Title: The Immortal Author: La Lune E-mail: la_lune86@hotmail.com Rating: PG-13 Genre: Alternate Reality ::Standard Disclaimers Apply:: --------------------------------------------------- 'All men desire to be immortal.' -Theodore Parker --------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: The Meeting It was dark out when Serena noticed Katherine finally walking towards the table she was sitting at outside the café in England. She knew she would not come until it was dark, she never did, she couldn't, despite this though Serena would always arrive early and wait for her to come. Serena immediately noticed the soft pink glow to Katherine's skin as she neared, she had just fed. Serena was glad that she had, she had noticed sometimes during their meetings when she hadn't she would stare at her with a strange longing look in her eyes as if she could taste what she so desperately needed, it didn't bother Serena though, she understood perfectly. Katherine was a vampire. As Katherine sat down at the table she offered Serena no explanation to her slight tardiness, she didn't have to, Serena already knew. One time she had witnessed Katherine kill. It was a prostitute, she was still only a child, maybe fifteen, sixteen at the most. Her eyes seemed to beg her to end her pain, the look was unmistakable, Serena could even see it from the shadows where she stood, a safe distance from what she knew what was going to happen. Katherine had just walked up to her and taken what she needed, and at the same time given the girl what she had wanted. When the girl finally hung limp in her arms, Katherine lightly dropped her over the edge of the bridge they were standing on and into the murky waters below. Katherine had told Serena once that she only took the lives of the people who asked her to take them. That somehow they knew what she was and were unable to bring themselves to take their own lives, so they relied on her to do the job for them. Serena knew the feeling but all the same was unable to look at Katherine the same way again since that night. She gazed over at Katherine, she hadn't seen her fifteen years and yet her appearance had remained unchanged. Her skin held a ghostly pallor, it seemed to glow in a way, even in the dark. Her eyes were a piercing green, although they seemed glass-like in appearance, alive yet dead at the same time. Her hair fell down to her shoulders in soft red curls, and it's color seemed to accentuate the absence of any sort of pigment in her skin. Katherine on the other hand viewed Serena as one with god-like beauty. Her skin was pale, but it seemed to glow radiantly, even maybe more so in the dark. Her eyes were a icy blue, Katherine found that every time you gazed into them you would feel a chill go through you body. They were reflective in a way, but void of any emotion, they held life though and Katherine was jealous of that. Serena's hair was an enchanting blond color that shown gold even in the dim street lights they currently sat under. Serena considered her beauty a severe misfortune. "Katherine I was wondering, how did you become a vampire?" Katherine couldn't help but laugh at Serena's abrupt question. She suddenly realized that even though they had known each other for nearly fifty years, they really knew nothing about each other's pasts. "It's not really that interesting. I guess it was about a little over eleven centuries ago that my betrothed was given this curse, I didn't think I could possibly live without him, so I joined him. I haven't seen or heard of him in probably five hundred years. See? Nothing interesting." Before responding Serena reached into her handbag, pulled out a cigarette and lit it. She put it to her lips and slowly drew the hot smoke into her lungs. Smoking was a strange pastime Serena had that she did just for the hell of it. She had been smoking since the days of unfiltered Camel's and yet showed no signs of it. Her teeth and fingers showed no signs of yellowing, her lungs were as clean as the day she was born, no wrinkles appeared around her mouth, and she was by no means addicted. She could stop whenever she wanted, but as said earlier, she did it just for the sake of doing it. "I'm sure it's quite interesting, you're just not elaborating." "I'm not the writer here. Telling something in elaborate detail is your job. I've told you my story now, why don't you tell me yours? Don't worry you can just summarize it like I did if you'd like." "I'm not a writer either, I paint now, besides I've never relived my damning for anyone before, not even myself. Believe me though it's quite extensive summarized or not, are you up to an all-nighter?" "I'm sure it would be worth it." "Well if you are willing to listen then I am willing to tell you my story." "Go ahead." "All right then, well as I told you I've never relived the story of my damnation for anyone before, not even myself. Ever since it happened I tried to erase the memory from my mind, it didn't work. I don't think you can ever forget something like that. I still feel like it's my fault, that I could have done something to prevent it from happening. I still pity myself, and I hate myself for that." To be continued... --------------------------------------------------- Author's Notes: I hope you enjoyed the beginning, please e-mail me!! Until next time... -La Lune