Running head:  An Enigmatic Disorder:  Theories and Tools






An Enigmatic Disorder:  Theories and Tools for the Diagnosis of Autism
Lori Fountain


Psychology 622, Section V


28 April, 2000












Since Leo Kanner’s discovery of Autism in 1938, many theories of potential causes, possible treatments, diagnostic criteria, and diagnostic aides have emerged. While there is no cure or thoroughly effective treatments for autism, there are many theories regarding the cause of the disorder. Causal theories of Autism as discussed in this paper are as follows: genetic basis, epileptiform activity, brain abnormalities, and neurobiological basis. Autistic Disorder also has set diagnostic criteria as established by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (1994).  Further aiding in an accurate diagnosis of Autistic Disorder are several diagnostic tools, which this paper will discuss as follows: Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Autism Behavior Checklist, IBSE, and the use of home videos and Latent Class Models. Studies comparing several of these aids will also be discussed as well as future diagnostic tools for this disorder with many unknowns. 










    On June 29, 1982 a mother gave birth to her second son. Nothing unusual is noted about the birth or the pregnancy.  However, after the first two years of his life, the mother felt a nagging feeling that the baby boy was not properly progressing in the areas of speech and motor skills.  Rarely did the baby engage in verbalization, nor did the baby make attempts to crawl, but rather scooted along on his back.  The mother assumed that he was just a little slower than his older brother had been and that he would soon catch up.   However, the mother and several others became concerned when the child scored extremely low on the screening tests for preschool, especially in areas of language and socialization.  Soon the child was shuffled from doctor to doctor for diagnosis.  The mother felt overwhelmed by the avalanche of questions asked by the doctors.  Finally, a diagnosis was made -- Autistic Disorder.


      Leo Kanner, a German born psychiatrist working at John Hopkins Hospital, first discovered autism in 1938. Observing strange, idiosyncratic behavior in 11 children, Kanner wrote Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact (1943) about his observations, which he termed Early Infantile Autism (Lovett 1999).  Since Kanner’s original 11 children, the rate of diagnosis for autism has risen dramatically around the world, “affecting 33-160 per 10,000 using various diagnosis or 5 per 10,000 using the original diagnosis criteria set by Kanner” (Wing, 1997 p. 1765).  This paper discusses the following: 

1.      Diagnostic Features of Autism

2.      Theories of Autism

3.      Diagnostic Tools

4.      Comparison of Diagnostic Tools

5.      Future Diagnostic Tools

This paper focuses on the diagnosis of Autism in infancy and childhood. 

Diagnostic Features of Autism

      Autism, according to Lorna Wing (1997), consists of a “common triad of impairments: social interaction, communication, imagination, and behavior” (p. 1761).  This triad can occur on its own or with any other condition and affects males three or four more times than females (p.1765). The Harvard Mental Health Letter (1997) states that the majority of autistics are retarded; although one group termed “autistic savants,” which compromise 10 percent of the autistic population, has extraordinary talents (p. 2).   While there is no cure, a study conducted by Martin, Scahill, Klin, & Volkmar (1999) found that 68.8 percent of their participants (taken from a sample of 26 states and one Canadian province) had used or were using psychotropic drugs, with the most frequently prescribed medication being antidepressants (32.1%) (p. 925).

Groups within the Autistic Population    

      Wing (1997) categorizes autistics into four groups: aloof group, loner group, active group, and the passive group. The aloof group characterizes the typical autistic person and epitomizes Kanner’s original definition.  Those in the aloof group have extremely limited speech and appear indifferent to others, preferring sensory stimuli, such as bright lights.  Aloof autistics often engage in odd, repetitive behavior and will often sit for hours arranging things in a specific pattern or order and are very routine oriented (p. 1762). The next group, the active group, interacts with others on a naïve, odd, or inappropriate level and their play is limited to one or two toys. Although they are verbal, their conversations are usually disconnected or exhibit echolaia or may be concerned with one particular object or person (p. 1764). Whereas those in the active group accept human interaction, those in the loner group, according to Wing (1999), function at a high level but prefer to be alone and are concerned only with their own interests (p. 1764).  “Often school days are stressful due to nonconformity to the demands of teachers and peers” (Wing, 1999, p. 1764). While those in the loner group have a tendency to avoid human contact, those in the passive group inertly accept approaches from others and are less rigid in their routines (p. 1763).  Often “diagnosis in these may be missed until learning problems and interaction with peers begin to emerge in school” (p. 1764).


     Although sometimes detected in a school setting, more frequently it is parents who detect autistic symptoms in their child, usually before the first two or three years (Harvard Mental Health Letter, 1997, p. 1).  In fact, a study by Adrein et al (1993) confirms that in a majority of cases, autistic signs are apparent from birth.   The study consisted of 10 boys and two girls diagnosed with infantile autism and eight boys and 4 girls who were normal. All participants had filmed during the first two years of their lives.  Two diagnosis blind raters analyzed each film using an IBSE scale.  “A Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparisons between behaviors of normal and autistic children and a Wilcoxon matched pairs tests was used for longitudinal analysis of behaviors in normal and autistic children” (Adrein et al, 1993, p.218).  The results show that before the age of one, the autistic group differed significantly from the normal group in the following areas: socialization, communication, lack of appropriate facial expressions, hypotonia, and attention.  After one year of age, eight new symptoms emerged and are noted as follows: ignores people, prefers aloneness, no eye contact, lack of appropriate expressive postures/gestures, too calm, adaptation to environment, and no expression of emotions (Adrien et al, 1993, p. 219). Thus, often detection of autism is possible in the very first months of the child’s life.        

Theories of Autism

     The past fifty years of autism research yields many theories of autism.  The earliest theories, proposed by Bettelheim (1950), “regarded autism as a psychosis and parents—in particular, the mothering person’s rejecting, destructive intent during the golden age of infancy, —as responsible for the child’s intractable retreat from reality” (Seifert, 1990, p. 1).    However, since the 1950’s research into the cause of autism has turned from a psychoanalytic approach to a more biological one.  This paper will cover four major theories: genetic basis, epileptiform activity, brain abnormalities, and neurobiological basis. 

Genetic Basis


     The genetic bases for autism stems from twin and family studies.  According to the Harvard Mental Health Letter (1997), the rate of autism for identical twins is 90% and 95% for fraternal twins (p. 3).  Also, the Harvard Mental Health Letter (1997) states: “Among brothers and sisters of autistic persons, the rate of both autism itself and milder related symptoms is 50 to 100 times higher than the average” (p.3).  Further evidence for a genetic basis comes from a study conducted in the 1980’s in Utah.  The study found that among 11 families with an autistic father, “more than half of the 44 children were autistic” (Harvard Mental Health Letter, 1997, p. 3).  These findings suggest a genetic component for autism. 

Epileptiform Activity

     Given that a major element of autism is a deficiency in communication, theories regarding epileptiform activity as a causal factor for autism are being explored.  One reason for considering epileptiform activity as theory lies in the fact that such activity has been linked to causing ahasia in Landau-Kleffner syndrome and because of the fact that one-third of autistic children experience seizures by adolescence  (Lewine, 2000, p. 457 & Wing, 1997, p. 1764).   Research conducted by Lewine (2000) suggests “that there is a subset of children with ASD’s who demonstrate clinically relevant epileptiform activity during slow-wave sleep, and that this activity may be present even in the absence of a clinical seizure disorder” (Lewine, 2000, p. 457).  Lewine’s method included using Magnetoencephalography to identify epileptiform activity during stage III sleep in six children with Landau-Kleffner syndrome and in 50 children with autism. The results of the study revealed that 82% of those with autism showed epileptiform activity in the same intra/perisylvian regions as those with Landau-Kleffner syndrome (Lewine, 2000, p. 457).  Lewine (2000) suggests that in the future, strategies aimed at controlling the epileptiform activity may “lead to significant improvement in language and autistic features” (p. 457).


     A third theory regarding origin of autistic features is a neurobioligical one.  In fact, studies using Positron Emission Tomography suggest abnormalities in the brain at the subcellular level.   Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a “techinique that can be used to quantitatively probe various neurochemical systems” (Trifiletti, 1999, p.68).  Trifiletti (1999) reports that a study conducted by Chugani et al shows evidence for “significant abnormalities in development of serotonin synthesis in autistic patients” (p. 68).  The study, using PET, investigated serotonin synthesis capacity in 30 autistic patients, eight normal siblings, and 16 children with epilepsy.  Chugani et al discovered a decline in serotonin synthesis capacity among non-autistic children and a smaller increase in serotonin synthesis capacity within the autistic population (Trifileti, 1999, p. 68).  “Differences in serotonin synthetic capacity between autistic and nonautistic are most marked during infancy” (Trifileti, 1999, p. 68).  This discovery agrees with other findings that autistic symptoms form in infancy. 

Abnormal Brain Structure

     The last theory regarding the cause of autism discussed in this paper is that of abnormal brain structure.  The Harvard Mental Health Letter (1997) reports that:

     many [autistic patients] have abnormally small and densely packed neuron in the

     amygadala and in the hippocampus …[and] abnormally low blood circulation in

     parts of the cerebral cortex during intellectual operations and a reduction in the

     number of cells relaying inhibitory messages from the body movement centers in

     the cerebellum to the cerebral cortex (p. 3).

These findings suggest an explanation for the flattening of emotional responses exhibited in many with autistic disorder due to the fact that there are abnormalities in the amygdala and cerebral cortex, which control emotional responses and sensory information respectively.           

     Further support for the theory of brain abnormalities is found in a study conducted by Muller et al (1999) in which they used PET to map language and auditory perception areas within the brain.  Muller et al, using 5 autistic and 5 matched non-autistic adults, conducted a series of PET scans under the following conditions:  “(a) rest; (b) listening to a psendorandom sequence of tones; (c) listening to 10 structurally simple sentences; (d) sentence repetition; and (e) sentence generation” (Muller et al, 1999, p. 22).  The results of listening to tones showed “peak activation in the bilateral primary and secondary auditory cortex” (Muller et al, 1999, p. 24) for the control group and “weaker, but significant activation in the left anterior cingulategyrus” (Muller et al, 1999, p. 24) for the autistic group.  Moreover, differences between the autistic group and the control group were found upon analyzing brain activation patterns for listening to sentences.  The control group exhibited “peak activation in the lateral temporal cortex” where as the autistic group showed “2 peaks found in the right middle frontal and left superior temporal syri, …indicating a reduced left dominance” (Muller et al, 1999, p. 25).  The two groups differed again in activation patterns for sentence repetition.  In contrast to the control group, Muller et al (1999) found that “the autistic group showed no activation in the left caudate nucleus, right thalamus, or midbrain” (p. 26).  Lastly, upon comparing activation patterns for sentence generation, the control group showed a "peak in the inferior and middle frontal gyri, frontal operculum, and inferior temporal region of the left hemisphere” (Muller et al, 1999, p. 26).  In contrast, the autistic group exhibited only one significant activation in the left middle frontal gyrus. (Muller et al, 1999, p.26).  Overall, Muller et al (1999) reported that thalamic activations were consistently right dominated in autistic group and left dominant in the control group (p.26).  These findings emphasize that abnormal brain functioning, especially in the areas of hemispheric dominance, may be the causal factor for the signs and symptoms of Autistic Disorder.

Diagnostic Tools


  One of the most frequently used diagnostic tools for the identification of Autistic Disorder is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV.  In fact, most insurance companies require the inclusion of DSM identification numbers on all reports.  Therefore, the DSM has become the “gold standard” in America for the diagnosis of Autistic Disorder. While Kanner first identified autism in 1943, it was not until the printing of the DSM-III (1980), that the American Psychological Association classified the disorder, thus making the diagnosis of autism readily available  (Volkmar et al, 1994, p. 1361).  Autistic Disorder was “included in a new class, the pervasive developmental disorders” (Volkmar et al, 1994, p. 1361).  With the revision of the DSM-III-R, the criteria for autistic disorder were expanded to account for developmental changes and to lower the age of onset (Folkmar et al, 1994, p. 1362).  However, the DSM-III-R did not incorporate differential diagnoses, such as those seen in the ICD-10 (1990), which included: Rhett syndrome, Heller’s Syndrome, and Asperger syndrome (Volkmar et al, 1993, p. 1362).   Noticing a high rate of false positive cases, Volkmar et al conducted a study “to identify issues that needed resolution for DSM-IV” in which “ a series of literature reviews and data analysis were undertaken” (Volkmar et al, 1993, p. 1362).  The results of the study show that the DSM-III-R had a sensitivity of (.93) and a specificity of (.79), whereas the ICD-10 results are (.87) and (.98), the highest specificity and consequently, the highest rate of agreement among the clinicians participating in the study (Volkmar et al, 1993, p. 1362).  As a result of these findings, the DSM-IV compromises criterion of both the DSM-III-R and the ICD-10, making for an accurate diagnostic tool for autistic disorder.

DSM and Diagnostic Terms

     Terms commonly used in diagnosis of autism according to a survey conducted by Bennett (1993) include (in rank order): severe communication difficulties, autistic features, and autistic (p. 345).  The survey consisted of a list of six common descriptive terms—autistic, autistic features, autistic syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder, severe communication difficulties, and asperger, drawn from interviews with a group of educational psychologists.  Speech therapists, specialist teachers, pediatricians, and educational psychologists, who were all involved in the early identification of children showing autistic features, participated in the survey (Bennett, 1993, pp. 343-344).  Although the DSM-IV classifies autistic features as Autistic Disorder under the category of pervasive developmental disorders, there is evidence that using such terminology may actually inhibit the diagnostic process.  In fact, in the survey conducted by Bennett (1996), 78 % of practitioners reported complications in diagnosis/description using the terms “due to negative reactions of parents or disagreements between professionals” (Bennett, 1993, p. 345). From his survey, Bennett (1993) suggests, “diagnostic description should be made only after a period of multi-disciplinary assessment, observation, and interviews” (p. 346).

Other Diagnostic Tools 

     As of yet autistic disorder has no biological cause.  Therefore, diagnosis must be based on behavioral criteria determined by the gathering of a careful developmental history.  This paper will discuss the following diagnostic tools that can be used in conjunction with the DSM-IV: Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Autism Behavior Checklist, IBSE, and the use of home videos and Latent Class Models. 


      The Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised (ADI-R) is a semi-structured, investigator based interview administered to caregivers of persons for whom autism is possible. The interview consists of 111 items that explore the following areas: communication ability, use of vocabulary and grammar, ability to engage in social chat, “prosodic” conventions, and the ability to engage in social exchanges.  The interview also measures emotional and non- emotional gestures and records abnormalities in communication such as echolalia and bizarre communication efforts (Tanguay, 1998, p. 272).   The ADI-R also comes with a diagnostic algorithm in which ADI-R items are matched to three DSM-IV symptom domains for autism to determine whether the person would receive a diagnosis according to the DSM-IV criteria (Tanguay, 1998, p. 272).  The questions are addressed using specific probes for each item, such as emotional empathy, play behaviors, and friendships.   For each response given, the examiner asks additional questions to “pin down” the symptoms (Tanguay, 1988, p. 272).  A numerical score is assigned to each item ranging from 0 to 3, with three indicating very abnormal.  Also, each time the guardian describes a behavior that indicates abnormality; the interviewer asks for specific examples and records the examples to be included in a written report (Tanguay, 1988, p. 272).  Overall, the ADI-R adequately detects those behaviors conducive to autistic disorder.


     The next diagnostic tool, the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), evaluates the patient’s socialization skills.  The ADOS encompasses nine social “presses” in which the interview sets up a social situation, such as playground scenario, and the child or adolescent’s responses are taped for scoring.  In the PLADOS, used for nonverbal children, a child is filmed and is invited to play with various toys or engage in social activities, such as a birthday party (Tanguay, 1998, p. 272).  This instrument best gauges a child’s socialization skills.


     A further diagnostic tool, the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), consists of 15 items and employs a 7-point Likert scale ranging from 1 to 4.  The higher the score is, the greater the deviance from the norm.  While conducting the test, the interviewer refers to unique narrative descriptions for selecting scale values of each item.  Following the completion of the 15 questions, the item scores are summed to obtain the total CARS score.  Estimates of reliability for the CARS are high.  In fact, in an independent investigation conducted by Garfin, McCallon, and Cox (1988) found that  after a 12-month interval, test-retest reliability for 91 cases shows a rating of .79.  Thus, the CARS is a reliable tool for diagnosing autism in children (Eaves, 1993, p. 483).  


     Another reliable instrument for diagnosing autism is the Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC).   With the ABC, caretakers respond to 57 items as being present or absent.  The contribution of any given ABC item depends upon its pre-determined weight.  The weight of each item is based on the item’s contribution to the prediction of autism.  Following the completion of the checklist, items are collapsed into five scales: sensory, relating, body and object use, language, and social and self-help.  The sum of the scores in each of the scales constitutes the total ABC score.  The reliability of the checklist is found to be .82 (Eaves, 1993, p. 483).  This checklist adequately detects signs of autism. 


     The IBSE assesses the autistic behaviors exhibited by young children. This diagnostic tool consists of a clinical and quantitative assessment of behavior, which is used to distinguish those behaviors exhibiting autistic attributes.   The scale consists of 33 items that are rated on a five-point scale ranging from 0 for never to 4 for continuously. The 33 items are classified under six main categories: socialization, communication, adaptation to environment, tonus motility, emotional and instinctual reactions, and attention and perception.  A global score is obtained by adding all the scores of the items on the rating scale.    This instrument is useful in assessing autistic behaviors in young children (Adrien et al, 1993, p. 618).

Home Movies

     As noted earlier, home movies provide an excellent diagnostic tool for the screening of early symptoms of autism.  The practice of reviewing home movies permits a longitudinal observation with an accurate depiction of the child’s behavior before or at the moment of the onset, and subsequently, aides in the informant’s account of the child. Also, by pin pointing the first signs and symptoms of autism in the child, a more individualized treatment program can be undertaken (Adrien et al, 1993, p. 621).


     Lastly, Latent Class Models (LCM) can be useful in the evaluation of diagnostic criteria lacking a gold standard, such as with the diagnosis of autism.  First used by Young to evaluate diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia, LCMs provide an assessment of diagnostic accuracy when no base rate can be obtained (Szatmari, Volkmar, & Walter, 1995, p. 216).  With the LCM approach, “expressions are obtained for the probability of an individual’s having any particular combination of observed results on the diagnostic criteria” (Szatmari, Volkmar, & Walter, 1995, p. 216). To calculate the estimate of

false-positive—false-negative errors, the unknown variable is assigned a value of either present or absent.  The false- positive rate = 1- specificity and the false-negative

rate = 1- sensitivity. This formula independently predicts how close the judgements of the behaviors/criteria for any patient is true (Szatmari, Volkmar, & Walter, 1995, p. 216).  This model aids in establishing which diagnostic tool to use.          

Comparisons of Diagnostic Tools

     As noted above, there are many diagnostic instruments for evaluating suspected autistic children and adolescents.  Consequently, comparisons have been made between various diagnostic tools.  This paper will discuss the comparison of the ABC and CARS and the comparison of the combined ADI, ADOS, and PADOS with the DSM-IV criteria. 


     To establish the relationship between the Autism Behavior Checklist and the Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Eaves & Milner (1993) sampled 77 subjects (48 with a firm diagnosis or autism) and compared sensitivity ratings and correlations obtained by computing the Pearson r.  Participants were administered both scales.  The results are as follows: the ABC sensitivity rating equaled 82% and the CARS sensitivity rating equaled 98%.  A moderate correlation (.67) between the two scales was found. This relationship indicates that the CARS and ABS measure similar, but not identical constructs.  However, this experiment failed to examine the accuracy of the two tests in identifying those who are autistic within a group because no estimate of specificity of non-autistic subjects correctly identified could be generated.  However, based on sensitivity scores, the CARS appears to be a better diagnostic tool than the ABC (Eaves & Milner, 1993, p.281-286).


     Tanguay, Robertson, & Derrick (1998) also compared two diagnostic instruments.  Tanguay, Robertson, & Derrick (1998) compared the ADI, ADOS, and PADOS to the DSM-IV to “assess whether ‘social communication’ could be used to assess severity of symptoms in autism” (p. 211).   The 90 participants, referred by the Autism Society of Kentuckiana and by clinicians in Kentucky, were tested using the three instruments, and were evaluated by independent clinicians using the DSM-IV.  The results show that based on “current’ symptoms, of the 63 autistic subjects, the DSM-IV diagnosed 32 correctly while the ADI-R Autism Algorithm diagnosed 42 autistic subjects correctly.  Further analysis using the Pearson r revealed that the first and second domains within the DSM-IV correlates well with the social communication domains while the third domain of the DSM-IV did not correlate well.  Thus, Tanguay, Robertson, & Derreck, suggest that clinicians need to “judiciously apply DSM-IV criteria to diagnose sever forms of autism” (p. 275).  However, the DSM-IV still remains the standard for the diagnosis of Autistic Disorder.

Future Diagnostic Tools

     With the discovery of [11c] alpha-methyl-tryptophan [11c]-Amt], which has enabled the study of serotonin synthesis in humans, (Trifiletti, 1999, p. 68) and Positron Emission Tomography, new candidates for aiding in the diagnosis of autistic disorder emerge.  Being that Chugani et al found that serotonin synthesis capacity differs in autistic and non-autistic persons, in the future one might be able to diagnose autism based on serotonin production factors (Trifiletti 1999).  Furthermore, with the findings by Muller et al (1999) of abnormal hemispheric and functional differences in the mapping of language and auditory site activations using PET, future diagnostic procedures may include regular PET scans for Autistic Disorder candidates. With further research, serotonin synthesis production and PET scans may prove to be useful diagnostic tools. 


     In the last 50 years since Kanner’s first discovery, many theories of potential causes, possible treatments, diagnostic criteria, and diagnostic instruments have emerged.  While there are many unknowns in the areas of cause and treatment, there is a set criteria as established by the DSM-IV and there are several well tested and effective diagnostic techniques for detecting autism, such as the following: Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Autism Behavior Checklist, IBSE, and the use of home videos and Latent Class Models.  Much research has been done in the development and implementation of these diagnostic aides, as well as research comparing various diagnostic tools.  Also, examining serotonin synthesis production and the use of PET for finding both a cause and a diagnosis appears promising.  However, after 50 years of research, Autistic Disorder remains enigmatic.     

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