare, protection, psychism, remove fear, insomnia, psychic awareness.

Element: Fire
Energy: Projective
Planet: Sun
Powers/Magickal Uses: protection, peace, courage, eloquence, healing, sexual energy, guard against lightning and storms, protection against enchantments, for skin diseases, insanity, blood diseases, astral vision, stop nightmares.

Element: Fire
Energy: Projective
Planet: Mars
Powers/Magickal Uses: halt bleeding, healing, victory, courage, wealth, strength, power, legal matters, business, cure fevers, calms anger and fears, prevent miscarriage, ease childbirth.

Element: Water
Deities: Diana, Bacchus, Dionysus
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Jupiter and Neptune
Powers/Magickal Uses: love, de-stressing, happiness, drives away insomnia and nightmares, wards off guilt, overcome addictions, calms fears, protection, meditation, psychic awareness, mental powers, chastity, strengthen love committment.

Element: Water
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Moon
Powers/Magickal Uses: psychism, peace, courage, purification, cleansing, soothing and calming emotional problems, give to the bride on her wedding day, for a toothache, illness of stomach and throat and jaw, for good health, halt fears.

Element: Water
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Moon
Powers/Magickal Uses: peace, anti-nightmare, travel, protection, lactation, luck, mental illness, sadness, banishes fear, fear of the dark, prevents accidents, ward off psychic attacks and negative magick.

Element: Water
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Deities: Kwan Yin, Maat, Buddha
Powers/Magickal Uses: love, healing, longevity, wisdom, protection, gardening, prosperity, money, have power over the weather, love attraction, heals kidneys, heart and stomach, for the third eye, defensive magick, to create a positive attitude.

Lapis Lazuli
Element: Water
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Deities: Isis, Venus, Nuit
Powers/Magickal Uses: healing, love, joy, fidelity, psychism protection, courage, soothing, fevers, mental and spirtual aspects, eyesight, attract spiritual love, fidelity, protective properties.

Element: Water
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Jupiter, Neptune
Powers/Magickal Uses: peace, spirituality, luck, love, protection, anti-nightmares, psychism, soothes anger and hatred, soothes negative emotions, drives off negativity, relieves stress.

Element: Water
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Moon
Deities: Diana, Selene, Isis, all lunar goddesses
Powers/Magickal Uses: love, meditation, divination, youth, psychism, sleep, gardening, traveling, jobs, dieting, honoring the moon and moon goddesses.

Element: Water
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Powers/Magickal Uses: healing, peace, meditation, wisdom, emotionally related diseases, stress, nervousness, anger, fear, guilt, still the mind, inner turmoil.

Element: Earth
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Uranus
Powers/Magickal Uses: gambling, success, attract money, luck, taking a chance.

Cat's Eye
Element: Earth
Energy: Projective
Planet: Venus
Powers/Magickal Uses: wealth, beauty, healing, gambling, protection, mental health, insight, depression, eye diseases, youthfulness.

Element: Earth
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus
Powers/Magickal Uses: power, protection, love, peace, business, success, protects children, traveling, soothing, against negativity and physical dangers, soothing.

Element: Air
Energy: Projective
Planet: Mercury
Powers/Magickal Uses: mental powers, money, peace, healing, luck, eyesight, gambling, increase perception, stimulate creativity, enhance intelligence, calming troubled emotions.

Element: Earth
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Venus, Neptune
Deities: Hathor, Buddha, The Great Spirit (Native American)
Powers/Magickal Uses: protection, courage, money, love, friendship, healing, luck, sacred stone to Native Americans, required tool to shamans, guard against the evil eye, for travelers, protect in dangerous places, increase beauty, prevent migraines.

Earth Crystals
Green Agate
Moss Agate
Green Calcite
Cat's Eye

Air Crystals

Fire Crystals
Apache Tear
Crystal Quartz
Red Jasper
Tiger's Eye

Water Crystals
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Calcite
Pink Calcite
Lapis Lazuli

Purifying Crystals #1
Place the crystals in full sunlight for a day, three days, or even a week. The sun's rays will do the cleansing work, burning away negative influences and energies.

Place the crystals in direct sunlight on the ledge of a window. This isn't as good as an outdoors location because the window glass blocks some of the sun's rays. But this is a good way if it isn't possible to have them outside in a safe place. Remove the crystals each day at dusk.

Purifying Crystals #2
Place the crystals in moving water and leave them there for a day or two. A river or stream works best. Place the stones in a net bag or devise some other method that allows them to be cleansed without disappearing! Leave them there overnight and let the impurities be washed away!

Purifying Crystals #3
Bury the stones in your backyard for a week or so, undisturbed. Above ground, make a ring of white rocks over where the crystals are buried. After a week, wash them or wipe the crystals and begin magick work. (You could do this cleansing first, and then the water cleansing afterwards.)

Ritual to Purify Crystals
Perform this ritual on your altar at sunrise or during the peak of the day. Fill a basin or cauldron of pure water and place it at the west on the altar. Light a red candle for the south, incense for the east, and place a dish or flowerpot filled with freshly dug earth for north.

Between all these objects, set the crystal to be purified. Still your mind and pick up the stone. Focus on Earth. Cover the stone in it and say "I purify you with Earth!" Leave the stone there while you visualize the earth absorbing the impurities. Remove it, dust it off and hold it in the incense smoke.

Pass the crystal nine times through the smoke, from the right to the left. Say "I purify you with Air!" See the smoke wafting away the disturbing energies. Quickly pass the stone through the candle flame carefully. Say "I purify you with Fire!" The fire burns away all negativity. Next, place the stone in the water and say "I purify you with Water!" Visualize the water washing it clean.

Dry the stone off. Hold it in your projective hand. Is it clean? Does it feel pure? Free of negative energy? If not, do the ritual again. Do it as many times as you need. If you have to, repeat the cleansing rituals I posted above. Afterward, store the crystal in a special place. It is ready for magick work. (I personally, keep my crystals in a clear plastic container I got at Joann Fabric's. I believe it is used to store sewing supplies. It works best for me to keep the crystals separate. Then I cover the container with a black cloth and keep it in my meditation room.)

Charging Crystals
Before using them in magick, crystals should be charged or programmed with energy. Hold the stone in your hand, visualize your magickal need and pour energy out if your body into the crystal. This energy is personal power that resides in all of us. We can move this energy within us into candles, crystals, metals, and other magickal objects. See the power flowing out from your body, through your hand, and into the stone. Charge it with the energy of your magickal need--love, money, success, luck, etc. When you know the crystal is vibrating with personal power, the charging is complete. Finish the ritual or spell you are trying to do, and carry the crystal on you at all times, until the spell is completed.

Crystal Banishing Spell
To be rid of diseases, habits, hurt feelings, and any other disturbances from your life, hold any stone in your hand and visualize the problem in detail. Visualize the part of you that is to be banished as entering the stone. See the problem and its causes leaving you and infusing the stone. Then throw the stone into a hot fire and stand back--it may explode.

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