The Guide


I�m assuming that the majority of people reading this have seen the anime, and not read the manga. If you want to introduce any manga characters, i.e. Yuma and Saya, then introduce them as if the reader has no idea who they are.

Yami no Matsuei is a violent, anime. However, some readers might not like to read descriptive details on how the gruesome wound was ripped open. This doesn�t mean violence can�t happen, as long as it�s not too graphic of a description. The same goes for romance scenes.

As for pairings, I understand that there are a lot of possibilities in Yami no Matsuei. As in real life not everything set in stone, parings aren�t either. The best thing to do is to make the pairing plausible and in character.

If you really want to do a crossover, please e-mail me first. There is a possibility that I�ll say yes. However, if you try to do something like introduce all the characters from Angel Sanctuary in two paragraphs, I�ll probably ask you to revise it.


Make sure it is a segment. I'm not asking for two sentences, but no five page novels either. About four paragraphs are good. There is a lot of leeway here.

This is written in second person. As in, you�re telling the person what they�re doing. For example; �You pick the pot and burn yourself. You then scream in pain.�

Make sure that there is more than one option at the end of your segment. Two is ideal, three is doable, four is pushing it, and I�ll probably say no to five. For example: �Run away screaming� or �Smile happily, envisioning your bloody revenge� An example of what not to do is �The balloon is red� or �There is no balloon�

I can understand that you�re not a English major. I will segments through my spell/grammar-checks, making sure there are no accidents with spelling and/or grammar. However, if red and green squiggly lines appear under the majority of the words, then I�ll ask you to revise it.

Be sure to remember to include the story number that your segment follows. If you want to include the option it takes, that�s good too.

If you want me to give you a penname, then include that in you e-mail, along with the address you want any feedback to follow. If you don�t give me an address, than I will assume that the one you used to send the segment is the one you want shown.

There may come a time when two different people send me two segments for the same option on the same story segment. This means I get to choose the one I like better. If you are not the one chosen, then I encourage you to choose a different story line/option to send a segment to. It�s okay if you send a segment similar to your first one, with minor changes.


I can accept documents that are attached to your e-mail using Microsoft Word, Notepad, and WordPad. It is also okay to have the story in the main body of your e-mail. (Also, most e-mails provide a spell check.)

Please do not forget the story number yours is following.

Once you are ready, you can send your segment to [email protected]

If you have any questions comments, or corrections, feel free to e-mail me.

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