Super Agent
These characters are government experiments who have been recruited and trained by various agencies to lend their super powers the international espionage arena. They are typically employed to interrogate prisoners, infiltrations, assassinations, and information gathering.
Super Powers for the Super Agent: Roll on Table C of the Experiment Power Category (HU2, page 116).
Attribute Requirements: I.Q.: 8 or higher
Starting Age: 20
Base S.D.C.: 15
Martial Art Style: None. Choose either Hand-to-Hand Martial Arts Agent or Assassin.
Educational Level: Equal to about two years of college.
Superspy Modifications Available: None.
Basic Minimum Skills: Basic Mathematics, Read/Write Native Language, Speak Native Language.
Available Skill Programs: Character selects any three (3) Espionage Skill Programs, and any one (1) from among Military Programs, or one Medical Skill Program, or one Gizmoteer Skill Program.
Secondary Skills: Select any six (6).
Money: $8500
Income: Base pay as an agent is $1,000 per week.
Level Advancement Bonuses: Receive one new Secondary Skill at 4th, 7th, 10th, and 13th levels.
Social Contacts: Because of the character's intense interest in super powers there's a 15% of recognizing any super hero or super villain.

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