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I'm not going to say something cheesey like "this is my first web page so please bear with me" --oops! I just did!

Greetings! My name is Lori. Some may be wondering why this is called The World of Empress when my name is Lori. Well, you see, there is a good explanation... I have multiple personalities. No really, Empress is my internet name because I like to dominate.... No really, really, Empress is my internet name because I am The Empress in my favorite game of all time, Civilization II MPG. Actually, before my addiction to Multiplayer Gold Edition, which began in December,1998, I never used the interenet except for educational purposes. From playing MPG at the ZONE,I acquired a hot mail address, then I began visiting chat rooms, then forums, and now, web page design! However, my Civilization II addiction has been replaced by an even more lethal one to a Role Playing Game called Asheron's Call. Due to its vast diversity and never ending adventure, it is soon *gasp* surpassing Civ II as my favorite game of all time.

Since I never read long paragraphs of other people's personal information, I thought I would list a few things about me FAQ style. Although I can't tell you everything... cause then I'd have to kill ya!

There are many mysteries beneath this flesh....