The Serpent's Lair

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|- Py's Lair
  |- Ancient One

E-mail Konstricta

Very short one, I did this some years ago, wanting to explore things from the snakes point of view a little.

Ancient One,

By Py, (c) 4/98,


He slides through the bushes, flicking his tongue and sensing for prey. He's the biggest of his kind he knows of, the others hiss, 'Ancient One', and wait as he passes. No creature can stand against him, his body length reaches longer than any others, and he can kill any creature he has ever met. He usually waits in ambush for a caiman, or a Jaguar, usually in water as today. He uses the waters depths to hide his coils of flesh, and hides his head under a bush.

Two prey were approaching down the path, with luck, they might come to the waters edge, and he would feed on one, but if they came close enough, both would fall victim. Checking the scents, and heat given by the prey, 2 females of the tall monkey like variety of prey. The swift ones, they rarely climbed the trees, and they hunt in packs, which is dangerous to him. Hunger drives him on, danger is unimportant.

They move together, heads and mouths moving constantly, upper limbs swinging occasionally, as they approach the pool of water where he waits. They hesitate, do they see, perhaps sense danger? He holds his entire body length motionless. They seem to shed skin, and send it through the air onto bushes, then one steps into the water. The second begins to also, when the first bumps into part of his body length. This one stops, the other comes closer, the first turns, and begins to leave.

Now is the time, he strikes, his head springs from the bushes, teeth fasten to the lower limb of the second victim, knocking it down, and a coil wraps around its lower limbs and body. The first victim steps backwards, and trips over a length of his body, falls onto another, both of these he quickly wraps around this victim.

More coils around each victim, they can't escape now, The upper limbs of the first victim are free, but it sits in the water, unable to hold the weight of his coils that are looped around it.

With the victims caught, it's time to finish them, then eat. He begins to squeeze the second victim, this one first, as he already has a grip with his teeth. It's movements get more frantic, it screams more often, but he tightens his coils with every exhale, with every scream of the victim. The first victim is also screaming more, struggling more, but it is completely unable to escape.

The screams of the second are quieter now, the lungs barely moving, pressure from the lungs push less against his coils, the struggles are faint. The first struggles harder, but futilely. A pack show up, 2 more of these, but they do not attack, they flee.

The second is hardly breathing now, he draws his coils tighter. The second victim moves it's head now, but no screams come out as it can not breathe at all. The movement stops, the heartbeat slows and stops, bones around the lungs crack.

He loosens his teeth, and most coils that are holding onto the now dead second victim, and moving his mouth around to the head, stretches his mouth over the creature to begin the swallowing. The first screams and struggles more, but it's tiring even without pressuring coils.

As about half the body of the second victim is swallowed, lower limbs still dangling out of his mouth, he begins to constrict the other creature. Coils sliding on smooth skin, squeezing the life out of it. The second is completely swallowed now, and the half submerged body of the first is barely moving. A few final quiet screams, the coils squeeze again and again, the other victim stops breathing, droops, and dies.

He continues moving the first meal down his throat, and moves his head to the now dead other victim, and swallows this one also, then pulls his head back into the cover of the large bush to digest. Spreading his coils under the surface of the water once more, maybe it would get lucky and more of these creatures would come to the pool, but it would be a while before he was hungry again.

The End

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