The Serpent's Lair

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|- Coils' Lair
  |- Act 1

E-mail Konstricta

Act I

"Wait, wait a minute!" I exclaim as she approaches the VCR, waiving my hand feebly.

She turns with a puzzled look, hands on hips, giving me an unobstructed view of her voluptuous assets, straining her bra.

"We have all night," I explain, "besides, anticipation is half the fun," and I look down at myself meaningfully as I begin to stir to new life. She smiles, re-assured that the evening is just beginning.

"Bring the remote and come sit down," I tell her, "let's talk."

She moves back to the couch, on the way stripping the skirt and revealing the long nylon clad legs and crotchless panties of which I am already well aware. She notes my reaction to the sight and leers as she drops to the couch beside me and her hand falls to my already recovering erection.

"So what do you want to talk about?" she asks coyly, gently massaging me.

I grin. "What else? Are the snakes really as big as the one on the box?"

"Ohh, yes," she purrs, slowly and firmly stroking.

"And it gets FOUR women?" I ask in suspicion.

"Well, actually five, if you count the one that gets away. But it almost gets her too," she says.

Ah, anticipation. I moan softly.

"It even gets a guy," she says slyly.

"Oooh, I like that," I respond. "Equal opportunity constriction!"

I breathe heavily now, fully restored to functionality.

She is well into the teasing game now. She leans forward, her silken breasts pressing against my arm and whispers into my ear.

"It's like they didn't even edit. Every scene starts with the snake stalking its victim, building up to the attack as they show how big the snake is. Then the attack, and they wrestle and squirm and you can see that the snake is TRYING to wrap around them. They must have used a wild retic. Then it does, and sloooowly it begins to squeeze. It seems to go for hours as the victim moans and groans, the giant snake crushing them, then..."

I can take no more. "Turn it on," I gasp.

"I thought you'd never ask," she hisses.

Once again, she straddles me, this time facing the big screen T.V., her back to me as she slides downward. A delicious view of her derriere clad in black silk adds to my enjoyment.

She has pre-set her machine and there is no waiting for plot or character introduction. I have no idea who the petite, but well endowed oriental woman clad in a halter top and slacks is who moves cautiously down the shadowed alleyway. Nor do I care. The scene cuts to a fire escape, and on it a obviously gigantic reticulated python. It hangs over the hand rail and slowly oozes downward as foot after foot of ten inch thick body slides on the deck. Truly an urban jungle!

We watch, as the woman stops, peering around her. Knowing she is in danger, but not from where, or what. Now, as the camera pulls back, we see she is positioned perfectly as the wedge shaped head, almost half the size of her own, sways not a foot above her!

We watch in breathless anticipation. She sits impaled on me, motionless.

The snake drops.

The woman screams, and attempts to fend off the lowering loops of serpent. But its weight descends directly onto her and in seconds, she is on the ground, the snake on top. The words she screams are incomprehensible, but at the bottom of the screen the words "NO! PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME!" appear.

Frantically, she struggles. Holding the head with both hands, she rolls away, getting to her knees, only to be knocked again to the ground as the snake writhes. Again and again, they roll across the alleyway. Again and again, she struggles to rise, almost, but not quite, succeeding.

Then, she goes to her hands and knees. Obviously tiring, she remains there as a ponderous loop slides over her back and around her midsection. It slowly shifts up under her arms as a second coil liesurely follows the same path. She says a gasping word,and "NO!" appears at the bottom of the screen.

"It's got her!" I hear whispered, and feel movement on me.

Indeed, it does have her. With two massive coils securely around her body, the snake now sinuously draws the rest of itself upon her, cocooning her from the waist to the armpits. Her arms, still free, hold the massive head, and a loop has formed a collar around the back of her neck.

Her foreign words now come in panting gasps. Even the subtitles attempt to convey her state: "No...Please...No. Squeezing....squeezing...can'!"

Sensing far greater danger in the massive body than the head to which she has been so desperately clinging, she flings it away and it sways above her. Her hands drop to the coils around her and futiley attempt to push them off. Then the need for subtitles ends. Rocking and squirming, she begins to moan, only enough breath left to mimic the sounds of passion from the woman slowly writhing in my lap.

I am rigid as I feel the steady rythym upon my organ and listen to the erotic cries of two women, one in lust, the other in constricted effort. I know, soon now, the end approaches.

Then, as a guttural groan of effort erupts from the speakers, I feel her contract around me and press greedily against me, swallowing me into her hungry body, and like a dam fracturing, I feel my own orgasm flood into me, and force its way down the narrow pathway to explosive freedom as I drive upward, attempting to impale my entire body into her.

We watch in rigid ecstasy as on screen, a head lolls to the side and hands slide off the encircling coils on which they were so ineffectively pushing. A final drawn out groan signals the end for all of us. I languidly look at my watch and my eyes widen in surprise--ten minutes! A ten minute snake scene!

"My god, are they all like that?" I ask.

"Mmmmm," she answers above me,"every single one."

I pull her back against me to wait for the next encounter.

By Coils

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