Professional Assassin O.C.C.
By Kuseru
Professional Assassins are trained killers employed to kill a specified target. Many espionage agencies typically employ assassins to remove enemy agents, government officials, economic leaders, and any other person who might become a threat to the agency. Freelance assassins are also employed by agencies (to increase deniability), criminal organizations, and businesses as well as rich individuals.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q.: 11, M.E.: 10, P.P.: 10.
Starting Age: 18
Base S.D.C.: 15
Martial Art Forms: Hand to Hand Assassin or Martial Arts or may spend two (2) secondary skills to select one of the non-exclusive martial arts or one skill program and two skill programs and four secondary skills to choose Ninjutsu.
Educational Level: Literate with a formal education.
Superspy Modifications Available: None.
Base Minimum Skills: Basic Math, Speak Native Language, Literacy: Native Language.
Available Skill Programs: Character gets the Bodyguard/Assassin Skill Program with a +15% bonus on each of those skills and a +5 to Strike for the Sniper Skill. In addition the character can select three (3) of the following skill programs: Explosive Construction, Weapon Construction, Basic Military, *Counter Terrorism, Guerilla Warfare, *Sea, Air, & Land, *Special Forces, *"Black" Operative, *Police: Special Weapons And Tactics or any Basic Skill Programs. Also select any one other Basic Skill Program.
Secondary Skills: Select any eight (8).
Money: $50,000. Note: This character may opt to spend some of his money on Cybernetics, this either occurs at character creation and is paid for from the initial funds or the character must acquire the money and locate a facility capable (and willing) to handle the implantation process.
Implant/Cybernetic Expense Account: None.
Income: A professional Assassin can make $1000 a week if working for an agency or can make from $5000 to $5 million for a freelance "hit".
Level Advancement Bonuses: receive one new Secondary skill at 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 13th levels. The Character also receives a new W.P. at 4th, 8th, 12th, and 15th levels.
Social Contacts: The character has been around long enough to recognize famous criminals (30%), Known Espionage Agents and Military Personnel (15%), and important political figures (30%).

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