The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
[She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts]
Database: Starship: Transport
19 AE | YT-1300 03
   YT-1300 light stock freighter
   Corellian Engineering Corporation
   Lando Calrissian
   Han Solo
   2 quad turbolaser turrets
   2 concussion missile tubes
   Antipersonnel repeating laser
   26.7 meters
   1 pilot
   1 co-pilot
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
When the Falcon was being designed, it was known merely as the 'Pirate Ship'. Some of the rejected designs later resurfaced as the Corellian Corvette
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Millennium Falcon Analysis
Building a Life-Size Falcon
Starships Main | YT-1300 light freighter | Millennium Falcon - Falcon History
The Millennium Falcon had a history as diverse and full
of adventure as its owners themselves. She was first
constructed along with a batch of other YT-1300 models
around sixty years before the Battle of Yavin. She had a
number of owners before it became the property of
Lando Calrissian some fifty five years after its
construction. He won the ship in a game of sabacc, and
lost her in the same way, to Han Solo a few years later.
Han had the
Falcon modified at Nar Shaddaa, and
began using his ship as a smuggling vessel. Han flew
alongside his co-pilot Chewbacca as part of Jabba the
Hutt's fleet of smuggling ships, running spice for the

    Han had many adventures in the
Falcon during his
smuggling days. He explored the Corporate Sector, and
even managed to set a new record for the Kessel Run. He used the
Falcon's speed and secret cargo compartments to deliver spice efficiently, becoming Jabba's favourite smuggler. However, on one spice run, even the Falcon could not save Han. His position was given to an Imperial patrol, who blockaded him as soon as he exited hyperspace. He was forced to jettison his cargo, making Jabba furious. Unable to retrieve the spice, Solo set about looking for work to pay Jabba back.

    With a new job he took, ferrying a farm boy, an old man and two droids to Alderaan, Han found himself part of the Rebel Alliance. The
Falcon served the Rebellion well, and became the fastest ship in the fleet. She helped in the destruction of the Death Star, she evaded Imperial pursuit after escaping the blockaded Rebel base on Hoth, and she caused the destruction of the second Death Star - though at the time she was piloted again by Lando.

    When the New Republic came into power, the
Falcon remained a part of the fleet, but she became the property of Lando once more. After a heated argument, Han and Lando played a decisive game of sabacc to settle the dispute over who owned the Falcon once and for all. Han lost, and was forced to ride in his ship as a mere passanger. Luckily for Han, he managed to win her back for good, just in time to help battle Admiral Daala's fleet.

    With the Yuuzhan Vong invasion came a new look for the
Falcon. Han gave the hull a coat of matte black, to make the ship less conspicuous - and perhaps to reflect the darker changes in Solo's life with the death of Chewbacca. Even though the Vong posed a threat greater than anything Han had encountered, he and the Falcon carried on fighting evil as if in a contest to see whether the pilot or the ship would retire first...
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