Harm’s Apartment
North of Union Station
2200 Local

Harm looked up from the file he was reading and noticed the marine asleep on the other end of his black leather couch. Smiling to himself, he got up to stretch and get a bottle of water.

As he sat back down on his side of the couch, the leather creaked, making him freeze, but she didn’t stir. Still smiling, he thought about the last couple of days as he watched her sleep.

There was no doubt that Mac was hard headed. She’d made him crazy over this case, a woman petty officer accused of disobeying a direct order. As usual, Mac had wanted to come down hard on the female that wasn’t living up to her standards of military behavior. And, as usual, he wanted to take the softer route. Although in this case, Mac had everything going in her favor. The petty officer had disobeyed an order, and done so with flagrant disregard for the authority of the officer of the day. Harm just liked to push Mac’s buttons and watch her flare up. She was really beautiful when she was angry.

Not that she wasn’t beautiful when she wasn’t angry. Hell, look at her now. Dressed in some ratty old jeans and T-shirt, her head tilted back on the couch with her mouth open. Just look at those lips. Full. Lucious. She even snored a little, but it was kinda cute. ‘Jeez, Rabb. You are an idiot.’

As he watched, she knocked the casefile in her lap off onto the floor, and snuggled down into the couch. As her head slid down to rest more comfortably on the arm of the couch, her butt slipped closer to him, her legs hanging off the side. He took the opportunity to view her butt closely, and it was a view he appreciated. Nicely rounded, the jeans fit her snugly, showing off the lovely curves. What he wouldn’t give to take those jeans off her.

A soft sigh from her interrupted his thoughts and drew his gaze back to her face. Her long lashes lay flush against her cheeks, her beautiful eyes closed. Her eyes were so expressive. They revealed every feeling that flashed through her mind, no matter how hard she tried to conceal it. But the deep coffee color divulged every emotion to him. The only thing he couldn’t read was how she felt about him. And God, did that frustrate him.

He wanted to cover her with a blanket and let her stay the night, but he knew she would kill him. But it was so nice having her here, even under these circumstances. And it would be so great to wake up to her.

Finally he decided he had better wake her and let her head home. She wasn’t going to be pleased she had nodded off, and not waking her was only going to piss her off. With a sigh, he got up from the couch and kneeled on the floor beside her.

As gently as he knew how, he traced a finger down her cheek. “Mac?” He barely breathed her name. She turned her head and placed a soft kiss on his hand. “Hmmm?”

His hand tingled from the kiss, and he could tell she wasn’t awake yet. Tenderly he brushed her hair back from her forehead. “Mac? Wake up, sleepyhead.” He still whispered, not wanting to break the spell that seemed to surround them.

Slowly her eyes opened, and in that unguarded minute as their eyes met, he could see everything he had ever wanted to see in that one brief glance. Love, need, and wanting were all there, and with everything he had in him he tried to reflect that back to her in his look.

Delicately, slowly, he leaned over and touched his lips to hers, hesitating only for a moment as he felt her surprise. Before she could say a word, he deepened the kiss, sliding his arms around her, his tongue begging entrance into her mouth.

Her hands were pressed up against his chest as though to push him away, but she didn’t. Thank God. Instead, she opened her mouth and teased his tongue with her own. The kiss lasted a long time before he broke it, only to press a trail of kisses along her cheek and down her neck, pausing to nibble sensuously at the hollow of her throat.

“Harm? What are you doing?” The husky sound of her voice inflamed his already heated senses. Without stopping his delicious assault he replied between kisses. “What do you think I’m doing?” He heard her quiet sigh of pleasure as he nipped on a fragile ear lobe. Gathering all his courage, he drew back a little and gazed into her eyes. “Do you want me to stop?” Inwardly, he prayed for a negative answer.

She looked down for just a moment, then raised her eyes to meet his again with a seductive smile. “No.”

Breathing a quick sigh of relief, he flashed a grin of his own at her. “Good.” And with that he pulled her against him, and kissed her fiercely, all gentleness gone as he unleashed the passion that had been building in him for this woman for years.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she matched his passion with a burning all her own. He felt the pull, and allowed himself to rise up slightly off the floor and slide up onto the couch with her. Her body melted into his, the heat fusing them together even through their clothes.

Sliding a hand under her T-shirt, he forced his hand up between them to touch her breast. His hand encountered a bra. Pulling back a minute, he grasped the bottom of her shirt with both hands and raised it over head. A practiced flick of the fingers opened the front clasp of the lacy bra, spilling her breasts out to his appreciative gaze.

He could feel her stop. Startled at her stillness, he looked up from her chest to see her nervously avoid her eyes. Placing a gentle hand on her chin, he queried the sudden fear. “Sarah?”

“I…I just don’t want to disappoint you.” She flushed and still avoided his gaze.

He bent down to meet her eyes with a smile. “You’re beautiful, Sarah, and could never disappoint me. I’ve been waiting for this for far too long.”

A sultry kiss was his reply, hot and open-mouthed. As he sank back into the bliss, his hands finally found the breasts he had longed to touch for so long. His fingers curled around them, caressing the satin skin, lightly pinching the nipples. At her soft moan, he tore himself away from her mouth and lowered his mouth to one breast while fondling the other. As the nipple hardened in his mouth, he decided he finally had found heaven.

Reveling in the feel of Harm’s fevered touch, Mac couldn’t keep her hands still. She fumbled for the buttons on Harm’s shirt, trying to work around him as he refused to leave her nipples, sucking on them and gently biting them. Finally managing to get the shirt open despite the obstacles, she fought with him to get it off. He didn’t want to let go of her long enough to remove the shirt.

As the battle to get him undressed raged, they both broke into giggles. Giving in with a smile, he raised up long enough to pull his shirt off, then lowered himself back onto her recumbent form. The sensuous feeling of bare skin meeting bare skin almost undid him. They both moaned as her breasts pushed against his bare chest. Again their lips met, passion flaring as they almost devoured each other.

With another groan, he forced himself up and away from her, the fire in his eyes answering her unspoken question. Quickly reaching down, he unzipped her jeans and quickly stripped the rest of her clothes off her. He stood by the couch, his eyes drinking in the sight of a totally nude Sarah Mackenzie reclining on his leather couch. He had never seen anything that aroused him more.

Before she could move again, he shed his own clothing. Pulling her around to face him, he kneeled in front of her and went straight for her sexual core. The squeak of her skin against the leather stimulated him further as he pulled her legs over his shoulders. Dipping his tongue into her wet center, he savored the taste of the woman he loved. Unable to stop himself, he repeatedly pushed his face further into her, the delicious honey dripping from her arousing him to a fever pitch.

Lost in the scent and flavor of her, he didn’t hear her calling his name. He felt her fingers clutch at his shoulders before settling in his hair. He flicked his tongue against her clit while slipping a finger inside her. Her internal muscles flexed, and he felt the warm rush of her sexual juice as her orgasm overwhelmed her.

As the tremors slowly subsided from her, he continued his feast, unable to stop. Finally he lifted his head to meet her dazed eyes. “I’m sorry.” She whispered. “I just couldn’t stop, you just…” Her voice faded at his smile.

“Don’t be sorry, Sarah. We’re not done yet.”

He stood up and kneeled on the couch, pulling her around again so that he was between her legs. With an almost agonizing slowness he lowered himself into her. As her wet warmth surrounded him, he had the distinct feeling that he was slipping into a place from which he never wanted to return.

Her legs came up around him, burying him in her. Her arms pulled him down, and she opened her mouth again to his kiss. As their tongues dueled, he felt her begin to move her hips, the inside muscle gripping him tightly, inciting his arousal even more.

Carefully, she rolled him over, never breaking the connection. The feel of the cool leather on his back contrasting sharply with the heat she generated. As the titillating push and withdrawal began again, he felt himself falling over the edge. Unable to stop himself, he calling her name, “Oh God, Mac. You feel so good. So hot. So tight. Mac. Oh God.”

This time the crunch of the leather was loud as they moved hungrily together. He gave himself up completely to the feeling rushing through him, and the feeling of her second orgasm sent him screaming over the edge.

As he came down from the high, he savored the feeling of Mac, collapsed on top of him. He didn’t want to move, but he could feel that he was slipping out of her.

“What do you say we move this to the bedroom, sailor?” Her sexy smile greeted his returning awareness.

“I’d love to.” He replied. “But I think I’m stuck to this couch.” The sound of her musical laughter almost made up for the pain of separating his skin from the leather.

The End

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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