Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Angel sharks are from the family squatiniformes. They are known for having broad pectoral fins and flattened bodies, which gives them a strong resemblance to rays. Unlike many other sharks, they are bottom dwellers and often bury themselves in mud or sand. Coloration varies over a fairly wide range, generally with a patterned appearance. General coloration includes dull grey, light brown, brown, purplish-brown, reddish-brown, grey, greyish-brown, dark brown, blackish, bluish to ash grey, yellow-grey, dark tan, rusty or black-brown, grey-blue, light yellow-brown, and pale brown. White, dark brown, black, grey, red, or yellow spots are extremely common, ranging in size from small spots to large patches. Also of note are the ocelli (eye-like spots) found on many species of angel sharks. White or pale colored bellies are also occasionally seen. Some species have white- or black- edged fins as well.
Size Level: 7
Height: Up to 6 feet (2 m)
Weight: Varies
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 50
Attribute Bonuses: Brute Strength, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +6 to Swimming Spd.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial hands at the end of the pectoral fins (applicable even with arms and hands).
10 BIO-E for full hands at the end of the pectoral fins (applicable even with arms and hands).
20 BIO-E for Extra Limbs; a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: None. Pelvic Fins have developed into two legs. 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Humanoid shark with an upright, flat head, eyes on front of head; thick, brown skin; flat arms and legs.
5 BIO-E for Partial; Pointed head with elongated snout, eyes on side of head; thick, mottled skin; short arms & legs.
10 BIO-E for Full; Slightly pointed features; hairless, splotchy skin.
Natural Weapons:
10 BIO-E for 3D8 damage Cutting Teeth
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Breathing: Gills and Swimming: Basic
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath (in the air)
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Electroreception: Passive
5 BIO-E for Lateral Line
5 BIO-E for Swimming: Master
10 BIO-E for Chemoreceptors
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Armor
10 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
10 BIO-E for Breathing: Lungs
10 BIO-E for Swimming: Predator
20 BIO-E for Breathing: Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Armor
20 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for No Gills
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hand and Feet
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Limited Respiration
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-20 BIO-E for Upside Down Paralysis
-20 BIO-E for Dehydration: Extreme
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