Khe Sanh Veterans Association Inc.

Red Clay
Newsletter of the Veterans who served at Khe Sanh Combat Base,
Hill 950, Hill 881, Hill 861, Hill 861-A, Hill 558
Lang-Vei and Surrounding Area

Issue 54     Winter 2002

Web Briefs


In This Issue
Notes from Editor and Staff     Incoming     Short Rounds
Memoirs     In Memoriam     A Sprinkling Of Your Poetry

Web Briefs

1 / 26 Corpsmen

Sure would like to hear from any corpsmen that I was stationed with at Khe Sanh during the siege. I was in the bush for 6 months with Delta Company. I then went to H&S Company, BAS, and RAS, sometime around the first of December 1967. Remember a couple of names, Crawford, Patterson, Dr. DeMaagd, "Ski," Goody, and Beatle. I was with D Company on Hills 881,861, and 950 -- we also manned the perimeter. I carried a cassette recorder and was always recording guys. I went by the name of "Scarface"... I've tried this a couple of times in the past 4 years but haven't heard from anyone.

Rodney DeMoss

George Crawford, Platoon Sergeant, 2nd Platoon recently called me after 34 years.


Hi, from another "grunt" corpsman. I was with B 1/26 3rd Platoon -- yes the "Ghost Patrol." I was the Doc that made it back that day from the ambush. Welcome home brother! You should try and make one of the reunions. There are always a few of us "good men" hanging around the local watering hole. After I left Nam and got out of the hospital, I was stationed with a "Delta" corpsman named Scot Swagger. I wonder if you remember him? I don't remember what platoon he was with, but we sure parried hard back in the states. Hey, look me up in Charleston and drop me a line anytime, great to know any other "Doc" that made it back! Semper Fi.

Doc Cicala


Rodney, Eventually you will bump into someone that will remember you. If not on this message board, just come to the next reunion in Charleston, S.C, 2003.

Dave De Vaughn
Delta Company 1/26


I'm going to try my best to make it to the reunion at S.C. I went to one several years ago when it was in Kentucky, just south of Cincinnati. Ran into one guy I knew from my outfit, Greg Fesenden, from Delta Company, 3rd Platoon. Might not have recognized some others. Maybe, there are still plenty of Khe Sanh veterans that don't know about this organization or are not online. And unfortunately, not around anymore. I still have these vivid images from back then, frozen in my memory. It seems like yesterday when I think about it.

Rodney DeMoss


Rodney -- For starters, you ought to read the last two issues of Red Clay the KSV Newsletter. We honored our heroic corpsmen and medical personnel in both issues. I will give you my address and phone number, write me and I will get you signed up with our organization.

Tom Eichler VP KSV
3221 N. Opal Chicago IL 60634



I'm already a member, just haven't had the money to spare to send 'in dues lately. Maybe later on I can send in for a lifetime membership.

Rodney DeMoss



I'm going to send Rodney DeMoss's lifetime membership money via snail mail as soon as possible to you. I was also a 1/26 Corpsman and I would like to do this for my fellow Corpsman, so he can receive the Red Clay and enjoy it as I do each time. I also know you are working overtime on the Red Clay magazine, you have to be. Its certainly appreciated at this end...

Semper Fi

Rick (Doc Z) Zunino
A Co. 1/26th Marines,2nd Platoon


I, too, would like to meet with the corpsmen that were at Khe Sanh. Especially the ones that were in the bomb crater doing triage on us Marines. I would especially like to meet the corpsman who stuck what looked like a 9" bic ball point pen in the hole in my side to see how deep the Chi Com grenade shrapnel had penetrated (liver and lung). No offense, doc, but that is one moment I will never forget no matter how many drugs I abuse.

Wood (Frenchy)


1/26 Corpsmen Bomb Crater

I went out with Bravo Company when we went to recover bodies from the "Ghost Patrol." Dr. DeMaagd, myself and one other corpsman (I believe it was just one other) set up a triage in a bomb crater. I did not, and I repeat did not stick a 9" bic into anyone. Possibly Dr. DeMaagd, the Battalion Surgeon did. If that's the bomb crater you're talking about.

Rodney DeMoss


I don't know if there were any other bomb craters being used for triage on March 30th. So I would think this is it? Great! Are you in contact with the good doctor? I would love to find out the wielder of the Bic, just to reminisce about old times.

Wood (Frenchy)


Doc Medal 2002 Reunion

Doc Felle,

I was with M 3/9 from Nov 67 until Dec 68. I was wounded twice and patched up by Doc Frank Clesantis. He helped me file a claim for a hearing loss and it was granted. I was wondering if you knew where Doc Rodney Robinson may be located. He was from Santa Barbara, CA when he was in RVN. Any ideas?

John Bosley


Just received my DOC medal today. Thanks very much, Jim. It is one of my most prized possessions. When I was with Delta 1/26, I took care of the guys and they certainly took care of me. It was a pleasure to serve with them. When I was at Khe Sanh combat base during the Siege, we all took care of each other. That's what I remember the most -- the camaraderie (I think that's how you spell it). I definitely intend to be at reunion 2003. Looking forward to meeting the guys in this group. Hopefully, I'll run across some of the guys from my outfit that I know. Still would like to hear from some of the corpsmen that were with me at the RAS and BAS during the siege.

Rodney DeMoss


I, too, got mail from Mr. James Wodecki (Thanks Jim) but it had stickers all over it "do not open till December 25" so I had it x-rayed which showed that it was a medal presented to Khe Sanh Veterans that took an oath to take medical care of the men and women under their command regardless of race, creed or religion. To administer aid when necessary under even the most severe conditions and to make sure that they knew the difference between a rat bite and a P-38 Wound, and everyone treated their water, even if they disliked the iodine tablets.

Semper Fi,
Ray Felle Corpsman Kilo 3/9/3
Khe Sanh 19June-6July68
Life Member Khe Sanh Veterans


Received the "DOC" Medal yesterday, and am extremely honored. Thank you all. To those we were able to help in whatever way possible, "Welcome Home" To all those we tried to help, but may have not been able to do enough, "May God Bless You." My time spent with K 3/4 during 1967-1968 will always be deep within my heart and it was great being at the 3/4 Reunion in D.C. this past year. Seeing people and being remembered, was impossible to describe. Looking forward to attending the reunion in 2003.

Semper Fi
Tony "Doc" Milazzo

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