Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Perhaps the most social of the cetaceans, dolphins can typically be found in pods, and even superpods of over a thousand dolphins. However, their sociology is much closer to humans in that they have been observed in fights with other dolphins over mates or disputes. Also like humans, dolphins are known to engage in sexual intercourse for reasons other than reproduction.
Size Level: 14
Height: to 16 feet.
Weight: to 400 pounds
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 15
Attribute Bonuses: +5 to I.Q., +5 to M.E., +4 to M.A.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial hands at the end of the flippers (applicable even with arms and hands).
10 BIO-E for full hands at the end of the flippers (applicable even with arms and hands).
20 BIO-E for Extra Limbs; a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial feet at the end of the fluke.
10 BIO-E for Full fluke develops into legs and feet.
Speech: Partial Speech is automatic. 5 BIO-E for Full Speech.
Looks: None; Rounded head and body with thick, grayish skin; awkward, flat legs and arms.
5 BIO-E for Partial; Rounded head with bottlenose snout, eyes on the side of the head, thick, grey skin, short arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Full; Rounded features, hairless, pale skin, fat-looking.
Natural Weapons:
10 BIO-E for 2D4 damage Bite
10 BIO-E for Sonic Stun Blat
20 BIO-E for Sonic Blast
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically receives Hold Breath: Basic Cetacean and Swimming: Basic
5 BIO-E for Sonar
5 BIO-E for Thick Blubber (protection against cold, � damage) and +40 S.D.C.
5 BIO-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient
5 BIO-E for Electroreception: Passive (Detect Electrical Fields)
5 BIO-E for Swimming: Acrobatic
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
10 BIO-E for Nightvision
10 BIO-E for Sonic Echo-Location
10 BIO-E for Swimming & Surfacing: Dolphin
15 BIO-E for Ultrasonic Probe
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Dorsal Fin (treat as vestigial tail)
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hands & Feet
-5 BIO-E for Limited Buoyancy
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-15 BIO-E for No Sense of Smell
-15 BIO-E for Dehydration: Severe
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