My Dearest Apologies


You can please some people some of the time, but you can’t please all people all the time”- proverb


I apologize for coming off as a rabid Sensui fan to those of you who rather dislike his character. I did not intend for this to happen; it’s just that I thought people disliked him for rather invalid reasons, such as his appearance or sexual orientation.


I am not ashamed to say that I was wrong.


I still like him, yes, and he’s still my favorite character in YYH, but I have to admit something rather shocking:


Even I don’t like some aspects of his character.


Yes, Sir Psycho Sexy, that guy who is obsessed with Sensui, doesn’t like certain aspects of his character. DO NOT ADJUST YOUR SCREEN, you are reading this correctly. For one, I do not like how misogynist he appears to be; misogyny does not sit well with me AT ALL. Plus I have to concede that he is quite a manipulative, cold-hearted bastard, and that he’s pretty weak mentally/emotionally.


AND I would be fucking scared if someone existed in real life who was like him in every detail. (If he were real, I would be holed up in my house, shit-scared of how he’d find me and blow up my sorry ass.)


Why, you ask, is SPS admitting all this? Because his Sensui-worship pretty much comes down to one thing: narcissism. I strongly identify with him and all the crap that he’s been through, much as another person may identify with, say, Mukuro. Plus he has all the power I’d ever want, but couldn’t have. In other words, I love him, warts and all, because I see parts of myself in him.


Remember, fandom: You DO have a right to dislike characters you dislike, as long as it’s justified (aka not for superficial reasons such as “They’re ugly” or “They wear glasses” or “They get in the way of my OTP”). In this case, I think some of the dislike of Sensui IS justified. Hell, when a guy who adores his character recognizes that he has weak points that can be justifiably disliked…yeah.


So, my sincerest apologies to everyone.



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