Linkin Park

Linkin Park are one of my best and favorite rock band that I like. I like their music and their song. I loved it and listen to it everyday. I support them and know lots about them.

Name: chester age: 25 instument: vocals Birthday: born the march 20, 1976 Born:Phoenix, Arizona Story: he played in other band called grey daze. He is married to a lovely wife name Samantha, both got marry on October 31, 1996. He had his first tatooo when he was 18 . He has tatoos on both arm which are flames, on his left leg he has the soldier with wings, on the upper part of his left arm he has his zodiac sign, has a chinese fish on his arm, his upper back he has a guy that has 6 arms,and has a tatoo of linkin park on his part of his back. . He has many more, about 7 of them. Chester likes to cook. He had a baby boy in april 30, 2002.

Name: Mike Shinoda age:24 instrument: guitar and vocal Birthday: february 11, 1977 Born: Agoura, California Story: Mike is half japanese and american. He got a job working as a graphic designer straight from college. Mike and Brad [ his friend who is also part of the band] met in 7th grade. Mike used to play piano when he was young, but got sick of it. He not marry but has a girlfriend.

Name: Rob Bourdon Faqz age:22 Birthday: january 20, 1979 Born: Calabasas, caliifornia. Intrument: Drummer Story: Rob is Jewish. Rob make sure that the band is in top shape and makes sure everything runs smoothly. Rob begun to play drums in elementary school. when Rob was 13, he played for a band called " Relative Degree" but they only last a year. He likes to play piano on his spare time. He also went to high school with the Incubus.

Name: Brag Delson age:24 Birthday: december1, 1977 Born: Agoura, california His first instrument: trumpet He now plays the guitaris. Story: Brad didn't go to a law school so he could pursue his career in the band. Brad is a huge Britney Spears fan. Brad had a mullet in high school os Agoura H.S. He calls himself Big Bad Brad. He jewish. In school he color his hair all the time and was voted most unique in the high school year book.

Name: Joe Hahn age: 24 Birthday: March 15, 1977 Born: Glendale, California His first instrument: guitar he instrument now for the band is: Turn tables (DJ) Story: Joe has a split personality called Remy. Joe came up with the concept for the one step closer to their new video. Joe is american but both his parents were born in Korea, which makes him Korean. Joe and Mike both majored in illustration.

The linkin park ( The band) 1

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