Gebruikte bronnen
'Corsets and Crinolines' door Norah Waugh
Sites over geschiedenis

Sites over kostuumgeschiedenis
Wikipedia: Westerse Kostuumgids
Verre Verwanten: Het lichaam bevrijd
Cultuurwijs: 1000 jaar in de kleren
La Couturiere Parisienne: Fashion Change from the 1850s to the 1910s
La Couturiere Parisienne: Reformed clothing AKA Rational Dress

Sites over korsetgeschiedenis
Antique Corset: Unmentionables
Lara's Corsets and Gowns: Corset History
Alicia's Site: Comparing Corsets
The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Corset 1770
The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Corset 1760
The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Corset 1891
Originals by Kay: Corsetry
Victoriana: Victorian Corset Directory
La Couturiere Parisienne: Period Patterns and the Modern Figure
Wikipedia: S-lijn
Verre Verwanten: Met of zonder korset
The Victoria and Albert Museum: The secret history of the Corset and Crinoline
Ivy Leaf's Corsetry Compendium

Sites over kleding maken
Past Patterns

Sites over korsetten maken
The Fitting Room: What is a Busk?
The Fitting Room: Frequently Asked Questions
Zelf een korset maken
Ageless Patterns: Corsets
La Couturiere Parisienne: Corsets
The Costumer's Manifesto: A speedy 18th century corset

Korset en gezondheid
Wikipedia: Buik
Corset Information: Health information
Advantages of Corsetry
Puimond progressive corset dessign
Fairy Goth Mother

Inrijgen en onderhoud
Dragontown Corsets: Wear and Care
Delisious Corsets: Corset Care
Ivy Leaf's Corsetry Compendium: How to lace your corset, Madam
Dark Garden: After Care
Elizabethan Costuming Page: Putting on a corset
Corset Design

Elizabethan Costuming Page: Corset-making Materials
La Couturiere Parisienne: Odds and Ends
Vena Cava Design
Delicious Corsets: Construction Techniques
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