So you want to know a bit about me huh?
Kristin's Place
I started cross dressing at the age of four and have been doing it my entire life.  I didn't have any real sexual confusion growing up, I just got caught up with dressing and don't have any serious hang-ups about it today. I treasure my time to transform myself into a sexy woman. When I transform, it is 100%.  I try to look and act as a girl would and truly love being feminine.
Personally, I wish the web had been around much earlier.  The web has given me the courage to get out in public and meet a few volks.  If the web had been around earlier, I am sure I would be living half time as a woman! 

Hopefully this will help answer questions with common threads I get in my mail

Where do you live? I live in Colorado.

How old are you? 40 and very much single and looking.

Are you gay?  That's a tough one, probably.  Depends on whether you understand the crossdressing community and how we tend to think.  When I dress, I am girl and think like a girl and accordingly, I  would love to be with a man,  I seem to have quite few fantasies about oral sex with men.  As a man I am not attracted to guys at all.  So where does this put me?  By a strict definition, I would say I have very strong gay tendencies but like most TV's, I adore being with an understanding woman when dressed.  I am probably bisexual.

What are your sexual interests.  Outside of the wide array of lingerie I enjoy exhibiting, I am exploring my more submissve nature and am delving quite far into bondage. I love being tied up and having fun.  I also love tying up women. 

Do I dress full time? 
Nope, about 1-2x/week when I have the time.  I have only gone out on a handful of occasions but I really enjoy getting out and about.  My ears are pierced and I enjoy painting my toenails and glueing on fake mails.  I am completely clean shaven and try to trim my eyebrows to a comfortable thinness that works as a man and a girl.

Are you on hormones? Not even close.  While I fantasize about being a girl and how cool it may actually be one, I have no realistic desire  to change sexes.

Where did I get the breasts and my wig (see the collage photos)?
The breast forms are from good old Fredricks.  They can be attached with adhesive (but messy). The wig is light auburn and from the wig outlet (see my links page).

Some other tid-bits. I will not send any photos other than the ones posted, please don't ask. I will not meet you just cause you like TV's.  I am way too protective for that.  Send a nice email with your photo if you would like me to respond (girls, guys, and definately TV's). There is an awesome woman (Renee) on the web that has a great site ( tha can help you with many crossdressing issues.  Namaste Renee!

I do like hearing from you so please femail me with your thoughts and comments.  Don''t forget to include a photo. 

Coming Out? After my divorce I decided to come a tad bit out of the closet. I am not actually out and about, but after being caught dressed by an very uncompassionate acquaintanceI found myself having to reveal my sexual nature to my best friends (the acquaintance told them). I made it clear that I wanted to see both of them (husband and wife) together and face to face.  I told them everything about my crossdressing from the history to a frank discussion of where I fit on the gender and sex spectrum.  I also showed them three tasteful photos of me dressed.  The evening could not have gone any better.  They were accepting, compassionate, loving and supportive.  They are truly my best friends.  Since then I have told a number of close friends and my current girlfriend.  It has been a very interesting experience.

All the best to you in your journey in life. Kristin.

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