In his book 'SUBTERRANEAN WORLDS...DRAGONS, DWARFS, THE DEAD, LOST RACES & UFOS FROM INSIDE THE EARTH' (Loompanics Unlimited, Port Town, Washington. 1989), researcher Walter Kafton-Minkel in his chapter 9--'THE SECRET WAR WITH THE SNAKE PEOPLE'--relates some interesting though somewhat metaphysical accounts concerning the ancient 'war' between an ancient race of human giants and the serpent beings who were said to be their deadly enemies. Kafton- Minkel begins with the description of the beliefs of Maurice Doreal, who believes that there are underground 'Atlantean' cities below the western as well as the eastern seaboard, once abandoned at the destruction of the ancient world and now re- inhabited by more modern races. He even goes so far as to say that one of the 'entrances' to these subterranean cities is the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. Interestingly enough, New Age expositor Constance Cumbey singles out this Cathedral as being a major focal point of the movement for a One World Order and particularly for various One World Religious groups such as Catholics, Masons, New Agers, Theosophists and others. Is this more than coincidence? Kafton-Minkel writes: "...Among the many warnings AMAZING STORIES received in the early days of the Shaver Mystery about the dangers of probing too deeply into the secrets of the cosmos was a letter from on Dr. M. Doreal of the Brotherhood of the White Temple in Denver. Doreal claimed intimate knowledge of the subterranean realms, and he cautioned against trying to find and explore the caves of the dero: "'Like Mr. Shaver, I have had personal contact with the Dero and even visited their underground caverns. In the outer world they are represented by an organization known loosely as the 'Black Brotherhood,' whose purpose is the destruction of the good principle in man.... The underground cities are, in the most part, protected by space-warps, a science known to the ancients, but only touched on by modern science.... I note that many are wanting to enter these caves. For one who has not developed a protective screen this would be suicide and one who revealed their location would be a murderer. "FROM SHASTA TO TIBET... Maurice Doreal was born Claude Doggins of Sulfer Springs, Oklahoma in 1898 (or so I have heard). He looked more like a feed-store owner or small-town banker than the guru he became to his thousand or so followers. He founded his 'Brotherhood of the White Temple' in 1929, naming it after a group of 'Masters' of the same name often invoked by Helena P. Blavatsky's successor Annie Besant (the 'New Age' Theosophical leader - Branton). He claimed that after serving in the First World War, he traveled to Tibet and spent eight years studying there with the Dalai Lama. Doreal amassed one of the world's largest and finest occult and science-fiction libraries--over thirty thousand volumes--but all he seemed to distill out of his studies was a long series of repetitive and poorly-written, but highly imaginative, booklets on occult subjects, written between about 1940 and his death in 1963. It is still possible at this writing, though, to send away for 'Mysteries of Mt. Shasta,' 'Mysteries of the Gobi,' 'Polar Paradise,' and similar booklets for a few dollars each from the Brotherhood of the White Temple Inc. in Sedalia, Colorado. "In the late 1940s Doreal became convinced that an atomic war was to strike in May 1953 and gathered his followers to build 'Shamballa Ashrama,' an 'atom-proof' city in a mountainous valley thirty-five miles southwest of Denver. With spiritual help, reported the newspapers, and because the surrounding mountains contained deposits of lead, Doreal and the other members of the Brotherhood of the White Temple believed they would 'ride out the atomic attack safely.' In February 1953 the Denver POST reported that. "'Doreal, who presides in heavy gold robes from his throne over meetings of the cult and is known to his followers as 'The Voice,' has issued orders that 'no outsiders are permitted to enter the valley except necessary workmen.' "...Doreal calls the retreat 'Western Shamballa, or Shangri- La-in-the-Rockies.' He said in a speech last week that the atomic refuge is now completely stocked and ready for "the end."' "In a 1946 interview with a reporter from the ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS, Doreal said, 'I had predicted atomic war years before it came. I saw atomic energy at work several years ago when the Dalai Lama of Tibet ushered me into the Great White Lodge 75 miles under the Himalayas.' (If by any chance this is true, he is probably referring to a tunnel 75 miles LONG - Branton) "In his writings, Doreal claimed to have visited many of the retreats of the Masters. In 'Mysteries of Mt. Shasta,' Doreal revealed that he was privileged to pay a visit 'in the flesh' to the Atlantean--not Lemurian, he wrote, as is commonly believed-- colony inside Mount Shasta. As he told it, while he was in Los Angeles delivering a series of occult lectures, two of the Shasta Masters walked up to him after one lecture and introduced themselves. They had been attending his talks for a week, they said, and were impressed with Doreal's knowledge. Would he like to visit their home inside Shasta that evening? Doreal demurred at first, since he had another lecture in just a few hours, but the Masters insisted; they could easily reach Shasta and return in time. "They drove up to Topanga Canyon (a favorite locale for paranormal activities in Los Angeles), parked the car, climbed a hill, and the Masters took strange belts and cellophane masks from their pockets, giving Doreal one of each. He put on the mask and was instructed to push certain buttons on the belt. When he did, all three rose into the air (into a waiting UFO, or were they supposedly wearing some type of antigravity belt? - Branton) and fifteen minutes or so later they landed on the side of Shasta. They entered a small concealed stone building which carried them like a trolley to the top of the mountain, where they stepped out onto a great flat rock. The rack was a hidden elevator, and it began descending rapidly until it reached a point FIVE MILES WITHIN THE MOUNTAIN AND FAR BELOW SEA LEVEL. They left the elevator, passed through two great pillars made of orichalcum, the shining white metal known only to the Atlanteans, entered another elevator, and descended two more miles. At last Doreal found himself in an enormous cavern 'ABOUT TWENTY MILES LONG AND FIFTEEN MILES WIDE AND IT WAS AS LIGHT AS A BRIGHT SUMMER DAY, BECAUSE SUSPENDED, ALMOST IN THE CENTER OF THAT GREAT CAVERN OF SPACE WAS A GIANT GLOWING MASS OF LIGHT.... They told me later that it was condensed from a blending of the rays of the sun and moon and that it had all of the harmful rays (no doubt referring to the 'radiation' rays - Branton) in it extracted and only the life-giving and beneficial energies left.' (Note: The city of 'Telos' is said to be only one mile below the surface of Mt. Shasta and not nearly as large as the ones Doreal describes. However UFOlogist Lucius Farish tells of a strange old sea hermit he knew of who claimed to have met human-like beings while on the peak of Mt. Shasta, beings who claimed to live in huge caverns in the lower crust, deep below sea level, which can be entered via openings along the edge of the so-called Pacific 'ring of fire' region of which Mt. Shasta and the Cascade range is a part. This man, who went by the nickname 'Harmonious'--being the fisherman that he was--claimed that these 'people' took him on rides to other planets in 'clam-shell' shaped vessels. He also learned that like many native African, Islandic and South American tribes these people went about naked in their underground habitat, most likely due to the stable and warm environment which negated the need for protective clothing - Branton) "This light was collected by three power houses hidden on the mountain which purified the light and expelled the waste matter as colored rays. So when Larkin and Lanser (two well- known early California astronomers who actually claimed that they had seen pearly domed structures hidden among the foliage and cliffs high up the slope of Shasta - Branton) saw those mysterious lights emanating from the mountain just before sunrise, they were seeing the Shasta Masters ridding themselves of the harmful solar and lunar rays. "Doreal described the 'Atlantean' city inside Shasta as one of beautiful homes of white marble surrounded by gardens of flowers, vegetables, and fruits--the forebears of many had been saved from the sinking of Atlantis (Or a similar POST-diluvian island-continent which sank? It is interesting that Plato was familiar with the location and destruction of 'Atlantis'. Although it is usually regarded as having been antediluvian, could parts of the island-continent have existed past the deluge? - Branton) and existed nowhere else. The Atlanteans knew how to turn sand into gold, and how to make clothing by simply drawing a picture of the garment they desired; the drawing was placed in a 'projecto-scope' which displayed the actual garment on the screen. When it fell to the floor, it was ready to wear." (Note: Obviously, many of the claims of occultists like Maurice Doreal, Raymond Bernard, Robert Dickhoff, the Hefferlins, et al--the latter of which are mentioned later in this chapter-- are highly influenced and embroidered by their own wishful thinking and imagination. It is common for people who claim to have encountered alien realms--not discounting the possibility that such encounters have occurred--to 'fill in' certain unanswered areas of their stories with answers of their own devising, and their own pet theories of supernatural beliefs which they pass off as information gathered from the 'others'. Often they rely on information 'channeled' from supernatural sources, which usually leads them deeper into confusion, self- contradiction and ridicule and away from tangible and provable facts. Whether this description of the TRANSMUTER device is such an 'elaboration' is uncertain. Erich Von Daniken has confessed that he has elaborated and taken some liberties--in his book 'THE GOLD OF THE GODS' for instance--when attempting to tie-in ancient archeological discoveries with his own pet theories that the earth was 'seeded' by extraterrestrials when in fact others believe that the scenario depicted in many STAR TREK episodes, which depict the humanoid form widely spread throughout this part of the galaxy, as being correct. That is that ancient Terrans--whether humanoid, android or saurian--in fact colonized this section of the galaxy and became the modern 'extraterrestrials'. Speaking of STAR TREK, Doreal's description sounds similar to the 'Transmuter' depicted in the series, which theoretically is capable of breaking down molecular matter and restructuring it into various forms such as tools, foods, and so on through a process similar to the breakdown and restructuring of matter used in the theoretical 'transporter'. In fact, the Swiss contactee Eduard 'Billy' Meier claims that his Nordic 'Pleiadean' contacts have the ability to 'transport' a person aboard their craft in a similar fashion as depicted in STAR TREK, and also possess androids of a sentient nature and awareness similar to that of 'DATA' in the STAR TREK series, although rather then being 'individuals' these androids like 'Data' would actually be 'extensions' of the minds and personalities of those who created them - Branton) "He concluded his description of the subterranean city by reminding his readers that one could enter Shasta only when invited. The seeker who was not 'ready,' but who tried to find the city anyway, might step into a space warp and find himself five miles away from where he wanted to be. But the Masters knew instantly of anyone approaching who is in the 'right state of conscious, and... they can pass into the inner temples.' "The Atlanteans, like the other groups of Masters, served the cosmic plan by protecting us from forces we were not yet ready to use. Near the end of his letter to Palmer, Doreal emphasized, 'I do know that the race Mr. Shaver calls 'Dero' exists, although I know them under another name.' Perhaps he was referring to a group of Lemurian priest-kings and nobles whom he later wrote were kept prisoners in huge cities they had built beneath what is now the Caroline Islands. These evil Lemurians were held underground by a special team of 353 Atlanteans--who traveled back and forth from their Shasta headquarters by space ship--because the Lemurians had discovered a destructive force far worse then the atomic bomb, one that would mean the end of the human race if it was revealed to us." (Note: A man by the name of 'Galahadian' once wrote in to 'ESOTERIC WORLD NEWS' in the mid-1980's and stated that the people below Mt. Shasta were 'Dero', whereas those who inhabited the so-called 'Atlantean' caverns below the eastern coast are often referred to in the same derogatory way by the so-called 'Lemurians' at Shasta and elsewhere, as if there are two underground groups attempting to label each other as being members of this degenerate classification - Branton) "Doreal did believe that although the ultimate headquarters of the Great White Brotherhood 'is on the star 'Antares' of the Pleiades,' (Whatever the Masters taught Doreal, they neglected astronomy. Antares is a star in the constellation Scorpio, NOT the Pleiades - Kafton-Minkel) there are seven subterranean 'places of retreat' for the Masters in this world. Six of them are located 1) in the Gobi Desert, 2) in the Atlas Mountains of North Africa, 3) in the Northwest Territories of Canada, 4) beneath the ruins of a Mayan city in Yucatan, 5) in the Hartz Mountains of Germany, and 6) within Shasta. The seventh and most important of these retreats if Shamballa, located beneath Lhasa, the capital of Tibet (The same name is also given by Asian occultists to a supposed 'astral' or aerial city ABOVE the Gobi Desert, although 'Shamballa' or 'Shambhala' is also supposed to be the name of the capital city of the kingdom of 'Agharta' or 'Agharti' according to Nicholas Roerich and others - Branton). Some seventy-five miles beneath (75 mile long tunnel? - Branton) the Himalayas, Shamballa is protected fro curious and malicious outsiders by a space warp... "In the 1946 ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS interview, Doreal called Shamballa (the) 'center of all the occult lore of this planet' and said that in the cavern housing Shamballa, as in the cavern that housed the Shasta colony, 'suspended, without apparent support, above the temple is a mighty globe of radio-active material. Around it shimmers a mist of opalescent light allowing only the life-saving and life-bearing rays to emanate.' Seeing the might of these rays was Doreal's introduction to atomic power. "Doreal's Shamballa, like Blavatsky and Ballard's (Guy Ballard that is, the former leader of the Mt. Shasta based 'I AM' cult - Branton) underground retreats, contained a library of 'everything mankind ever did' or ever would do. Like the spools of golden ribbon 'St. Germain' (allegedly) showed Ballard, the 'books' in Shamballa's library consisted of spools of fine wire-- each spool 'no larger than my little finger'--and each was supplied with a tiny motor the size of a fingernail. By pushing certain buttons, the wire would flow past a crystal very slowly, and when the user looked into the crystal, pictures of the past would appear, like a videotape in miniature. When another button was pushed, the sound or narration came on, and if the spool was turned sideways, a three-dimensional image appeared in space about ten feet away." Kafton-Minkel then describes one supposed series of recorded events which the ancient crystalographic computers revealed: "...what is now Antarctica was the home of the Serpent People, a vaguely humanoid race with heads 'like a great snake and their bodies faintly scaled as [with] the scales of a serpent.' Since the two races (the serpent race and the human 'giants' that is, according to Doreal--although it was not specified whether these alleged events were supposed to have taken place in antediluvian or post-diluvian times - Branton) were utterly different in mind as well as in form, they did not understand each other at all. War broke out between them. The Serpent People possessed hypnotic powers which allowed them to appear human to the 'Sons of God' and their other human allies, and they frequently passed among them as spies. (Note: this term 'Sons of God' is interpreted by some theologians as being a reference to the righteous sons of Seth as opposed to the corrupted daughters of Cain in antediluvian times, even though some have mistakenly referred to the 'Sons of God' who lived on earth before the flood as being either angels or giants. Actually there are no indications in the Holy Bible that angelic spirits can physically re-produce themselves, and as for the giants the book of Genesis says they did exist before the flood--many believing they lived on 'Lemuria', which may have connected at the time with the Western part of North America--but these 'Sons of God' gave BIRTH to the race of 'giants', although it is not certain whether they were giants themselves. Some have supposed that the original 'Adamic' race was much taller in stature than modern man, perhaps twicemore so, though even of this there are few indications in the Judeo-Christian writings whether this was so - Branton) "...the humans developed a trick that could identify a serpent person immediately; the guards in the human cities and fortifications required all those entering to pronounce the word KININIGIN. Doreal didn't say what Kininigin meant, but it was a serpent person's undoing, for that word 'could only be pronounced by human vocal cords.' "In a lush kingdom that is now the Gobi Desert, however, there lives at that time a blond, blue-eyed race of humans who had developed a super-weapon to use against the Serpent People, a weapon so powerful they did not know its full potential. But they pointed it at the land of the Serpent People and set it off, unleashing a catastrophe that almost destroyed the world. 'The earth toppled to one side,' Doreal wrote, 'came out of balance, began to wobble and as it did so, great volcanoes broke, mountains were pushed up, [and] other land masses sank beneath the waters.' The Serpent People were wiped out. Those at home in Antarctica quickly froze to death, for they suddenly found themselves at the South Pole; the few remaining in other parts of the world were slaughtered by the more numerous remnants of the human race. (Note: There are vague sources who tell of 'rumors' that scientists, in an almost similar scenario as given in the movie 'The Thing', discovered some 'Reptilian' hominoids at the South Pole under the ice pack in a state of suspended animation, that some of these were revived and disaster resulted, although the accounts weren't specific. Because of the fact that almost no documentation of the incident at all has appeared to mainstream UFOlogists suggests that this particular story might be a hoax - Branton) "The blond, blue-eyed Gobians were the only group of humans to survive in large numbers, and Doreal's story of their subsequent career gives us suspicions about what the name Great WHITE Brotherhood really meant. He wrote that the wisest of the Gobians journeyed first to Atlantis, where they grew great in knowledge and power. They letter fled the sinking of the continent to establish the 'mystery schools' of ancient Egypt. They also became, he wrote, the priests of the Jews. 'To the ancients,' he continued, the Gobians 'were known as Hebrews, not Jews.... The Hebrews were fair-skinned, blue-eyed and red-haired. Of such was the line of David; of such was Solomon; of such was Moses and of such was Jesus who became the Christ. Jesus was not of the Jewish race.' There will, unfortunately (Kafton-Minkel states - Branton), be more of this sort of anti-Semitic occultism in the chapters to come. (Note: Of course there is more than one genealogy in the New Testament linking Jesus of Nazareth with King David's Jewish lineage, both through Mary and Joseph, indicating that the 'Son of God' was also the legal 'Son of Man', legally descended from Abraham. Whether Abraham's ancestors were 'Gobians' is difficult to say, however one must realize that in the face of the 'Grand Deception', many actual facts from human sources inevitably lose much of their purity when they finally reach modern man after having passed through ancient occult societies and such--Doreal's own organization included--who tended to bend the historical facts in favor of their own peculiar spiritual or political belief systems in a type of mixture between self-contradicting historical facts and allegorical mythology, or allowed these histories to be corrupted by psychically 'channeled' negative paraphysical know-it-alls who had their own agenda for the human race, which included more than a little propaganda--virulent lies such as the claim that the serpent race genetically 'created' the human race and therefore humanity must give up, bow down, and worship them as gods. One should realize that when eating 'meat', whether of the physical, intellectual or spiritual variety, one must learn how to eat the meat and spit out the bones. One should not completely disregard every detail of such accounts even when they come from occultic sources which have been passed down and corrupted over the centuries, but instead search for the weavings of truth which are mixed in with the threads of error. The truth, naturally, will NOT contradict itself in ANY way whatsoever, and this is the KEY to discerning fact from fiction - Branton) "The other white Gobians remained in their homeland until 'there came an influx of barbarous races from the Mongolian countries,' causing them to abandon the Gobi and migrate to Scandinavia (the so-called 'Nordics'? - Branton) where they have remained to this day. Doreal noted that while 'most of the other races of the world today are admixtures of many races,' the Scandinavians are 'one of the few remaining pure races.' "But he also revealed the existence of more races, of undreamed-of colors, dwelling INSIDE the earth. One of them was the Blue Race, which had once lived in Atlantis, but moved underground when that continent began sinking. For thousands of years, said Doreal, they have inhabited an enormous maze of caverns honeycombing the entire planet... "The Blue Race, Doreal warned, are deadly serious about their work and are not to be trifled with. He cited the case of Floyd Collins, the doomed spelunker who died after being trapped for weeks in a limestone cavern in Kentucky in 1925. A rescue party kept Collins alive by handing food to him through a hole in the collapsed cavern, but they were never able to free him. Doreal reported that Collin's first words when they reached the spot where he was trapped were, 'I have seen the most wonderful things that man has ever dreamed of. I have seen something that the world would not dream of unless they saw it themselves.' (These were NOT Collins's actual first words when found; according to the most reliable sources, they were 'Help Me!' or something very similar. - Kafton-Minkel) The rescuers asked Collins what he saw, Doreal continued, but he refused to tell them until he was released. What did Collins see? That cavern, said Doreal, was one of the entrances to the cave world inhabited by the Blue Race. The Blue folk 'had no desire to harm him, but knowledge of their secret was inviolate.' Collins promised not to reveal what he had seen, but 'when he got almost to the surface he changed his mind and when he changed his mind the rock closed in on him. Why? Because that race has mastery of the rock and of metals and of the earth.' RAINBOW CITY AND THE HEFFERLIN MANUSCRIPT... "The Masters took another guise in a new alternative-reality scenario which was first revealed to the public by Ray Palmer during the Shaver Mystery craze (Palmer was the one Shaver himself accused of 'bending' his stories to fit Palmer's own pet occult and historical theories - Branton). The September 1946 issue of AMAZING STORIES contained four short articles written by a W. C. Hefferlin. Each described a wonderful new invention which had come to the author, in Palmer's words, 'from Tibet by mental telepathy.' One of them was a 'circle-winged airplane' which sounded like a cross between a conventional airplane, a donut, and a dinner plate. Another was the GHYT--for Gas HYdraulic Turbine--motor, which Hefferlin implied was decades ahead of the internal combustion engine without being too specific about how it worked; he fetchingly introduced it with the phrase 'Speed, "Speed", and more SPEED!' Still another was a method for burning water for fuel by releasing its hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis (unfortunately the electrolysis required the burning of some other fuel; Hefferlin neglected to mention this). The final invention was a spiral power beam which today sounds vaguely like a laser, but just as vaguely like a science-fiction ray gun. It was described as if anyone with good mechanical sense could build it from Hefferlin's ambiguous instructions, yet it was clear that he had never built the beam device itself. The article ended in a gaseous climax: 'POWER! Blasting material destruction! Or, 'building blocks' for the expansion of all mankind!... It is yours, now. What are you going to do with it? Build or destroy? God help you!' In the October 1946 AMAZING STORIES, Hefferlin claimed that he had invented a wonderful method to eliminate static from the radio, although he made some major factual errors--stating, for example, that lightning is 'of direct current nature,' when in fact it oscillates. "Palmer was suspicious of Hefferlin's claims. he hinted that although 'there are many people who 'say' they are recipients of unusual information from Tibet,' they might be unfortunates MISLED by the telaug whisperings of the dero. But whatever their origin, the Hefferlin's article could not inspire much confidence in the reader who studied them carefully, and it appears that Palmer enjoyed having readers take potshots at Hefferlin. One reader wrote that after reading Hefferlin's article on static, he could only 'heartily suggest that Mr. Hefferlin buy a good book on radio and electricity and learn a little about the subject before he writes any more articles.... I honestly cannot see how anyone with a high school education could read Mr. Hefferlin's article without laughing.' "hefferlin had given a few specific directions for building the circle-winged plane or the GHYT motor or the POWER! beam, but in each of the articles he left out several essential details, and without them the instructions were useless. When a doctor wrote Palmer and pointed out it would be impossible to build the POWER! beam device with the information Hefferlin had supplied ('Never in my life have I seen or heard of such a poor set of instructions'), Hefferlin replied in the next issue that 'full construction information' could not be placed in the hands 'of the GENERAL public,' and that 'we must consider the seriousness of the International Situation.' He also made the ambiguous statement that the articles were 'but a brief schematic of the entertainment field pertaining to the Rainbow City, its contents, etc.' What was 'the Rainbow City'? Palmer tacked on the titillating line that Rainbow City 'is the headquarters, a deserted city of... (the Elder Race) under the ice of the [South] Pole, where all the gadgets mentioned and thousands more are perfectly preserved for thousands of years.' Palmer also suggested that Rainbow City be given a seat in the then-new United Nations, but with those teasers, Rainbow City and William C. Hefferlin disappeared from the pages of AMAZING. "In 1947 and 1948, however, the Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, an alternative-reality group based in Vista, California, began issuing bits and pieces of a document called 'The Hefferlin Manuscript,' written by W.C. and his wife Gladys at their home in Livingston, Montana. In her introduction to the Manuscript, Gladys Hefferlin denied that their story had anything to do with the Shaver Mystery. 'In our correspondence with Mr. Raymond A. Palmer,' she began, 'we requested him to keep our material separate from the Shaver Mystery.... Mr. Palmer ignored our request and has deliberately distorted our statements for his own purpose.' Here in the Hefferlin Manuscript, she wrote, those distortions would be corrected and the real story would be told: "In 1927, according to Gladys, the Hefferlins were a young, mystically-minded couple living in San Francisco, and there they met and became friendly with a man named Emery (The identity of 'Emery' was long a controversy in Borderland Sciences and Shaver Mystery circles. Many thought he was Emery Deutsch, one a well- known radio violinist; Deutsch denied it. - Kafton-Minkel) who shared their interest. They soon moved and lost track of Emery until 1935; but while in Elwood, Indiana, the Hefferlins learned that Emery was in New York 'in radio circles.' They wrote to him and it wasn't long before the three of them had begun working on a sort of psychic telephone they called 'Controlled Mental Communication.' Gladys Hefferlin acted as the 'mental link'--a conscious medium--on the Elwood end, while Emery, who was a powerful psychic, sent and received messages in New York. 'Our communication,' Gladys wrote, 'is as fast as ordinary, open conversation.' She would receive Emery's messages telepathically and speak them about to W.C. and if W.C. wanted to say anything to Emery, he merely had to speak it AT his wife. Emery 'hears all that is said if one speaks loud enough. It is not necessary to shout--only to speak clearly. Street noises from here go through to him. There is no mystery about this channel, only a definite use of vibrational focus.' "Soon after the three of them had established to their satisfaction that the telepathic messages were being accurately received on both ends, Emery began disappearing on mysterious errands around the United States and the rest of the world. Every so often he would send a psychic message to the Hefferlins to let them know where he was, but the reasons for his travels remained a mystery. "At about the beginning of the Second World War, however, Emery revealed to them he had been 'working under orders' from a community of 'Masters' BENEATH Tibet. It had begun back in the early thirties, when W.C. had been experimenting with a few ideas that had 'come to him'--the circle-winged plane, the POWER! beam, and so forth--on a small scale, but he had been unable to find a backer with the capital to allow construction of full-scale working models. After being turned down by the U.S. Government, W.C. had sent a complete set of his plans to Emery to show to any potential backer he might encounter. While on vacation in the Far East, Emery somehow met and became friendly with 'the Grand Lama, head of the temple in the Valley of Harmonious Peace... which we call Shangri-La.' Emery showed W.C.'s plans to the Grand Lama, who was so impressed he ushered Emery into the secret underground lodge of the mysterious Masters of Human Destiny, 'the Ancient Three...' (Note: The Hefferlins no doubt learned of this through the 'telepathic' link, although some might assume that it was all subconscious wishful thinking that the 'Grand Lama' of Tibet would personally praise his plans. Take note that all of this information since their last meeting with 'Emery' supposedly came through encephalographically focused brain-waves or telepathy. It goes without saying that the chances of being deceived through such an uncertain form of 'communication', by ones own subconscious mind or by malevolent paraphysical impostors, is very high and the opportunities to PROVE such allegations are almost non-existent when compared with face to face communication and substantiation, and in fact many, many accounts allegedly given through psychic channels from 'aliens' have later PROVEN to be false. Because of this one must take the following with a grain of salt - Branton) "The Ancient Three...immediately ordered construction of a fleet of 350 circle-winged planes, powered by GHYT motors burning water for fuel, and using POWER! beams weapons (supposedly after the blueprint provided to 'Emery' by the Hefferlins - Branton). Under the direction of the Three, work progressed rapidly, and when the fleet stood ready at last, an expedition was ordered to search the wastes of Antarctica for signs of Rainbow City... it was critical that the city be repopulated and brought to life if the cosmic plan was to be fulfilled. Every was assigned to the search, and he spent painstaking months flying over the Antarctic, looking for clues that none but the initiated could detect. But on Thanksgiving of 1942, Emery sent a joyful message to the Hefferlins. Rainbow City had been found. "The Hefferlins were understandably anxious to learn more about the Ancient Three, and little by little, in their psychic conversations with Emery, they heard the story of the Three and the concealed history of the human race. Countless millions of years ago, 'Emery' told them, humanity ruled an empire of planets stretching over A HUNDRED GALAXIES. (Note: Even the most liberal theorist would suggest that an inter-GALACTIC 'empire' would not be very feasible, because of the enormous distances involved and the fact that the average galaxy already possesses well over 100 BILLION stars and would probably be more than enough space for such a supposed 'empire'. Add to this the enormous difficulty of holding such an empire together without the individual 'galaxies' revolting, not to mention the fact that the human race itself can be genetically traced back to a single small group. If the earth was 'seeded' by an already existing human race these genetic 'lines' would most likely end at various different points around the globe. Is it possible that 'Emery' was still communicating? Or, as in the case of Richard Shaver himself--when he was shut off from PHYSICAL contact with the 'Teros' he claimed to have encountered--could this 'new' information have been nothing more than paraphysical impostors stepping in with Draconian propaganda mixed with bits and pieces of truth designed to lead people astray in an attempt to CONFUSE the true history of human- reptilian conflict? - Branton) "But at some point in their conquests, the ancient humans encountered the race which was to become their deadly enemy, the Snake People. The Snake People and the ancients battled for a thousand years, with the advantage passing first to one side, then to the other. But it became clear that the Snake People had won. They chased the human race from planet to planet (and through the hundred or so galaxies which supposedly made up their empire? One might suppose that a human empire powerful enough to travel between galaxies would be able to defend themselves from such an enemy - Branton), scattering the remnants of the Human Empire to a few lonely, inconsequential worlds. One of them was Mars, and the Red Planet was for hundreds of generations of the ancients a hospitable home. But as time passed the ancients realized Mars was dying--its oxygen and water were slowly dying. "The Great Ruler of Mars sent a fleet of spaceships to earth... They settled in Antarctica and built seven great cities there, modeled after the cities on Mars; each had a distinctive color and was called the Green City or the Blue City or the Red City. But the greatest of all was Rainbow City, so named because it was constructed entirely of plastic of all colors of the rainbow... Under their guidance (of the Ancient Three) the colony flourished mightily. "It was humanity's golden age, but it was not to last forever. A great catastrophe, probably a surprise attack by the Snake People, struck the earth and tipped it over on its axis. As in Doreal's history--but with the parties REVERSED--the people of Antarctica quickly found their paradise icy and uninhabitable. The survivors of the disaster abandoned the great cities to settle in the wilds of the north, and after thousands of years of adversity they lost their technological knowledge. Memories of the glorious days of the ancients became myths and legends. But even after all that time the great cities of the Antarctic still existed, buried now under thousands of feet of ice. (Walter Kafton-Minkel comments: "The circumstances surrounding the discovery of Rainbow City in the Hefferlins' story are reminiscent of H.P. Lovecraft's horror story 'AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS' [1963]. In the tale, a scientific expedition bored a hole into the Antarctic ice crust and discovers a tunnel filled with the well-preserved corpses of alien life forms. Nearer the South Pole, the expedition discovers a great deserted city hidden behind mountains higher than the Himalayas and finds carvings telling the story of a race of 'Elder Things' which settled at the Pole nearly a thousand million years ago... When the 'great cold' came, the Old Ones settled first in the oceans, and then traveled down to a sea in the interior of the earth." H.P. Lovecraft was a fantasy-fiction writer, it might be added - Branton) "Rainbow City sat deserted for a million years. it alone of the seven cities was free of ice, for hot springs beneath the city kept it and the surrounding valley at room temperature. Encircled by walls of ice ten thousand feet high, Rainbow City has remained hidden from Antarctic explorers to this day--except for Emery and his band. They occupied the city and found it consisted of six levels, one on the surface and five beneath it. Since the technology of the ancients was infinitely superior to our own, the city was found with all its incredible machinery running as well as it had when the city was built two and a half million years ago (quite an accomplishment, although one might wonder just where the power for such machines could have come from during all that time, and IF humans were living on earth for the past two and a half million years why did no subsequent civilizations discover the ancient city in all that time? If the human race was descended from these supposed refugees from the stars who the Hefferlin's claim came to earth two and a half MILLION years ago, then there must have been times in the past when the wandering poles would have alternatively made Antarctica tropical and frozen and therefore accessible to human exploration - Branton). "Almost everything in Rainbow City was built of plastic. W.C. wrote that the roads leading into the city 'are paved with plastic.' The clothing Emery and his colleagues found hanging in the ancient closets 'is woven of a plastic thread softer than the finest modern silks, lighter in weight, and... fire proof.' All of their jewelry was of a plastic so hard 'the surface of a diamond is cut and powdered as if it were ordinary glass.' W.C. also wrote that Rainbow city is filled with gardens of 'great shade trees and flowering plants, luxurious beyond belief, whose individual blooms often measure three feet in diameter.' They are visited by enormous butterflies with wingspreads of seven or eight feet; their bodies would 'fill a large sized turkey platter.... They are as large as full sized eagles and are beautiful beyond words.' W.C. didn't mention anything about the four- or five-foot caterpillars such butterflies imply, but perhaps the people of Rainbow City didn't mind encountering huge, hungry larvae in their gardens (which had somehow maintained themselves for over 2 MILLION years - Branton) because they were larger themselves. Emery estimated, after looking at the clothes and furniture the ancients left behind, that they averaged about eight feet tall. "While preparing Rainbow City for resettlement by the Ancient Three (who were supposedly still around after 2 1/2 million years! - Branton) and their specially-selected followers, Emery and the others discovered many incredible devices abandoned by the ancients. Like Saint Germain's magical dishwasher, 'vibratory flames' kept the plastic clothes, carpets, and dishes of the city eternally spotless. Other vibrations supplied the artificial sunlight for the underground gardens. Ancient books read themselves aloud when a button was pushed. "The ancients surpassed themselves, however, as transportation engineers. One of their most remarkable inventions was the 'portal,' a closet-like room with two doors that would warp space and deliver people or cargo to any point on the globe when the user merely concentrated on the destination. According to W.C., one of Emery's comrades was Kilroy, 'a red headed Irishman with a puckish sense of humor.' Kilroy was overjoyed when he learned to work the portal, and in his spare moments he would trip from place to place all over the world, appearing just long enough to scrawl 'Kilroy was here' on a convenient wall. "The explorers also found and tested the ancients' enormous subway system. It was the NE PLUS ULTRA of subways, with hundreds of thousands of miles of tunnels from the Central Terminal beneath Rainbow City and snaking under all the continents and oceans. Enormous trains a hundred feet in diameter had flown through the centers of the tubes, held in place by vibrational power; the cruising speed of the trains was a touch over two thousand miles an hour. Emery's group explored a few of the nearby tunnels, and took one of the ancient trains on a short run beneath Antarctica, but the majority of the worldwide tube system was sitting unexplored and empty, as it had since the great disaster struck a million years ago. "There is something in W.C.'s description of the tunnels to tickle the scalp of any science fiction lover--an incredibly old network of huge tunnels under our feet, silent and sealed off into thousand-mile sections behind impervious steel doors, their entrances long buried by earthquakes and landslides. Emery located a few of the great sub-terminals of the system under Asia, Africa, and the Americas using the portals, and he found them filled with cashes of unused atomic weapons--mostly personal 'blaster types.' The Hefferlins themselves discovered the end of one of the subterranean branch lines near their home, 'some two hundred feet or more up the side of a mountain' west of Sheridan, Wyoming. 'This tunnel seems to have been twisted and sheared off.' Was this the work of the Snake People? 'When we have time,' W.C. wrote, 'we shall use the portals to find the answer.' "...There were seven temples scattered across Asia, Africa, and South America, all provided with special vibratory jewels, or 'thought machines;' from these temples the Ancient Three had for several decades broadcast their wishes to the minds of the non- Western world. Their message was that 'each people, country, nation must earn its independence from the European Empire Nations.' In the future, 'no nation will exploit another nation, put burdensome taxes upon them, nor enslave then in any way. And war will be abolished.' All races would be equal. "Under the guidance of the Ancient Three, ALL NATIONS would merge into a WORLD GOVERNMENT on the model of the United States... (Note: Do we have a contradiction here from the earlier statement? How can World Government protect a nation's INDEPENDENCE? And also, just WHERE will the center of power be for this World Government - Branton) "The Three were sending squadrons of circle-winged planes into the skies of every continent to search for more traces of ancient cities that might be revived; when people saw the strange craft, they mistook them for alien spaceships and called them 'flying saucers.' "When the Hefferlins first announced the existence of Rainbow City, they were deluged with questions from the alternative-reality community: Where, exactly, WAS Rainbow City? How can I contact the Ancient Three? Can I go to Rainbow City and work for the New Age? Gladys Hefferlin cautioned her readers that such people were doomed to disappointment (just like those seeking tangible PROOF of their claims? - Branton) Only certain individuals had been chosen by the Three to go to Rainbow City-- not because they were 'worthy,' but because they were needed there. Rainbow City was not open to the curious. 'No one can buy his way into Rainbow City,' she wrote; adding, 'We ourselves, who are the North American spokesmen, cannot enter Rainbow City at this time. Therefore we cannot promise entry to anyone else.' "The Hefferlins faded into obscurity in the early 1950s, but Rainbow City was not forgotten. In 1960, UFO writer Michael Barton, known to his readers as Michael X, published a small book titled RAINBOW CITY AND THE INNER EARTH PEOPLE, a curious mishmash of the holes-in-the-poles hollow-earth idea, the Hefferlin Manuscript, and the Shaver Mystery. Here we learn that the Inner Earth people are far from a homogenous group; some are Masters, some are dero, and some are ordinary humans. But since the New Age is coming, the Masters--with the help of 'Guardians,' their friends from Venus--are slowly 'removing' the dero and other destructive beings from the planet. 'Both the astral and physical levels of the inner ear,' Barton wrote. 'are being cleaned out in preparation for the coming Golden Age.' (another title for the so-called 'New Age' of TECHNOLOGICAL salvation - Branton) The Masters and the Guardians used Rainbow City as their way-station when passing in and out of the South Polar Opening. (As one can see, this whole account has a rather 'New Age' slant to it, as do most 'revelations' which come through mediumistic, occult or psychic 'channels'. This very fact should cause one to have caution - Branton) "Barton claimed to have discovered these facts in psychic conversations with a number of astral entities through a channel he called 'Telethot.' "...There was another writer who kept Rainbow City alive as well--a man who proposed that the hidden war between planets, between the human race and the Snake People, continues secretly to THIS DAY... Robert Dickhoff told us that the day was not far off when it might be necessary to choose between Mars and Venus in an interplanetary Armageddon." (Note: Dickhoff supposes that the interior of Venus is largely inhabited by Reptilians--although others claim that some humans also live there--whereas the interior of Mars is largely populated by the human species. Dickhoff was the one who wrote, in his book 'AGHARTA' (Health Research Publications., Mokelumne Hill, Ca), that an early Asian prince learned of an even more ancient cavern system below the Himalayas. This might be the one below the Potala shrine in Lhasa Tibet within which according to other sources there are also supposed to be perfectly preserved 'caskets' containing the remains of a race of ancient human giants. However the caverns below central Asia were found by this prince to be the abode of the 'serpent people' according to Dickhoff, large lizardian hominoids which it was discovered were trying to psychically attack and control minds on the surface through a sinister form of black witchcraft and sorcery. Leading an army of warriors into the caverns, Dickhoff's Buddhist sources told him, this Asian prince managed to drive out the reptilians and apprehend the prehistoric underground city for themselves. The reptilians from that point on supposedly began using the spelling 'Aghartha' rather than 'Agharta' in their propagandial psychic messages delivered to their occult human pawns who were oblivious to the fact that the so-called Ascended 'Masters' behind such messages whom they trusted were actually reptilians. This was a type of signal that these reptilian sorcerers, according to Dickhoff, used. Presumably, the serpent race intended to take back Agharta for themselves one day. However, as in Doreal's and the Hefferlin's accounts, even though some of the information seems to support the 'Grand Scenario' as it is laid out in the mutually corroborating COSCON files and elsewhere, other allegations seem to be embellishments resulting from the occult leanings of the sources, and because of the largely paraphysical origin of many of these ideas it is very likely that such 'revelations' are nothing more than psychic propaganda designed to throw humanity off track from the REAL and documentable historical truths - Branton)