As a new mom of twins I sure wish there were words of wisdom for me as I embarked on this "journey".
I had a vision in my head of what I thought it would be like..
Babies that slept, ate and a daily routine that kept everyone sane !

Well was I in for a surprise...
Hopefully these few tid bits of information will ensure that yes you can do .. and no it's not as easy as mom's with babes a year or 9 months apart !!

Other bits of advice...
Often moms that had babes 1 year apart would say " I know how you feel" actually sorry to say they do
NOT ! Having 2 human beings the EXACT same age is not the same.. Think of 2 puppies.. most would say you are crazy to get 2 puppies.. (Yes I know that children are not puppies but you get the general idea)

Me Time.. it is ok to have a shower get dressed and leave for a few hours to get your nails, hair or whatever your poison is .. A Happy Mom is GOOD MOM !

Sleeping.. (insert laughter) don't worry you will eventually sleep !

Making your own baby food.. with all the recalls out there on baby food, I found making my own baby food didn't take as long as I thought and I felt much better about feeding my little ones food in which I knew the ingredients.

Me Time Sleeping
Making your own baby food

Created by: Kory Strande
Copy Right: April 17, 2016