What do the following names all have in common: Dennis Brunnell, Stan Deyo, William Cooper, Bill Hamilton, Val Valerian, 'Commander X' and Robert Lazar? They all allege that the following scenario is a reality... Ever since the so-called 'end' of the NASA moon shots the U.S. 'secret' government has been involved in cover manned space exploration of this solar system utilizing super-advanced technologies which are so revolutionary that the secret government has chosen to tell the public little or nothing about it. Some of these sources even claim that an inner core of this "secret government" have in the past worked hand-in-claw with a race of hominoid-sauroid reptilian beings who have given these human 'elite' technology and power (over their fellow man) in exchange for certain powers and influences which this secret government or "serpent cult" gave these alien beings over the masses of humanity. There are allegedly other human groups, native to earth and much more ancient, who left this planet in ancient times after obtaining similar technologies. Some of these ancient and modern groups "sold out" to this alien race in exchange for technology (as in the case of the so-called MIB's or Men In Black), while others developed such technologies of their own initiative (as in the case of many of the human 'alien' races who are often referred to as the 'Nordics'). As for the covert space operations that are being carried out by various top-secret organizations within the U.S. government, they are based on a combination of 'alien' technology recovered from numerous crash-retrievals of aerial disks, while other aspects are based on prototype and state-of-the-art Military-Industrial technologies developed by well-known U.S. companies. These advanced technologies include anti-gravity generators and electromagnetic propulsion systems and massive top-secret space efforts which have largely been financed through deception and through hundreds of billions of dollars which have generously (although unknowingly) been provided via 'Black' budgets by hard-working American taxpayers. Dennis Brunnelle, a 33rd degree Mason and a Grandmaster in the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) had become "dis-illusioned" by the Illuminati's present activities. Originally believing that the Illuminati was a mystic lodge designed to illuminate one into mystical heights of ascended awareness, he eventually learned that such metaphysical talk was just so much hot air designed to gain the willing assistance of lower-ranking 'lodge' members, who were unknowingly being manipulated into serving the hypocritical, self-seeking and self-serving imperialistic goals of a relatively small inner core of 'illumined' members. Although the craft in the possession of the 'Illuminati' cannot be considered as being the ONLY source for present-day UFO phenomena, they nevertheless apparently intend to use such technology for their own benefit. At the same time the masses throughout the world who are robbed of the beneficial technology and are therefore forced to suffer economically at the hands of the huge Illuminati- controlled Corporate-Industrial establishments who DO possess such technologies (and who have crushed and devoured countless smaller companies in their Imperalistic quest for wealth)... such people are forced by these power-mongers into a lifestyle of perpetual servitude to the Corporate-Industrial complex and the Illuminati itself, being barely able to get by from day to day in a manipulated economy which is being used to keep "the masses of asses" in their place. Brunnelle alleged that some within the Illuminati were so heartless as to believe that their socialist "World Order" must be brought about even if the orchestrating of wars, etc., had to be accomplished in order to create the conditions necessary for establishing it... or, in other words, that the end justified the means. These lost souls were and are apparently convinced that they have the divine right to decide the fate of nations, and that the masses of humanity exist for no other reason than to serve their cause. They consider themselves 'gods' and the rest of humanity as "mere mortals". One of Dennis Brunnelle's 'Gemstone' research papers (which also described the Mafia-CIA-oil company connection to the John F. Kennedy assassination, confirming the original 'Gemstone' reports of Bruce Roberts) included a scenario developed by Kissinger and other Illuminists in the early 1980's or before. This scenario showed one such proposed plan as to how war could be used to bring the United States - the last obstacle standing in the way of absolute Illuminati rule of the world - into subjection to the one-world Socialist state. This scenario, possibly one of many developed, was in the form of a speech given by a U.S. president. George Bush was sited as a very possible candidate to this 'speech' (This was years before Bush became vice president, which suggests that Brunnelle was in fact tapped-into some very sensitive information). It was basically written as a possible emergency address to the nation which would supposedly take place after years of American involvement in an - Illuminati orchestrated? - war in the Middle East. The scenario continued as "the President" informs the nation that, due to the long drawn-out (Korea/Vietnam like no-win) war which has depleted our national resources, a certain Executive Order was to be issued for the 'good' of the nation which would result in practically ALL PRIVATE AGENCIES coming under the absolute control of the Federal Government. In short, according to this scenario, if such a plan was carried out then the entire nation could be brought under absolute socialist control in one night. Such a scenario may not be too far-fetched when we realize the following: 1) George Bush was, during his years at Yale University, initiated into the "Skull & Bones" society, also known as the "Brotherhood of Death". According to prominent political and financial analysts such as Antony Sutten, there is much documentation to suggest that Skull & Bones is nothing less than a Western branch of the Bavarian Illuminati, designed to recruit highly-educated individuals into serving it's cause. 2) George Bush served as THE DIRECTOR of the CIA for several years, which, according to various sources, is actually serving the one-world movement. 3) Bush has very close ties with one-world organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations or C.F.R., Federal Reserve, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, Alpine Institute, etc. 4) Before Ronald Reagan 'chose' a running mate, according to the late political analyst Gary Allen, he was approached at a political convention by the duo of Walter Cronkite and Henry Kissinger, both alleged Illuminists, and "strongly encouraged" to choose George Bush as his running mate as Bush was well-favored by the International Banking Establishment of Wallstreet. 5) The Bush family is very rich and are heavily involved in high-profit, offshore and international oil drilling companies. 6) Also, when news of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait - where the Bush family's oil business had some vested interests - reached America, George Bush was at the one-world 'Aspen' Institute of Colorado visiting with Margaret Thatcher. Bush's decision to rally the nations together by sending our young men and women to fight and die for the "New World Order", was based on 'advice' he received from officials at the one-world Aspen Institute. Although "Operation Desert Storm" was a well-planned and well master-minded attack, the fact nevertheless remains that we were fighting to defend the "New World Order" and the oil interests (whereas we only get a very small percentage of our oil from Kuwait) and not to defend the constitutional United States. This war was a two-sided event. Even though the motive may have been other than in harmony with America's best interests in that (like Korea and Vietnam) it was fought FOR the Socialist-oriented United Nations; some good nevertheless came out of it, in essence, that America was able to defend our ally ISRAEL from an aggressive enemy. However the target, Saddam Hussain, escaped free while tens of thousands of his subjects, so many pawns in a huge game of chess, had to pay the price with their lives. As the Word of God says, "evil shall slay the wicked" (Psalm 34:21). This may in part apply to Iraq, the land of ancient Babylon (the ancient city where the one-world movement and all occult movements had their genesis) which in a strange twist of fate was 'judged' by the very oppressive movement which it created. Notice also Bush's constant references to the "New World Order" - a concept which is a mockery of the Declaration of INDEPENDENCE which our forefathers shed their blood to defend. True, we must as a nation not ignore the rest of the world, yet at the same time we should not surrender ourselves to the rest of the world either, but preserve the American Republic as a bastion of Freedom to which the oppressed of ALL NATIONS can take refuge. The reason we are so critical of this particular presidency is because we believe that the secret government - utilizing it's influence in mass-media control, MANIPULATED Bush into office in a direct perversion of the electorial process. In other words, through the fantastic media power which they wielded, the one- worlders snuffed out the competition (that is until they found a new man who would tow the party-line of the CFR or Council on Foreign Relations). One should realize that it is Biblical to honor the governing officials, yet this is only to the EXTENT that the governing powers submit to the Almighty governing power of the Universe, God Himself. Elijah criticized the ancient King Ahab for this very reason, because he was leading the nation of Israel astray into Baal worship, and selling out to and attempting to appease their enemies out of faithless intimidation. Unfortunately, King Ahab and George Bush may have had a lot in common. We would rather hope that the opposite were true, but facts are facts. However, we must not fall into the trap of pointing the finger at any one person, as Bush happens to be only one link in a very large and very powerful "secret government" chain which, as we have seen, has sold out much of this planet to "The Beast". Bush, like many misled 'insiders', was no doubt largely a product of his environment, as well as a member of a generational 'Eastern Establishment' family, and more-or-less a puppet or voicebox of secret government policy. This fact should be taken into account, as well as the fact that the major 'enemy' is the draconian influence as it exists in and behind the secret government establishment. There were, nevertheless, less-than- honorable motives on the part of the United States in it's decision to fight in the Gulf War (see: YOUTH ACTION NEWS - Oct. 1990., Box 312., Alexandria, VA 22313 - this source gives much evidence that Bush and Company more-or-less 'encouraged' the Kuwaiti invasion and, when faced with irrefutable proof that such an invasion was coming, did absolutely nothing to warn the Kuwaitis of, NOR the Iraqis against such an invasion. Was Bush and Company willing to risk the lives of thousands of people just so his One World Government could be established and a "trial run" of the global U.N. Police Force could be initiated?).