The Serpent's Lair

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  |- Big Hair Lady Removes a Rival

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Big Hair Lady removes a rival

In an instant she was awake and had rolled to her knees on the bed - but that was still too long. She reached for the light, and could not, but her body told her what her still-adjusting eyes could not: she was wrapped in the coils of a gigantic snake. Coil, actually - she could feel one turn of its thick body - thicker than her thigh - encircling her waist, pinning her left arm to her own body. A silky touch along her bare calf told her the worst; she was kneeling astraddle the serpent's great body; from between her knees it rose to encircle her.

She wondered, briefly, how her would-be assassin had got past her security measures. "Maybe they didn't - on the way out," she thought with grim satisfaction. She took a moment to imagine her enemy, having just placed a snake in her bed, falling afoul of her Japanese Folding Flower. She smiled, in the dark.

Then a renewed touch on the back of her thigh brought her back to her present danger. "What kind of snake are you," she quietly wondered, still businesslike, not yet panicked. Her answer came, as she felt the second great coil slide over her hip from behind, the beast's muscular body rising up between her thighs. "Seduction snake!" she gasped, pitching forward, but it was too late, as a third coil flowed sinuously around her thighs, forcing them together and trapping the second coil snugly against her womanhood. As the snake tightened all three coils at once, the firm but silky movement against her sent a gentle paroxysm of pleasure through her.

"Can't lose control," she thought desperately. "It's not too late to escape." But it was getting close; two great coils gently tightened around her body, another twined around her long legs, and the snake's sinuous body insistently moved against her softness, sending constant waves of pleasure through her. She writhed slightly and the beast immediately responded, taking up more slack in its own body and pressing itself deeper into her; she moaned as a wave of sensation rocked her, and the snake cinched more tightly, now pulling her pajama-shirt tightly across her breasts, stimulating her now-alert nipples.

"One hand still free," she thought, forcing herself to concentrate through ever-increasing wave after wave of sensual pleasure. "Got to get it by the throat . . . " just then the most powerful rush of pleasure yet convulsed her; she reached down reflexively toward the source of so much sensation, and despaired as she felt a smooth coil glider over shoulders, capturing her free arm. The snake rewarded her effort, tightening in undulating waves down her body; she nearly drowned in the rising tide of pure animal sensation, coming back to her senses seconds later to find the constriction was continuing, not sensual now but like the tightening of a fist, and for the first time her inhalation was more shallow than before.

The light came on. Standing over her was Big Hair Lady, as she new it must be. Helpless now in the embrace of the snake, nearly delirious from continual orgasm and slowly-increasing oxygen deprivation, she finally caught a glimpse of the snake, it's head resting on her pillow, impassively regarding her. "Meat. I'm just meat to it," she thought.

"I know you can't comprehend much, Big Hair Lady said to her as the snake's body corkscrewed more tightly around her in ever-decreasing spirals. "But I'm sure you understand this was nothing personal - just business." Big Hair Lady watched in quiet satisfaction as the smooth mottled beast slowly but efficiently crushed the air from her victim. Then the villainess - one of a shrinking number, after tonight's work - left the serpent to its reward.

From the corner of her eye, she watched her leggy rival leave her room, feeling rather than seeing the reptilian mouth as it slowly unhinged itself just over her head. She tried to breathe - and nothing came in. "Be sure to stop and smell the flower - the Japanese one," she thought as she sank into a rising blackness, never feeling it as her slim form slipped into the waiting throat.

By B. Ferrett

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