The Serpent's Lair

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  |- Python Perfume II

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by Hypnosnake

On a stage stood a straw basket, similar to those used by snake charmers but large enough to hold a sitting person. As the lights went on, a hypnotic beat was sounded out by drums, accompanied by notes played on reed flutes. Slowly, the lid of the basket was lifted upward by something within. The person within the basket was a young woman, tan of skin, with Asian features and a meaty yet healthy frame. Clad in the skimpy costuming of a belly dancer, she rose out of the basket until her thighs were visible to her audience, as much as her costume allowed. As the music played, she hoisted from the basket a large, muscular python, displaying it to the audience.

Safira was proud of her pet, Ramses. As a dancer, she knew she would need a "partner" every time a snake dance was called for. After shopping around at certain pet stores, she'd met Ramses, a large but lithe thing. His beautiful patterned body and graceful, fluid motions seemed to call to her, saying, Choose me, choose me! Naturally, he'd been too tempting an offer to refuse.

Safira (her stage name; real name Carrie Ng) loved her new pet from day one: his strong yet gentle embrace, the way his cool moist skin felt against her body when it was hot and sweaty from dancing, and of course the smell like a manly cologne. As he went over her left shoulder, around the back of her neck and down her right shoulder, she felt tempted to give in to the combined sensations, to luxuriate in them and forget all her cares...

But she needed to stay focused on the dance. She carefully unwrapped Ramses and let part of his long, powerful body lie diagonally across her abdomen from the left side of her body to her right hip, wrapping some of it into a coil around her hips and belly, as she made snakelike undulations, giving the suggestion that she was part of the snake, or that it was an extension of her...

Ramses tightened slightly, pressing somewhat on her left breast as he gripped her hips. Unseen by the audience, Ramses manage to slip part of his tail between Safira's legs, flowing from buttocks to groin over the silk undergarment she wore over her feminine place.

Safira gasped slightly at the unexpected contact, both on her breast and on her vagina. Ramses, what are you doing? she wondered silently. The python's dull unblinking stare gazed back at her, and Safira could almost swear that the python was thinking, You'll find out. He flicked his tongue out at her, touching her nose briefly, and Safira caught a whiff of his sexy, manly scent. And still the scaled underbelly on her breast and vagina rubbed and massaged. It was almost like being seduced...

No! No! Safira's mind barked at her. The dance is sensual, but it is NOT sex! With that, Safira's sanity returned to her. Fortunately, her arms were not pinned, and they gripped Ramses, pulling him off her neck. Ramses flicked his tongue out now at her breasts, touching them; ignoring the seduction, Safira wrestled with the snake, all the while trying to make it seem like part of the dance. The pressure against her groin increased, still seducing, stimulating. Safira felt her hips being compelled to thrust as she squirmed against the tail. No! No! Don't orgasm! she screamed to herself. She pulled the tail away from her legs.

The music built to a climax, and ended. Safira felt relieved that she had not done the same. At the same time, however, she was frustrated sexually. I'll masturbate myself to orgasm when I reach the apartment, she thought to herself as she stepped out of the basket and laid Ramses back into it, to the applause of the aroused watchers.

That night, as Carrie, she placed Ramses back into his cage. What made him do that? she pondered. Being raped by a man was bad enough; being raped by a snake was...bizarre. She sniffed his scent, inhaling the musky, manly smell. She remembered something about pheremones, mate-attracting chemical signals. But that didn't make sense; shouldn't it only attract other snakes? She decided that she would sleep on it, and tomorrow take Ramses to a veterinarian, or maybe a pet psychiatrist.

Carrie had a strange dream that night. She dreamed that she was dressed in her Safira costume, and was standing in the middle of a jungle. Ramses's smell was everywhere, cloying and yet irresistible. And coiled before her was Ramses, six feet of his body reared upward, swaying before her, his wedge-shaped head staring at her with its beady, unblinking eyes.

Like a character in a cartoon, she swayed back and forth in time with his motions as if hypnotized by them, her body mimicking his own with as much grace as it could muster. She was filled with conflicting horror and lust, as though her mind rebelled but her body wanted this, craved Ramses' embrace. Ramses drew nearer and nearer to her, and she could not withdraw nor recoil from him; in fact, the desire for him was overwhelming, consuming her most civilized, human thoughts and emotions with animal lust. Ramses came closer and closer, wrapping around her body...

...and she awoke, her fantasy/nightmare becoming reality. Ramses, escaped from his cage, was coiled around her nude, voluptuous body, his coils squeezing and constricting her breasts, his length of tail wrapped around her shapely hips and across her vagina and bottom. His body around hers, with its steely strength and moist slickness, pressing and rubbing, constricting and massaging, aroused her incredibly, and with every breath, every gasp, she inhaled his man-scent.

Carrie tried to reach Ramses's snout, to press on it, to get him to release her, but her arms were too tightly bound. What was more, she found herself at war not only with Ramses, but with herself, as her body was inflamed with lust and passion, even as fear and horror filled her mind. The pheremones! she realized. They're making me too...too horny to fight!

She could feel the orgasm starting, in her vagina, in her anus, in her rock-hard nipples. She was fighting a war on too many fronts at once, spreading herself too thin...and as a consequence, she was losing. The sensations she had felt as she'd wrestled with Ramses at the club were nothing compared to this! Her lust flared higher and higher and she EXPLODED!

"Aaahhhhhh," she half-wailed, half-moaned, as her hips thrust and her back arched, her toes clenching. Nobody would respond to such a cry, just as they would never have responded to a scream for help. To keep her neighbors from complaining about the noise of her Middle Eastern dance tapes on her stereo system, she'd had the apartment sound-proofed.

Ramses' hug, feel and smell, things she had enjoyed about him, were now his weapons against her, and she was unable to resist. Carrie closed her eyes and remembered the incident at the nightclub, and the sensations she felt then as Safira were magnified a hundredfold. Another orgasm struck, and now she was Safira, re-experiencing the incident; and she knew that she had been wrong, the dance was sex, she was a whore, and Ramses now owned her body and soul.

Carrie/Safira now felt a different kind of belly dance coming on, a rolling of the hips that continued throughout her abdomen and from there her entire body. She rolled with the great convulsion and her body felt as though she were on fire, even as her breasts exploded like twin novas.

Ramses's touch turned steely around her and suddenly she felt and heard something snap. Oh my God, my ribs are cracking, she realized. But instead of agonizing pain, the sensation was translated by her overloaded nerves into pure pleasure, and Carrie moaned as her eyes rolled upward. A similar sound and sensation came from her pelvis, roaring with ecstasy, as her overloaded body and mind shut down.

Carrie awoke a short time later, feeling a fantastic sensation between her legs. She looked down and saw Ramses literally eating her. She wondered dreamily, how much of her could fit in Ramses's gullet? She was looking forward to finding out.

Ramses's elastic maw capture both her buttocks easily. Carrie gasped, or tried to, as she felt the python's tongue flicking about around and inside her. Her cracked ribs and pelvis should have been a source of constant, agonizing pain; instead, they merely felt bruised. Then, Ramses swallowed again, and Carrie felt half her body being swallowed, her legs bent far enough back to meet her head. She gasped with a combination of pain and delight. Another swallow, and Ramses had reached her breasts. Again Carrie sank into an ecstatic trance, reverting to the role of Safira the whore.

As her nerves came alive with sensation, Carrie sank further and further into the serpent's dark maw. She remembered reading somewhere that when the brain realizes it's dying, the last experience it has is "frozen" forever. Was that true, she wondered, or had she read it in some science fiction? And if it were true, she wondered among the conflicting pain and pleasure, would she be effectively in heaven, hell, or both simultaneously?

The feel of Ramses's insides was as sensuous as his outsides, even against her damaged and possibly bleeding parts. In fact, Carrie found herself about to reach one last orgasm. Her scream of ecstasy and agony, rapture and torture, heaven and hell, was muffled by being in the snake's body.

Every nerve in Carrie's body finally "burned out" from the ultimate joy/pain, imprinting the sensations into her brain. What was left of Carrie/Safira inside it all wondered how long this would last before her brain, like the rest of her, was dissolved, consumed and digested; before her mind eventually became sluggish, drowsy, and went to its final sleep.

It would be the last sentient thought she would ever have.


By Hypnosnake

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