Name: A.J. (Albert Jethro) Chegwidden (played by John M. Jackson)

Rank: Rear Admiral (Upper Half), USN

Current Station: Currently the Judge Advocate General of the United States, JAG Headquarters, Falls Church, VA.

Admiral Chegwidden assumed command of JAG Headquarters following the first-season departure of Admiral Brovo (“Smoked”). He began his naval career as a SEAL in Vietnam, then commanded a destroyer, and later got his law degree and joined JAG. We are told that he headed the JAG office for the Pacific Fleet before becoming Judge Advocate General. At first, he was seen primarily as a gruff, hard-nosed commander, but we soon see that he has a heart. A.J. apparently stands for Albert Jethro (“War Stories”), which is a tribute to Donald Bellisario’s father.

In season two A.J. had a romance with Judge Laura Delaney, who was killed by a vengeful special-ops officer in the episode “Ghosts.” Although he keeps his private life very private, he did tell his officers in season three that he was married while stationed in Italy (“Someone to Watch Over Annie”). He also has a daughter from that failed marriage: Francesca, a journalist in the fashion industry who lives in Naples (“With Intent to Die”). During the third season, A.J. appeared to be attracted to Mac, but he never acted on that attraction, and it has never been shown again.

In the fourth season, Francesca was kidnapped, and A.J. rescued her with the help of Harm (“Going After Francesca”). During this incident, he was briefly reunited with his ex-wife, Marcella, and mentioned that he never stopped loving her. A.J. was also drafted for a rather unusual duty in the episode “Yeah, Baby”, when he was forced to deliver Bud and Harriet's baby – named after him – on the floor of his office.

A.J. began to feel his age when he attended a friend’s retirement party in the fifth season, but discovered that he still had much to offer when he rescued Harm and another officer from a flooded brig (“Cabin Pressure”). His personal life got a lift when he met Dr. Sydney Walden (“Promises”). AJ and Sydney hit it off and got very serious, but trouble surfaced in the sixth season with the introduction of her son, Danny, into the mix (“Flight Risk”). Sydney and A.J. parted ways when they differed over Danny’s problems with marijuana. Although he testified against Danny, A.J. suggested that the young man enlist in the Navy and try to overcome his mistakes.

Late in season seven, A.J. became frustrated with his officers’ attempts to set him up on a date, but then found one unexpectedly in Professor Meredith Cavanaugh. Their relationship is still strong as of season eight, but he is having difficulty with her relentless enthusiasm in pursuing activities for which she has absolutely no talent. He lives in McLean, Virginia and coaches a youth baseball team in his off-duty hours.

(Biography used by permission by AeroGirl)

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Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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