What is Witchcraft?

**The following statements on this page, and the rest of this website are my own beliefs. What I have written came from years of study and these are some of the facts/ideas that I took from many books I have read. Religion is something that no one will ever agree on, so as I do welcome other opinions and ideas from people, I ask that you respect my beliefs as well.**


Wicca is a neo-pagan religion based on the pre-Christian traditions of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Its origins can be traced even further back to Paleolithic peoples who worshipped a Hunter God and a Fertility Goddess.

In 1951, the laws against Witchcraft were repealed in England. A man named Gerald Gardner was the first to "come out" with a description of what modern witches were practicing. He began what is now called the Gardnerian Tradition. From Gardnerian came Alexandrian Tradition, and many other offshoots that today number in the hundreds! The term "Wicca" that is used today, is often traced back to Gardner. As opposed to the terms Pagan which refer to the pre-christian faith.

For two thousand years the image of the Witch has been associated with evil, the devil, and blasphemy. These ideas have their origin in Christian myths created to convert members of the Old Religion to that of the new. By making the Witch into a diabolical character of evil and action, the Christian missionaries were able to attach fear to a word that had once meant Healer, Wise One, and Seer.

Witches Do Not Worship Satan
To believe in Satan, one must believe and agree with the Christian dogma. We do not. Wicca does not have any belief in, nor do we worship a concept of evil incarnate. You can't worship something you don't believe in.

Witches Do Not Cast Evil Spells.
(Most)Modern Witches have a very strict belief in the Witches/Wiccan Rede. Whatever we send out into our world shall return to us. The spells that we do involve things like healing, love, wisdom, creativity, and joy. If you see a website, or meet someone claiming to be a witch yet they talk about casting evil spells and hexes, THEY ARE NOT REAL WICCANS.

Are Male Witches Warlocks?
No. There is no such thing as a warlock in witchcraft. This misconception is one of the most popular, it seems. In fact, a warlock is supposedly a "wizard" (according to the dictionary) and in fact, means a traitor, or a devil. It DOES NOT mean a male witch. A male witch is in fact, a witch--just like the female witches.

Pagan Beliefs

Pagans learn from and worship nature by celebrating the cycles of the sun, the cycles of the moon and in the form of trees, rivers, lakes, meadows, and mountains. Air, Fire, Water, and Earth combine to make all creation. From these four elements we gain wisdom, and understanding of how the universe unfolds. The rhythms of nature are the rhythms of our lives.

Pagans believe that the spirit of God/dess exists in every living thing: in the trees, the rain, the flowers, the sea, and in each other. This means that we must treat all the beings of the Earth as aspects of the Divine.

Other Faiths
Modern Witches believe in religious freedom! We do not choose to look at our path as the "one true right way," but as one path among many to the center. We do not convert new members to the Craft, nor do we advertise or prosteletize. We believe that anyone who is meant for this path will find it through their OWN search, by following their heart. Wiccans practice tolerance and acceptance toward all other religions, as long as those faiths do not preach or commit harm to others. Many people believe that there is only one god, but there ARE MANY PATHS TO THAT ONE GOD. I truly believe that.

Most Witches believe in reincarnation of some sort. And then there is the ancient Pagan belief that the souls travel over to The Summerland. (check out the Samhain page about the Summerland and some of the lore.)

"We Are All Sinners" Mentality
In Wicca, we do not have a specific concept of sin; there is no heaven or hell that souls will go to based on their worldly actions, like in Christianity. Wrong-doing is governed and determined by the individual conscience. With the belief in the Wiccan Rede, one's actions will determine one's future. The individual is therefore responsible for his or her own fate, based on what he or she chooses to do internally and externally in the world. Whatever we send out into the universe comes back to us Three-fold in THIS LIFETIME, so we pay for it now! This is why hexes, curses, revenge spells, and love spells are big no-no's!! (Again, I must add here that everyone has different morals and ethics on these subjects. But I think the goal of witchcraft is strive towards peace and happiness!)

Wicca has but one law of action and ethics. It is called the Wiccan Rede or the Wiccan Law. "And ye harm none" covers almost everything that the Ten Commandments do: don't lie, don't steal, don't cheat, etc. It encourages us to strive not to harm any living thing - including ourselves - except perhaps to survive. Go to the page called The Wiccan Rede to read the beautiful complete (long) version!

Witches believe in the power of magick to create change. Wiccans believe that the individual is responsible for his or her own reality. If there is something that is not healthy, or conducive to happiness and growth, we have the power to change it. The word "Wicca" means "to bend, or to twist" which could mean, bending reality to do magick.

Leadership vs. Hierarchy
There is no Arch Bishop of Wicca. There is no one person or organization that determines the practices and beliefs of Wicca as a whole. Instead, Wicca is formed of small groups (covens) and solitaries who are charged with the leadership of themselves. Wicca is a religion of clergy, not followers. Each person who seriously pursues the Craft, whether it be through study in a particular tradition, or through self-teaching and private learning, has the choice to become a priest or priestess of Wicca. Some of the Traditional Wiccan paths have degrees within the covens, and initiations. Again, it's up to the individual coven.

Churches and Temples
Our temple is found in nature, Mother Earth! When necessary, our circles take place indoors in houses, apartments, or wherever we can find a sacred, protected space. But ideally, a circle will take place in a grove beneath the stars, with the silver moon shining down from above.

NOTE: I recently had someone point out to me that real witches can cast evil spells. I guess I didn't clarify myself. There are bad people in every religion: there are Christians who kill in the name of God, there are Catholic priests who molest altar boys, and there ARE witches who cast evil spells. But that doesn't make it right. Curses mean "ill intent" and that goes against THE WICCAN REDE!!!! Therefore, I personally don't think that real witches, meaning serious and devoted witches, cast evil spells and hexes. Same as non-Christians who follow the ten commandments (don't kill, steal, etc.). I personally strive to follow all those rules to lead a peaceful life the way the Goddess intended.
As far as people getting hung up with labels such as witch, wiccan, pagan "Oh I don't call myself a witch blah blah blah" why does it matter? I think people start to get in trouble when they adhere to labels that mean nothing. You can call yourself Christian, but if you kill your wife or have an affair or steal, etc, ARE YOU STILL A CHRISTIAN? Maybe to some people the answer is yes. To me, I don't think so. I think that to be a Christian you have to believe in the teachings of Jesus but also practice them!!
In truth, Witchcraft is an ancient religion that was passed on orally: there was no bible, there were no churches for a preacher to pass on the "good word". Therefore, everyone's view and idea will be different. In my site, I have presented and written about what I personally consider witchcraft to be for me. Thus, me calling myself "eclectic." I use THAT label because am more than just one thing and I am open to a lot of new ideas and beliefs.

I will hold very strongly to the belief about the Wiccan Rede (call it karma, retribution, whatever). And when I said I think that people who do hexes, curses, and evil spells aren't "real witches" I firmly believe that. You can call yourself something, but if you don't follow the teachings are you REALLY a witch/christian,etc.?? But then, there are Christians who claim to love Jesus Christ and follow his teachings, yet bomb abortion clinics and kill black people and gays. So who knows? Wicca, Pagan, Witch...I think it's just a personal choice for each individual person.

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