Julian YU

Julian Yu
($Src: CD: move: MD 3312)

于 京君 (Julian Yu, 1957-) [official] [ja]

Yu : Chamber orchestra (2001, rev.2007)

for sixteen players or chamber orchestra; a moderately modern rendition by immodest Julian YU

Musical score


1 Fl(1 Picc, 1 Alt.Fl), 1 Ob(1 EngHrn), 1 Cl(B)(1 Bas.Cl, 1 Cl(A)), 1 Fg(1 C.Fg);
1 Hrn(F), 1 Trp(C), 1 Trb;
1-3 Perc (Vibr, Mar, Glsp, Xyl, Timp, BDrum, Sus.Cym, TBells, 4 WBlock, TamTam);
Harp, 1 Pf(1 Celst), Str

Contents structure

PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION, a moderately modern rendition by immodest Julian YU
[P1]Promenade冒頭はsolo Va.
[P2]Promenade冒頭はsolo Va.
[castello]Il vecchio castello冒頭メロディーはsolo Vc、そこからEngHrnとAlt.Flがcanonで歌う.
[Tuilleries]Les Tuileries (Dispute d'enfants après jeux)
[Bydlo]Bydło冒頭ppp. メロディーはsolo Fg.
[Balet]Ballet of the Unhatched Chickens最後は1回鳴く.
[Samuel]Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuÿle最後は C-Des-B-B.
[P5]Promenade最後にad lib.でsolo Va.のオリジナルフレーズ.
[Limoges]Limoges. Le marché (La grand nouvelle)attacca
[Catacombae]Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum)attacca
[mortuis]Cum mortuis in lingua mortua
[Baba]The Hut on Chucken's Legs (Baba-Yaga)attacca
[Kiev]The Heroic Gate (in the Imperial City of Kiev)冒頭pp.


2002.06.26Txx:xxRoland Peelman : Australian Chamber Orchestra1. Vaughan-Williams: The Lark Ascending
2. György Ligeti: Violin Concerto
3. Brett Dean: Pastoral Symphony
4. Mussorgsky=Yu: Pictures at an Exhibition [info:26,30] [performance-data: RVW=n/a, Ligeti=schott, Dean=boosey]
※プログラム固定を前提にしている. 01,08はKsv及RVW演奏の確証なし. Ligetiの07,08は"07 Newcastle"(08なし)と矛盾情報.
City Recital Hall, Sydney, NSW [.au]premiere
2002.06.29Txx:xxLlewellyn Hall, Canberra School of Music, Canberra, ACT [.au]
2002.06.30Txx:xxMelbourne Concert Hall, Melbourne, VIC [.au]
2002.07.01Txx:xxMelbourne Concert Hall, Melbourne, VIC [.au]
2002.07.04Txx:xxSydney Opera House: Concert Hall, Sydney, NSW [.au]
2002.07.05Txx:xxTown Hall, Wollongong, NSW [.au]
2002.07.07Txx:xxSydney Opera House: Concert Hall, Sydney, NSW [.au]
2002.07.08Txx:xxCity Hall, Newcastle, NSW [.au]
2003.08.31Txx:xx岩城宏之 : オーケストラ・アンサンブル金沢チャリティー・ジョイントコンサート [flyer(小)] [report] [info]石川県 金沢市観光会館日本初演?(Japan premiere?)
2003.09.03~05岩城宏之 : オーケストラ・アンサンブル金沢(Recording)石川県立音楽堂: コンサートホールCD: WarnerClassics: WPCS-11745
2003.11.09T16:00岩城宏之 : オーケストラ・アンサンブル金沢岩城宏之&オーケストラ・アンサンブル金沢 (しらかわ公演)しらかわホール (名古屋:栄)開演時刻情報
2003.11.10T19:00岩城宏之&オーケストラ・アンサンブル金沢 (東京公演)浜離宮朝日ホール: 音楽ホール (東京)
2004.09.04T19:00岩城宏之 : オーケストラ・アンサンブル金沢第166回定期公演石川県立音楽堂: コンサートホール
2005.10.02Jeffrey Crellin : Australia Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra@BMW Edge, Federation Square, Melbourne, VIC [.au]CD: Move Records: MD 3312
(combination of live performance and rehearsal)
2005.10.21T19:00佐藤俊太郎 : 京都フィルハーモニー室内合奏団第143回定期公演 ロシア人から見た「カルメン」? 中国人が感じた「展覧会の絵」?京都コンサートホール: 小ホール«アンサンブルホールムラタ»
2006.06.03T16:00本名徹次 : いずみシンフォニエッタ大阪第13回定期演奏会いずみホール (大阪:大阪城公園)
2007.09.26T19:00佐藤俊太郎 : 京都フィルハーモニー室内合奏団第154回定期公演 創立35周年記念 東京公演紀尾井ホール (東京:千代田区)
2008.07.01T18:30工藤俊幸 : 国立音楽大学管弦楽団国立音楽大学、英国王立音楽院ギルドホール音楽院交歓コンサート [wmc]国立音楽大学 講堂: 小ホール$Src:1,2
2009.05.15Txx:xxYip Wing-sie : 香港小交響樂團[Hong Kong Sinfonietta]@ [zen-on]香港大會堂[Hong Kong City Hall], 香港[Hong Kong] [.hk]China premiere
2009.11.13Txx:xxNicholas Collon : Aurora Orchestra@ [boosey]Kings Place, London [.uk]UK premiere
2010.10.21T19:30Gábor Takács-Nagy : Manchester CamerataPICTURES FROM ST PETERSBURG [prog]The Coro: Auditorium, Ulverston [.uk]
2010.10.23T19:30Royal Northern College of Music: RNCM Concert Hall, Manchester [.uk]
2011.03.12T17:00中井章徳 : 出雲フィルハーモニー交響楽団メンバービッグ・ハートフル・コンサート: ミニ・オーケストラの大冒険; 2つの「展覧会の絵」ビッグハート出雲: 白のホール (島根)
2011.08.30T19:00板倉康明 : 東京シンフォニエッタサントリー芸術財団サマーフェスティバル2011<MUSIC TODAY 21>: テーマ作曲家<ジュリアン・ユー>: 室内楽サントリーホール: 小ホール«ブルーローズ» (東京)編曲者出席
@ : Tasmanian Symphony OrchestraSynaesthesia: Music of Colour and MindMuseum of Old and New Art (MONA), Hobart, TAS [.au]Ravel編と共に.
2013.01.06T14:30齊藤一郎 : 京都フィルハーモニー室内合奏団創立40周年記念 第186回定期公演 ニューイヤーコンサート 2013京都コンサートホール: 大ホール
2013.04.04T19:30WAAPA Chamber PlayersPictures at an ExhibitionWAAPA(Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts): Music Auditorium, Mount Lawley, Perth, WA [.au]
2014.08.22T11:30Marko Letonja : Tasmanian Symphony OrchestraTSO Education Program 2014: Schools' Concerts: TERM 3 "Pictures at an Exhibition" (Grades 7-12)Federation Concert Hall, Hobart, TAS [.au]Pf,Ravel編と共に.
2014.08.22T18:00Family Classics: Pictures At An Exhibition [fb]
2014.11.29T19:30Roger Benedict : 2014 Sydney Symphony Orchestra Fellowship[fb]Tales of the Unexpected [fb] [hall]Sydney Opera House: Utzon Room, Sydney, NSW [.au]
2015.10.12T14:00福田隆 : 六本松アンサンブル第12回演奏会 [flyer] [ticket] [prog] [zen-on]
末永文化センター: 末永ホール (福岡)$Src:1,2,3
2016.01.31T14:00中原朋哉 : シンフォニエッタ 静岡創立10周年記念シリーズ 第43回定期演奏会 ~室内オーケストラの挑戦~ [fb]静岡県コンベンションアーツセンター«グランシップ»: 中ホール・大地
2016.04.09T21:00Christopher Dragon : Melbourne Symphony OrchestraSecret Symphony [info:1,2,3]National Gallery of Victoria: Great Hall, Melbourne, VIC [.au]
2016.12.29T19:30Yoseop Lee : 대구MBC교향악단[Daegu MBC Symphony Orchestra]제25회 정기연주회(The 25th Regular Concert) [hall] [fb:1,2]수성아트피아(Suseong Artpia): 무학홀(Muhak Hall), 대구(Daegu) [.kr]
ひらかたアルテアチェンバーオーケストラ 特別演奏会 [時限hall] [ebravo]
大阪府 枚方市市民会館: 大ホール(*)臨時編成(@国内プロオケ奏者)
2017.05.07T18:30Roland Peelman : (Combined festival artists)Canberra International Music Festival 2017: Concert 22; Festival Finale "Canberra's Farewell to Arms"Fitters' Workshop, Kingston, ACT [.au]

Yu : Chinese version (2010-2011??)

图画展览会(中国版) 于京君編曲
Pictures at an Exhibition (Chinese Version) arranged by Julian Yu



"Four Winds Festival 2010" / "Cross Cultural Concert" @Melbourne
古筝独奏(Zheng): 李丽(Lili), Vn: 角田美樹(Miki Tsunoda); Erkki Veltheim, Va: Simon Oswell, Vc: Rosanne Hunt, Cb: Steve Newton

YouTube (Studio Sinfonica 2010.9) …[Baba]-[Kiev] …いつの間にか非公開になっていた


Pf: 叶思思 (Sisi Ye)

YouTube (Studio Sinfonica 2011.7) …[P1]-[Kiev]



Zen-On: ISBN(978-)4-11-900010-6
Julian Yu
Brief introduction to the piece

Why another arrangement?

Some features of the new arrangement

1. Use of solo instruments to represent characters

2. Echo effect

3. Hocket and Pointillism

Descriptive Sounds

4. Newly added elements

Some other points
There are several discrepancies between Ravel's orchestral version and some other publications, which Vladimir Ashkenazy suggests (on the CD jacket of his version, DECCA 414 386-2) may perhaps be due to errors in the manuscript from which Ravel was working. [略] My version is based on the Peters Edition.


Very important is the treatment of the bell chimes in the last piece, The Heroic Gate of Kiev. From bar 81 to bar 110 of his original piano version, Mussorgsky ingeniously uses the piano to imitate the three different bell chimes of the Eastern Orthodox Church. [略] I think any orchestral version should reflect this feature of the piece loyally, but in Ravel's orchestration the bell pattern is converted into a slow tremolo in the strings (see bars 85-116 of Ravel's score). Although my arrangement is for a small force, the distinctive rings of the three different carillons is clearly heard. After this, Mussorgsky cleverly merges the third (high-pitched) bell chime with the recurrence of the Promenade theme.

Another challenge for me was how to produce a strong impression of grandeur in the last piece, The Heroic Gate of Kiev, using only fifteen players. [略] It is as if one sees the Gate from a great distance and then, as one gradually approaches it, the orchestra gains more and more strength, reaching full volume in the last statement of the tune.

Some listeners may be curious about the bells right at the end of the piece, which are not heard in Mussorgsky's original. There is a story behind this. At the time of the premiere, the orchestra was playing György Ligeti's Violin Concerto in the same concert and we had two extra percussionists who wanted something to do. So on the spur of the moment I improvised several peals of bells during and after the very last chord of the piece, echoing the chimes heard earlier. This is why the instrumentation specifies ‘one to three percussionists’.
Melbourne, December 2005
for sixteen players or chamber orchestra

a moderately modern rendition by immodest Julian YU

Flute (doubling Piccolo, Alto flute)
Oboe (doubling English Horn)
Clarinet in B♭ (doubling Bass Clarinet, Clarinet in A)
Bassoon (doubling Contrabassoon)

Horn in F
Trumpet in C

Percussion (1-3 players - See Note 3 bellow) :
    Vibraphone, Marimba, Glockenspiel, Xylophone,
    Timpani, Bass Drum, Suspended Cymbal, Tubular Bells,
    4 Woodblocks, Tam-tam


Piano (doubling Celesta)

1st Violin
2nd Violin
Double Bass

1. This score is noted in C. The Piccolo, Glokenspiel, Xylophone and Celesta sound an octave higher than written.
    The Double Bass and Contrabassoon sound an octave lower than written.
2. This orchestration was intended dor solo string players, but it is also possible to use multiple players for each section.
3. The last movement for this piace can be performed in three ways, using one, two or three percussionists:
    3 percussionists: play as written.
    2 percussionists: omit the glockenspiel part in the last movement at bar 180.
    1 percussionists: plays the percussion II part (timpani) from bar 172 (page 180); the whole orchestra
    finishes the piece on the first beat of bar 184, omitting the last 4 3/4 bars of piano and harp.
If more than one percussionist is used, they can share the percussion part in the other movements.

Duration: approximately 32 minutes
Material: on hire from Zen-On Music

CD is available from WARNER CLASSICS label (WPCS-11745),
conducted by Hiroyuki IWAKI and performed by Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa.
Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881)
orchestration by immodest Julian YU (1957)
©2006 by Zen-On Music Co., Ltd.
This score is a facsimile of the composer's manuscript.