Think you know all there is to know about Young Hercules? Think again! Here's the most intensive questions only a die-hard Young Hercules fan would know. And if you can answer them without cheating (ie, turning to your Young Herc tapes), then you know you're good!

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What is the name of the very first episode?
Con Ares
Treasure of Zeus
Me, Myself, and Eye

In what episode is "the old tree gag" introduced?
Herc's Nemesis
Amazon Grace

Who is the first tree gag we see played on?

Who plays Ruff, the basilisk?
A really small child
Verne Troyer (aka Mini Me)
A real basilisk

What is NOT one of Hercules' holiday traditions from "Home for the Holidays"?
Wild boar hunt
Fish and feta popovers
Thracean casserole in goat stomach

If you have any suggestions for future trivia questions, submit them here!

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