Khe Sanh Veterans Association Inc.

Red Clay
Newsletter of the Veterans who served at Khe Sanh Combat Base,
Hill 950, Hill 881, Hill 861, Hill 861-A, Hill 558
Lang-Vei and Surrounding Area

Issue 45 Autumn 1999

Notes From The Editor and Board

In This Issue
Reunion 1999   Short Rounds   Memoirs   
In Memoriam   Poetry

Editor's notes

We are trying a theme approach in this one. At our reunion in St. Louis it was announced that the theme for the next two issues would be REUNION. You will see that we have some really good stuff here. We will repeat the theme REUNION in our next issue, due out February/March of 2000. Your story or tidbit need not match the theme exactly. Even oblique reference to the theme is fine. If a memory or thought is triggered, go for it. You do not have to write about Vietnam or Khe Sanh. We want stories from your entire life. What happened before and after Vietnam is just as important and interesting. Try keeping your theme piece as short as possible so that we can accommodate as many members as possible. I will let the writer have their full say, but I also bear a responsibility to the readers. If I edit it is because I am trying to help you get to your essential points in an understandable manner. We will run by you any significant deletions or changes. If you have submitted something that was not published, please resend it to Paul Knight and it will go into the hopper for consideration. Our plan is to acknowledge and confirm before publication when your work is scheduled for print. Please give us an issue to get up to speed. There have been so many editor changes that your work might have gotten lost or set aside. Our goal is to publish as much of our members' writings as we can. Our only constraint is a limited budget and what we can publish. We are specifically a non-sectarian, non-political organization. Please do not waste your time and effort in submitting anything that advocates or rags about politics or religion. If your religion or politics is part of your life story, then, of course, it has relevant historical value. None of us would dream of trying to tell Ray Stubbe to stop being who he is, or Max Cleland to stop being himself. What we won't do is publish their personal religious and political beliefs.

There are many volunteers involved in putting out this magazine. Tom Eichler is the chairman of the publications committee. He gets the complaints. The praise goes to our wonderful writers and poets. Paul Knight is the managing editor. He gets all submissions except poetry. Chuck Patterson gets the poetry. Poetry submissions have been greater than we are able to publish. This is a problem some of us hope to rectify by publishing a book of poetry by Khe Sanh members. We prefer that all submissions be sent via email. This saves Paul Knight the input time. Trust me, even with a scanner, input is a real chore. If you cannot manage email we will take your submissions in whatever form. I will even take audio tapes but, please, no drunken babbling ones.

Ernie Spencer


Future Themes

Winter 2000…………………….......…….REUNION

Spring/Summer 2000…………………..No Theme

Fall 2000………………………...….......……..HONOR

Winter 2001…………………….......DANGER CLOSE

Spring/Summer2001………………..………No Theme

Fall 2001………………………………........MY BUDDY

Note: Spring/Summer issues are small and go out to complete roster.




From: Bruce Geiger

Gentlemen: Further to the recommendation I made at the Board meeting in St. Louis, I have taken the liberty of ordering a Khe Sanh Veterans wreath to be placed during the annual Veterans Day ceremony at "The Wall" in DC. A number of Khe Sanh Vets from the Dusters and Quad 50%, and any other KS Vets planning to be in DC are welcome to participate in the wreath laying. This has been a very rewarding experience for all who have participated in the past.

The Dusters, Quads, and Searchlights, a not-for-profit veterans organization, is seeking sponsorship for "Operation Gold Star." "Operation Gold Star" is a DQS project escorting Gold Star Mothers to Viet Nam where they can visit the Area of Operations (AO) of their child's demise.

If you would like to sponsor or make a donation pledge to "Operation Gold Star" please contact our Project Coordinator Mr. Louis J. Block at (503) 252-8826.

Please email any comments, concerns, or suggestions to

Bruce Geiger at: [email protected]


From: Cal Bright

San Diego is the reunion site for 2000. It will be from September 14-17. John Kahaney is working with the Hanalei Hotel for a rate of around $89 per night. Firm info by the next issue. Chicago will be the reunion site for 2001. This will be the location for a special tribute to Ray Stubbe. Dates and hotel not firm as yet.

Parts of our By-Laws were found to be in need of legal re-writing. The Board voted to go with the By-Laws as is until our attorneys Padway and Padway can confirm the new wording. New By-Laws will be ready for the 2000 reunion.

A special thank you to Russ Turner for all his effort in putting together our St. Louis reunion. The trip to Jefferson Barracks went with military precision.

Thanks to Dick Peloquin Jr. for recording all of the minutes and the countless hours doing other video camera work for the organization.


Cal Bright
Recording Secretary



Revising our By-Laws continues. Anyone wishing to review our current By-Laws, or the proposal when they are ready can visit our Web Page at If you don't have access to the Internet, contact Larry McCartney at P. O. Box 132, Stevensville, Maryland 21666-0132.

*** REUNION 2000 ***

San Diego,California
September 14th - 18th 2000
Hanalei Hotel in Mission Valley,
Hotel Circle, San Diego.

Right by the intersection of I-8 and I-5, 1 mile from old town and 2 mi. from MCRD.
Rates are $89 Per night Single or Double Occupancy


Col. John Kahaney Ret.
Email: [email protected]


Web Master Dave Doehrman (Bravo 3rd Recon)
Please sign our guest book and leave a message in the message center.

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