The orphanage was built in 1998 by the Islamic Foundation, Kedah. In the year 1999, this orphanage can be prepared to perfection and served on Apply Padang District Council. However, orphanages can not be occupied by orphans for lack of number of employees and inadequate facilities.In 2004, the new orphanage can take orphans and the poor to stay here because have received help and donations from NGOs. In the first year, the orphanage was occupied by 65 people, orphans and the poor.

The number of orphans is a total of 15 men and women were about 40 people. Now, the number of orphans and the poor have has been reduced to 20 men. This is because the orphanage has had to limit bilanagn orphanage for some reason which is not avoided. The number of orphans is a total of 25 male and female orphans were only 5 people.The committee is responsible for managing orphan in the first entry of orphans and the poor are heads of departments Apply wilderness area.

On this day, the head of the authority in charge of the orphanage is the district headman Annotated Mr Salleh bin Mahmud.Contribution received by the NGOs is one of the reasons this orphanage can survive up now.