The Stories:



'Stranger on a Strange World'

by Kamael.

Used with permission.




The 5th Doctor, Peri and Erimem arrive in the swinging sixties but find that some sounds can be less than fab!


Murder at the Manor

The 6th Doctor and Peri visit a quiet little village and discover some literally illegal aliens.


City of Rats

The 2nd Doctor and Jamie face giant Nazi rats in the heart of London during the Blitz!


Terra Nullius

The 6th Doctor and his young companions Jason, Crystal and Zog arrive at Outpost Mars, just in time to witness the first official contact between humanity and the indigenous species...


Hostile Takeover

The 6th Doctor and Mel drop into a major department store in London and inadvertently discover that an eerily familiar force has taken over and are preparing to use it as a base from which to liquidate the Earth!



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