Mine Awareness Class

On the 18th of January seven soldiers and an interpreter went to the school to teach the kids mine awareness. The instructors were CPL Currier, SPC David, SPC McGugan, and interpreter Samia Loki. They taught the children how to identify mines and possible locations of mines. They also informed the children of the harms and dangers of mines and what to do should they encounter one.

The instructors kept the children's attention by playing games, using visual displays and injecting humor into their presentation. At the end of each class the students were quizzed and given candy for correct responses. They also received a notebook with mine information on it along with a ruler, pencil and eraser. The instructors left a few posters for the teachers to post in the hallway.

During one of the classes a young boy identified a possible anti-tank TMA-2 mine which was in a field nearby. EOD was dispatched and had the area marked off by the end of the day. A total of 274 students received instruction.

CPL Currier steps on a mouse trap to make a point.

A boy tries to answer a question as the instructors look on. The instructors from L-R are Samia
Loki, SPC McGugan, SPC David, and CPL Currier.

SPC McGugan shows the students some of the mines found in Kosovo.

The children listening attentively to the presentation.

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