Closing the Loop
Closing in on 200 miles and close to seven hours on Ray's tour,  we continued on. Doc pointed out the old house past the bridge.  With my limp arms, I somehow aimed the camera.
I had been up since 3:00 and I was  now at 300 miles since home, and maybe, still in Alabama? I sign up on these things just on blind faith that I will return. 3pm in Alabama was stressing fate.
     I stopped again because I like donkeys, I guess. Seems they are not so angelic.
Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.
(opposite of ornate crashes?)
                                              Natural barn killers!
                                    (Thanks Barry B., Columbia and Little River Articles)
         Obviously, I was getting delirious while writing this.  As delirious as I was riding it.
What's left of Buzzard Roost. I think we were right above Pascagoula. A ways.
Doc says, "Here's another place that I wanted to take you, but just couldn't figure it into the route. It's about five miles south of the Benndale store off of Hwy 57 on Wilkerson Ferry Road".
                                It's Ok Doc, next time.
Doc escorted me to MS 26 and aimed me in the right direction. Two or three times. When I left I purposely went down the wrong road but he'd turned his back. My ride down 26 into Louisiana was on the next page. Doc  continued south but decided he hadn't had enough riding  and went through the swamp. Those  places are magnetic. They never look the same. I can understand his decision.I have a swamp near the house which is the same way.

The next link is going to take you back to the Back Roading. There was another page but it was lost. I can't believe I did anyting very exciting on the was down MS26. I took a picture of a bridge.

Sorry, you'll miss that one. Back Home.
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