Armand: But you asked the wrong questions...
Lestat: Your body is dying...
Louis: Don't make me do this I cannot!
New Orleans Whore: It's a coffin let me out!
Lestat: Well then you must be dead...
Lestat: I enjoy it.
Lestat: Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately, and so shall we.
Lestat: One happy family...
Louis: And Then I said farewell to sunlight...
Louis: Im flesh and blood, but not human.
Louis: Do you like being food for the immortals?
Louis: ...when a vampire found me...
Claudia: Goodnight, sweet prince...
Lestat: Life has no meaning anymore, does it?
Claudia: You made us what we are, didn't you?
Louis: Monstrous... Armand: Yes, and very beautiful.
Claudia: I want some more.
Lestat: Claudia... You've been a very, very naughty little girl
Louis: I was like a newborn vampire
Lestat: The pain is terrible for you
Lestat: Poodles
Lestat: You never knew what life was until it ran in a red gush over your lips...
Louis: Sunrise
Malloy: Somebody change my shorts!
Lestat: ah nortcha drif
far falorna,
ah maralorana solo,
�no ta jorn,
no de corn
no jeraten no.

Music: Guns 'N Roses 'Sympathy for the Devil'  (excerpt)
Music: Libera Me (excerpt)

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