Kagyaku Kyusho or Atemi Pain Strike
By Kuseru
This is a debilitating attack used to distract and impair the target. On a successful strike the victim must make a saving throw vs pain.
A successful save means the character has managed to overcome the pain and can continue to function at an impaired level for 1D6 melee rounds +1 melee per level of experience. Reduce speed by 40%, melee attacks/actions are reduced by half, skill performance is -30% and reduce all combat bonuses and maneuvers by half. These penalties remain in effect for 2D6 melee rounds. Note: The character can try to roll again to save vs pain when the above time elapses. Another successful roll means he or she can continue for another 1D6 melee rounds +1 melee per level of experience. However, pushing oneself like this can cause greater injury and damage. A failed roll means he can not continue, collapses and falls unconscious for 1D6 minutes. When he awakens he suffers from the full range of penalties from pain and can not roll to save vs pain again for this injury.
A failed roll generally means that he succumbs to the pain and is either incapacitated by it -- kicking and screaming or just pass out. The character will pass out on a saving throw result of 1, 2, 3, or 4. If conscious the pain is incapacitating: Reduce speed by 30% and then an additional 1D6x10%, melee attacks/actions are reduced to two (or one if the character has less than four attacks), skill performance by half and all combat bonuses and maneuvers are reduced to zero; no initiative. These penalties remain in effect for 2D6 minutes. Pain medication will dull the suffering considerably, but clouds one's mind and abilities so the penalties remain in effect.

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