The Code Warrior Award

tlhIngan maH!

"In Space All Warriors Are Cold Warriors" Gen. Chang, STVI


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The Code Warrior Award

If you haven't read the Code Warrior page, I strongly recommend that you do so now!

Undoubtedly one of the most difficult awards to get as you will find out. Not only based on contents, but presentation. Nothing less than a perfect score will earn a site the Code Warrior. The score will based on several criteria. Content and originality, ease of navigation, and HTML ability will all be looked at.


The site must be a Star Trek page, (Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Ferengi, or any other Star Trek culture but not B5, Star Wars, X files, or such) have something to offer the visitor. Sites only offering links or awards are excluded. There must be content.

Although there are a limited number of images out there, the imagination is limitless. Sites must have something that will attract the attention of the viewer, something new, not copied over and over again.

No adult sites will be considered, (Cleavage of females is acceptable, if done in character, but nipples are out). I will not give any award to a site that I wouldn't show my children, or grandmother.

No discrimination/hate material will be considered. Any site which promotes one person over the rights of another is completely unacceptable. (Rivalry between Federation/Klingon, Klingon/Romulan, Anyone/Ferengi etc. is acceptable)

I presume you have a spell checker.


Ease of Navigation

All internal links must be easy to find/access. I will not have a site that requires backtracking to proceed.

Unframed pages should have a minimum of two navigation areas, one top, the other bottom of the page, or a easy method of getting to the navigation.



To even qualify, the site must have a method of escaping from a trapping frameset, either a java script that automatically does it, a link that manually does it, or all links from the index are targeted to the "_top". This will be the first test administered.

Frames will be required, when navigation dictates it, but otherwise are not required for the award. Frames must not trap outgoing links. An unframed version is not required, but advisable.

The site must not generate new browser windows, unless the visitor is informed of this before following the link. Similarly, sites that create full window popups will be disqualified, unless a warning is provided.

You are allowed only one automatic popup window for server advertising. All other popup windows must be manually created (a link selected), and a warning is recommended. Sites will not be downgraded to accommodate other server demands, so watermarks, and bottom of page ads are acceptable, however you might want to concider another free server like XOOM, which doesn't use these.

Midi files without a method of turning them off will immediately disqualify a site. I have a CD Rom, I'm listening to what I want to hear. Simple wav files are acceptable (within reason).

Background images should complement your text, not conflict with it, if I can't read it, you don't get it.

If I can't read your page because you don't have a background color set and I have to wait for the backgound image to load, you will not get the award.

Sites should not be browser specific, unless an option is offered to the visitor.

Suggestions on how to do any of these can be found on my Code Warrior page. The basic rule to remember to win this award... If it is being done, it is being done right.


I reserve the right to disqualify any site that fails to maintain these standards. All evaluations are made by myself. Although I suspect that many sites will not meet these standards, remember that the Code Warrior Award is meant to reflect the BEST of the BEST.

Due to the high numbers of submissions, sites that are disqualified will not receive a notice. Winners, however, will receive a personalized award, and the HTML code required to display it, along with a link to K'Tesh's Klingon Recipe Pages.


Your Name: (REQUIRED... Fictional is OK)

Email Address: (REQUIRED)

Name of Your webpage: (REQUIRED)

Your URL (don't forget the http://): (REQUIRED)

How did you find this page? (optional)

How many times have you been here before? (optional)

Comments?: (optional)

I have read the rules for the award, and understand them: (REQUIRED)
No, I guess I better go read them



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