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Workers of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!

Proletarian Review 16

Information in English of "Proletarische Rundschau"
Published by KOMAK-ML, Communist Action – Marxist-Leninist (Austria)

Front cover: Socialism, Theses on Women Liberation, Peoples War in Nepal, Workers Struggle and Love
Back cover: Red Flag 283 (MLPA), Info Distributor 67, Marx Reading Room, Cartoon, Imprint

No. 16, September 2004 (133 apc)

Dear readers,

Holiday is over – daily routine is back and together with it the unbearable unjust conditions subjugating us.

We produce all the riches in Austria, therefore we also have to determine what must be done in this country, in the state and economy. We, the female and male workers at the assembly line, construction workers, programmers, medical-technical assistants, lorry drivers, shop-assistants, workers at the blast furnace, typists,... We all together form the class of manual and mental workers und must have the political power. And not the masters of the factories, banks, lands whose properties will be taken away by us so-that these will belong to all of us, and so-that planning and production really serve the big majority of the people. Another world is possible – in a socialist social order.

But what shall this new world look like? What historical experiences are there? What was it like in the Soviet Union at that time, in the European people’s democracies, in China – before the workers and masses of the people were suppressed and exploited by a new bureaucratic capitalist class?

The main subject of this issue of Proletarian Review No. 16 is Socialism. It is clear for us as Communists that we cannot get there on a peaceful road, but that a proletarian revolution is necessary during which the working class will forcibly seize the political power and expropriate all former exploiters and suppressors, subjugate them und compel them to make a humble contribution to production. In this issue, we do not deal with the road to socialism but how socialism shall look like referring to the past experiences of the workers in power. We bring articles about the political, economic, and cultural situation in socialism, especially referring to the experiences from Soviet Union, China and Albania.

There are many reasons for being a communist, but one has nearly always been neglected up to now: Love. Why are relations between people so complicated and how could that all become better – after the revolution? These burning issues are examined in our article “Only Love is fine”.

Apart from the main subject of Socialism we have news about People’s War in Nepal where the encircle­ment of the capital of Kathmandu from the country seems to have been forwarded rather far, as we can also find out from bourgeois media.
Moreover we bring the first part of a historic article about the Liberation Struggle of the Kurds. And we document a leaflet for the NATO summet in Istanbul by “trotz alledem” .
In Germany resistance has gathered during summer and we report a bit about the Monday demonstrations. That’s not all by far – as you will certainly find out yourselves when reading...

In the middle of this issue you will find – no, not a poster! – but the outcome of a long process of discussion: our “Theses on Women’s Liberation”.
We hope to receive your critique, comments and of course also praise on these and other articles!

Have fun when reading, wishes

Your PR editorial collective
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Contents of Issue No. 16, September 2004 - 64 pages

List of Publications
(July to September 2004, in German if not otherwise mentioned)
