(9/11/07) The sound files here will gradually be converted to MP3s to help with the problem of geocities download limits being exceeded. Im glad you all are enjoying the site.

I have been called bad before

I'll shake your bouncy booty

Cover your mouth, we're all going to catch it

I didn't recognize you without crap in your pants

So, what are you guys doing later?

When you girls are done kissing...

It is evil! It is so evil!

I fell and hurt my tummy!

Make a selection, I command you!


You must be quite a fighter to make it past my cow

Don't you dare give away the Kung Pow secrets!


Tiger, tiger tiger tiger. Bird- birdy birdy birdy

A tiny net is a death sentence. It's a net and it's tiny


Stinky pits and all, baby!

It's Betty, you son of a pig. The name's Betty.

How many miles, would you say 10 million?

A good friend of mine told me...

Chicken go cluck cluck, cow go moo

Does it have a name?

I must apologize for Wimp Lo

Beware his song about big butts

I've come to kick ass

I wonder where my glove will go?

Don't spoil it. This one's for both of us

In your dreams!

They hurt like crap, man!

Neo - sporin!

Taco Bell

What in God's name is that thing?

I've got some yellow liquid for your popcorn

again with the squeaky shoes

I really like the band n-sync

Your story makes my heart heavy and my prostate weak.


My finger points

I go pee pee standing up

If you've got an ass, I'll kick it!

Take a close look, cause I rule baby!

Knock knock, whose there? Your butt that's about to be kicked!

My nipples look like milk duds

I'm bleeding, making me the victor.

Killing is badong

Look Ling, those curly q's on your face make me so hot I can't think straight

The death of your father is like a breath of fresh air

If I hear one more friggin squeak...

I now officially know too much

I'm somebody's mommy!

I'll take a pound of nuts

Master, I implore you to reconsider

Your weak link is- this is Earth

Wimp Lo sucks as a fighter. A child could beat him!



Our sexual preferences are our own business

One of us is wearing a push up bra


Where does it hurt? Pretty much around the big bloody spot

You must take your place in the great circle of stuff

It is a great honor having you beating random people in our town

Orson, Welles!

One of us is wearing a push up bra

Let me know if you see a Radio Shack

Our sexual preferences are our own business

Hey guys, whats goin on?

Your days are over mister

Its 3 o'clock, and time for his nap

email me at: Ken_shabby (at) hotmail.com
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