Uncle Henry and Aunt Irene Cox

We were very much acquainted with Uncle Henry and Aunt Irene.  Their daughter went to Meredith College in Raleigh.  When they brought her to school or came to take her home, they visited with us.  After she finished school and married, Aunt Lanie (Lowery Griffin) took my siblings and me to Starke, FL to visit Uncle Henry and Aunt Irene where Uncle Henry worked as prison warden. They had a lavish home and had inmates as servants.

After her last child was born, Aunt Irene didn't walk and said she couldn't.  In later years, Uncle Henry took her to a faith healer, and she was miraculously and instantly healed.  However, she could walk but a few steps.  Their house was built in a ⊔ shape.  When I visited at about 14-15 years old, Aunt Irene would come out of her bedroom, walk halfway down the hall (about 10-12 feet) to a strategically placed straight chair.  There she would rest for 5 minutes before she went into the dining room.  She had a bell by her place on the table to ring for the servants to signal another course!

(Story as remembered by one of our Fincher relatives.)

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