Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Also known as the Common Catchalot. Sperm Whales are the deepest diving mammals in the world, and able to hold their breath for up to two hours.
Size Level: 25
Height: 40-60 feet (12-18 m) long.
Weight: 55,000-110,000 pounds (24,950-49,900 kg).
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 0
Attribute Bonuses: +4 to I.Q., +2 to M.E., +3 to M.A., Brute Strength.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial hands at the end of the flippers (applicable even with arms and hands).
10 BIO-E for full hands at the end of the flippers (applicable even with arms and hands).
20 BIO-E for Extra Limbs; a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial feet at the end of the fluke.
10 BIO-E for Full fluke develops into legs and feet.
Speech: Partial Speech is automatic. 5 BIO-E for Full Speech.
Looks: None; Squared head and body, tiny eyes, thick grayish skin, awkward, flat legs and arms.
5 BIO-E for Partial; Thick squared head, small eyes on side of head, thick, grey skin, short, fat arms & legs.
10 BIO-E for Full; Squared features, hairless, pale skin, short stubby arms & legs.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D10 Bite
10 BIO-E for Sonic Stun Blat
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically receives Hold Breath: Sperm Whale and Swimming: Basic
Recognize Family Heritage (Whales can recognize their family relatives and descendants through song, appearance/physical traits, and markings, without ever having seen them before. Base Skill: 53%+3% per level of experience. Automatically gets this ability.)
5 BIO-E for Sonar
5 BIO-E for Thick Blubber (protection against cold, � damage) and +40 S.D.C.
5 BIO-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient
5 BIO-E for Electroreception: Passive (Detect Electrical Fields)
5 BIO-E for Spermaceti Case (provides Neutral Buoyancy)
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Thick Skin (protection against cold, 1/4 damage) and +60 S.D.C.
10 BIO-E for Sonic Echo-Location
10 BIO-E for Swimming & Surfacing: Whale
15 BIO-E for Ambergris Production (Sperm whales with this ability can produce � oz (14 g) per day of ambergris in their stomachs. In the stomach it is used to aid in the passage of hard, sharp objects, which means this character could inadvertently eat small metal, stone, keratin, chitin, shell, bone or cartilage objects, including things like nails, shuriken, needles, claws, teeth, small bits of shell, etc. without suffering undo damage. Once secreted from the body, ambergris has a wide variety of functions, making it a trade good of sorts. It can be used in perfumes, to make incense, to flavor food, as a medical treatment for some ailments, and can even be molded, dried, decorated and worn as jewelry.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hands & Feet
-5 BIO-E for Limited Buoyancy
-5 BIO-E for Nearsighted
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-15 BIO-E for Dehydration: Severe
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