1982 ****1/2 117 mins.

The more I watch this film, the more I see in it. This is a fantastic science fiction film about a blade runner (Harrison Ford), who is brought out of retirement to send some renegade replicants into it. The year is 2019, and every detail of this futuristic world is brought to the screen in such a way that it is obvious that Ridley Scott knows what he's doing. There are still a couple of small errors in plot development, though, which is why this film, simply, cannot be given a five star rating (by me, anyway). Nevertheless, Blade Runner, is awesome!
Rated R for language, sexuality/nudity, and drug content.


1991 **** 116 mins.

Once again, I must state my famous line: IF IT'S NOT BROKEN, DON'T TRY TO FIX IT! I much prefer the original theatrical version of this film to the director's cut. Although the narration may feel as if it's from Dragnet, it gives the story much more depth and makes the film easier to follow. Also, the last scene of the original film provides a great emotional effect that the director's cut's ending severly lacks. As I said, in the previous section, Blade Runner is lacking a tad in plot development. Without the original narration, the film lacks even more. Put it this way: it's a lot harder to understand. Either way, this film is still awesome.
Rated R for language, sexuality/nudity, and drug content.

Harrison Ford + Rutger Hauer + Sean Young + Edward James Olmos + Daryl Hannah

Based Upon "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" by
Philip K. Dick

Screenplay by
Hampton Fancher and David Peoples

Directed by
Ridley Scott

Other Films with:
Harrison Ford - Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, and Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Daryl Hannah - Kill Bill
Ridley Scott - Alien
Sean Young - Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and Dune (1984)

Motion Pictures
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