Betta taeniata "Serian" - photo taken by Benny
Betta lehi "Lundu"- photo taken by Benny. Previously, everyone thought this is Betta pugnax.
Betta cf anabatoides - This new species probably belongs to waseri group.Photo taken by Benjamin.
Betta brownorum - male with single lateral blotch.
Betta brownorum - male with double lateral blotch. Picture on the below right is the peat swamp forest.
Betta ibanorum "sematan" - The only Betta species of akarensis group found in most western part of Sarawak.
Betta lehi "upper sg. sambas" - The betta found in the bordering area of Sarawak - Kalimantan.
Licorice gourami - Parosphromenus sp. from Lundu. It could be Paros. allani.
Betta lehi - male. It is a pugnax group betta found either in blackwater or clearwater stream of Sematan.
Betta ibanorum - Not all the Betta inhabit in blackwater stream. This one found in clearwater mountain stream near Matang.
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