Menadot-Valek Ga
By danzig138

Menadot-Valek Ga, the Way of Inner Peace and Outer Force, is the martial art form developed and used by the Monks of Sh'Dha-Kor. It is an ancient style, developed millennia ago by the First Monk. According to legend, the First Monk was a mighty ruler, powerful and ruthless. One night, spirits stole into his chambers and abducted him. He awoke in the middle of the woods, alone, naked and with a different face. He wandered for days, trying to convince everyone he met that he was the ruler of the kingdom. Of course, no one believed him, and he was constantly mocked, ridiculed, and beaten. Tired of this treatment, he retreated back into the woods to live as a hermit.

He eventually taught himself to survive, and even prosper. After several years of this lifestyle, he wandered into a cave one night seeking shelter from a storm. He set about making a tiny camp, and built a fire. He then decided to explore the cave. As he explored the cave, he discovered that it opened up into a vast forest with alien vegetation and animals. Curious, he explored further. During this exploration, he was attacked by a bizarre creature that bit him. He felt the creature's venom coursing through his veins and thought he would die. He awoke later, in great pain, but relieved that he was still alive.

For the next several days, he tried to find his way out of the cave but had no success. He resigned himself to the fact that he would live out the rest of his life and die in this strange environment. He was soon attacked by some sort of humanoid creatures, but managed to fight the beast off, using skills that he had not previously possessed. He realized that somehow, he had been given a great gift. So he began to train, to hone his newfound skills even further. For many years, he trained, and thought, and meditated. He eventually realized that his previous life had been wasted in the acquisition of power and the oppression of others. This discovery gave him a new sense of purpose and dedication. He decided that he would find a way out of the cave, and that when he did, he would dedicate his life to helping others, and defending the weak and helpless. Then, by a stroke of luck ( or so he believed ), he found the opening back into the cave.

When he re-entered the cave, it was storming outside, and there was a small fire burning, but he could find no other beings. He found tracks that led from the fire to the back of the cave, but no others.

He left the cave, and soon realized that no time had passed in the outside while he had trained inside the cave. So he set about helping others, and eventually recruited others to aid in his quest.

The Monks of Sh'Dha-Kor neither seek out, or avoid combat. When combat is engaged, the Monk will respond to the opponent. If the opponent is aggressive, the Monk will act defensively, parrying attacks, and lashing out with snap kicks and tripping/leg hooks when safe. If the opponent is cautious and defensive, the Monk will react aggressively, using hand strikes, and jumping kicks.

Entrance Requirements: As per the Monk of Sh'Dha-Kor O.C.C.
Skill Cost: 15 years
Costume: Only the robes worn by the Monks.
Stance: Feet are spread about shoulder's-width apart, width the back foot at an angle, and the front foot pointing forward. The front knee has a slight bend. The back arm is held at waist-level with the hand in a fist, and the front arm is held at chest level, with the fist close to the chest in a backhand position.


Add 1 to P.S.
Add 1 to P.P.
Add 1 to P.E.
Add 5 to Spd.
Add 15 to P.P.E. ( or Chi )

Attacks per Melee: 3
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Maintain Balance
Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry
Advanced Defenses: Circular Parry, Breakfall, Disarm
Hand Attacks: Strike ( Punch ), Knife Hand, Back Hand, Palm Strike
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Snap Kick, Tripping/Leg Hook, Backward Sweep, Reverse Turning Kick
Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Kick, Flying Jump Kick, Flying Reverse Spinning Kick ( see Taido in Ninjas and Superspies, page 115 )
Special Attacks: Death Blow, Leap Attack, Forearm, Elbow, Knee Strike, Spinning Leap Attack ( See Taido, in Ninjas and Superspies, page 115 ), Spinning Kick/Neck Hold Choke ( SPECIAL! Used against two opponents, the Monk attempts a Neck Hold/Choke on one of the opponents, and, while maintaining the hold, immediately launches a spinning kick attack at the second opponent. This uses four attacks, and requires a strike roll at both opponents, each with a -3 penalty. If successful, the choked opponent suffers 1D6 damage direct to Hit Points, and the kicked opponent suffers 1D8+1 damage. If the attack misses, the Monk loses initiative and one additional attack for the melee. NOTE: The choke attack MUST succeed for the kick to be launched! )
Holds/Locks: Arm Hold, Body Hold, Neck Hold/Choke
Weapon Katas: Pick any three melee weapons.
Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Knock-Out/Stun, Critical Strike, Critical Strike from behind

Martial Art Powers: Select two powers from among Chi Mastery, Martial Art Techniques, orSpecial Katas ( including Chi Katas ).
Physical: Climbing
Philosophical: Menadot-Valek Ga ( This philosophy is similar to a combination of many Oriental philosophies, combining Shinto, Zen, and Buddhism ).

Level 1: +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Strike
Level 2: +2 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Breakfall/Maintain Balance
Level 3: +1 to Flying Reverse Spinning Kick/Spinning Leap Attack, and Spinning Kick/Neck Hold Choke
Level 4: +1 Attack per Melee, Critical Strike on a Natural 19-20
Level 5: +2 to Strike, Knock-Out/Stun on a Natural 19-20
Level 6: Select one additional Martial Art Power from among Chi Mastery, Martial Art Techniques, and Special Katas ( including Chi Katas )
Level 7: +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Maintain Balance
Level 8: Double existing P.P.E. ( or Chi )
Level 9: +1 Attack per Melee, Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20
Level 10: +2 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Breakfall
Level 11: +1 to Flying Reverse Spinning Kick/Spinning Leap Attack, and Spinning Kick/Neck Hold Choke
Level 12: +2 to Strike, Knock-Out/Stun on a Natural 18-20
Level 13: Select one additional Martial Art Power from among Chi Mastery, Martial Art Techniques, and Special Katas ( including Chi Katas )
Level 14: +1 Attack per Melee, Death Blow on a Natural 20
Level 15: Double existing P.P.E. ( or Chi )

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