I'd love it if people contributed to this part of the many people are more humorous that me!!  [email protected] Oh, and some of the ideas weren't originally mine.  Also, new humor is posted at the bottom of the page or the bottom of the section it belongs in.
You know you're obsessed with Gundam Wing when...(things I do have smiles next to them!)
--You talk or think about it for at least five hours a day
--You have personal attachments to the characters
--You dream about the characters
--You ACTUALLY think a character is hot *shudder*
--You think you ARE one of the characters *double shudder*
--You quote the characters
--You've made a shrine for it, whether it be a website or some crazy idea of your own
--You have cosplayed (dressed up to an Anime Expo) as one of the characters.
--You're reading this
--You've made a list like this
--You realize all these things apply to you (or most of them)
Things GW characters will never say
"I love pink!  And all the pretty flowers!"
        "Where's my mommy?!"
        "Duo, hand me my teddy."
        "Mission, NOT accepted."

"I am the Angel of Life.  Follow me to heaven."
        "Girls are so yucky!"
        "I'm afraid of the dark."
        "I hate you, Deathscythe!  Some buddy you are!"
        "But I don't WANNA attack the OZ base, Hee-chan!"

      "Help! I'm gonna fall off this tight rope!  Quuaattrree!!!!!!"
      "One should give up right away."
      "How do I operate this chuck of metal?"
      "I hate this circus and Catherine!  I wanna be...a post office worker!"

"Wasup my homie!  You still got dat party goin on tonite?"
      "Sandrock!  You're my worst friend!  I hate you!"
      "I hate tea."
      "Screw off, asshole!"
      "What's two plus two?"

"I think I want a sex change."
      "I hate Nataku!  She's a weak wife!"
      "I love women and want to screw them all!  Yeah!!!!  Forget honor and justice!!!"
What kind of music GW pilots would like
Heero: I think he'd like Metalica or System of a Down.
Duo: He's kinda a pop/80's person.  I could see him dancing to the "YMCA" or "Saturday Night Fever".
Trowa: Modern day classical.  He'd probably listen to those four chicks that play classical remixes.
Quatre: Old classical.  This is evident thoughout the whole series.
Wufei: I'd think punk rock or something close.  But he'd probably like some old Chinese classics too.  No weakling pop music for Wufei!
Back to Main
Funny Pic #1 - Cowboys This is just hilarious...only Duo and Wufei look good.  The God of Death and the Dragon of Justice kick ass!  No matter WHAT they're wearing.  ~_^
Funny Pic #2 - Ugly! What the hell is Trowa wearing?  And Heero?  Damn that's ugly!  Wufei looks ready to join the army... The others are *okay* but they've had better days.  What I really want to know is who drew this picture?  I know GW was made in 1995, but come on!  We never dressed that bad back then.
Gundam Wing Bloopers   (visualize it, cuz i'm not good at describing it)
Episode 4, when Wufei is on the bike.

Noin: Stop! Stop or I'll shoot!
*Wufei gets ready to smash through the wooden gate, but hits it and goes flying*
Wufei: Ow...shit...ow...ow...fuck!
Duo: *laughing hysterically* Hahaha!  The cement gate worked like a charm! 
Wufei: *getting up* KISAMA I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!
Heero: *watching a crazed Wufei run after Duo* Isn't that my line?

When Heero is About to Rip up Relena's card

Heero: *takes the card, tries to rip it, but it won't rip* Stupid...paper...grrr!  Omae wo korosu!!! (I'm going to kill you!!!)
Relena: Heero, that was like, the line after you rip it!
Heero: Shut up! *shoots Relena*
Director: Great, that's the third actress for Relena he's killed.  Alright, lets find another one!

Episode Ten, when Quatre "senses" something

Quatre: *leans forward and grabs his heart* I...I feel something...
*the other character continue the scene*
Quatre: No, really, guys, I don't feel so good...
Duo: That's not in the script, Quatre!
Quatre: But I...I...aahhh!! *collapses*
*the whole studio looks at him*
Director: Uh, somebody wanna call an ambulance?

The Episode in Which Trowa Blows Up Deathscythe.

Trowa: *staring at the watery substance in front of him* What's this?  My tears?
Director: Cut!  Actually, Trowa, that's your sweat.  We haven't put in the fake tears yet.  Makeup crew, let's get some deodorant here!

Episode 26, where Quatre and Heero are prisoners and Quatre runs over to Vayate

Quatre: Trowa...
*Heero gets ready to drop down and sweep kick the guy, but gets tangled up in the chains and is helplessly twisted in them*
Heero: A little help, please?
Wufei: *laughing* You weakling!  You're horrible!
Heero: That's it!  I quit! *tries to get up to walk out, but keeps falling*
*everyone is now laughing*
Director: *shaking his head* Cut!

Episode 42, when Wufei is in Zero
Wufei: You�re wrong!  I can fight all on my o�ow!  These yellow contacts are killing my eyes!!!
Director: Wufei, they�re for special effects!  Don�t take them out!
Wufei: Ahhh!!!  It�s burning!!!!
Duo: Dude, I don�t remember the contacts hurting so much.
Heero: That�s because yours didn�t have pepper spray in them�.mwhahahaha!!!!!

Episode 46, when Duo walks into the room where the rest of the G-boys ar

Duo: *sails in* Where in the- ow!  *his braid is caught in the automatic closing door* Who the hell did that?!  Don't these things give you enough time to go through?!
Wufei: *laughing* That's for what you did to me when we were taping episode four!
Duo: That's not funny...hey, guys, get my braid hurts..

Episode 49, when Heero is about to blow up Libr

Heero: I will...I will survive!
Duo: *laughs, then starts singing the Gloria Gaines song "I will survive"* I will survive! Oh as long as I know how to love...*dances*
*other pilots start dancing for the fun of it*
Duo: I've got all my life to live, and I've got all my love to give, hey hey, I will survive!

Endless Waltz, when Relena is thinking about Heero ~~Donated by Caitlin~~

Relena: Heero.....
Duo: (jumps up behind the window she's looking out of) <singing> I can be your hero, baby!
Relena: (frowns) DUO! (punches glass, it's harders than her hand) AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! (starts hopping around screaming)
Duo: (falls off balcony outside laughing so hard)
Relena: (now in tears, talking to the director) I cannot work like this! I will be in my trailer! (stomps off)

From Endless Waltz ~~Donated by Candace

Heero: I'll relieve you of your pain.
Mariemaya: I thank you.
Heero: (pulls the trigger)
Mariemaya: CUT!!! Is that it?!! Isn't there supposed to be some sort of projectile coming out of the gun?!!!!
Heero: How the Hell am I supposed to know?!!!! They just gave me the damn gun and told me to pull the trigger!!! That is it!!! I'm taking ten!

From Endless Waltz ~~Donated by Candace~

Duo: It's Christmas. And once again I forgot to get eggnog.
People Behing the Camera: (laugh hystericly)
Director: Duo! That wasn't in the script! Be serious,this is the tenth take already!
Duo: Okay,okay. I'm just trying to have a little fun here.
Heero: I'm sorry,I was too busy staring into the abyss to hear what you were saying...............Are we done yet?

From Endless Waltz ~~Donated by Candace~

Relena: Heero! (runs out to hold him) Uh....Heero? What's my next line?
Heero: (just sits there) How am I supposed to know your lines? I don't even know all of my lines. I make animal noises through half of them!
Producer: It's not my fault!!!
Relena: I just wanted to know.
Heero: (sarcasticly)Gee, I didn't know you liked me this much.
Relena: (looks at him like he's an insect and then shoves him away)
Heero: (falls into camera equipment) Ow!

From Endless Waltz ~~Donated by Candace

Duo: The God of Death, well, it's alot better than being the hero of a masacre. (twirls his gun and it accidently goes off)
Relena: (in her dressing room upstairs) AHHH!!! WHAT WAS THAT?!!!
Duo: It wasn't me!!! I may have a gun...and it may, by some chance, be loaded. But I didn't do it!!!
A Side Note...
It's true, Wufei has pockets!  I know I'm weird, but ever since I noticed the funny line on the side of his pants, I've wondered, are those pockets?  So, if you want the proof,
You Know You're Obsessed With (      ) When....

     ---You always talk about the mission.  It's all about the mission!!!!!!!!!!
     ---You make death threats, both serious and not
     ---You can tell me right now what Heero says to finish this quote: "Omae wo..."
     ---You've decided to only wear black
     ---You've changed your religion to Christianity
     ---You call yourself the God of Death and talk to your toy Gundam Deathscythe
     ---You see someone with long brown hair, you stop make sure it's not Duo you're passing by
     ---You join gymnastics
     ---You go to every circus you see to make sure Trowa isn't hiding behind a mask anywhere
     ---You deny the fact that his Gundam is always running out of ammo at the crucial moment
     ---You've gone to every store to find a vest that looks like his
     ---You've suddenly clutched your heart while at work/school and say your space heart is talking
     ---You drink tea like there's no tomorrow
     ---You find yourself defending justice and hating the weak
     ---You talk to a dead relative or your Gundam model
     ---You decided to join Kung Fu lessons
     ---You can finish this quote: "Offense is the best defense.  If you're..."
     ---You've seen the Japanese version and know what "kisama" "seigi" "onna" and "yowai" are
     ---You know what song this is from: "Nani o shinjite?  Nani o motomete?  Hito wa ikeru"  And you're singing the rest in your head right now!
Gundam Wing Jokes

How many Gundam pilots does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Heero: Just one, to self-destruct the whole thing. 
Duo: None, the God of Death likes the dark.
Trowa: Three�one to observe the situation, one to do a flip, and one to actually fix it.
Quatre: None, he gets the Magnat Corp to do it for him.
Wufei: None, he�s not afraid of the dark, or just one, because he works alone.

Why did the Gundam pilot cross the road?

Simple--to get away from Relena!
Duo: Because he was running away from OZ, trying not to get captured AGAIN.
Trowa: "Techinally, I did not cross the road.  I flipped over it."
Quatre: Because his Space Heart told him to do so.
Wufei: Because Treize was on the other side.  "Come back here, coward!  I'll defeat you!
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