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Workers of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!

Proletarian Review 15

Information in English of "Proletarische Rundschau"
Published by KOMAK-ML, Communist Action – Marxist-Leninist (Austria)

Front page: "Socialism or Barbarity "

No. 15, May 2004 (133 apc)

Dear readers,

During the last years the imperialist bloodhounds have spread new terror and generated horrible world-wide misery. But with their atrocities they have at the same time attracted the hate of the peoples and have driven millions of exploited and suppressed people in many parts of the world to struggle for liberation from the imperialist yoke.

Wherever there is suppression there will be resistance - that is a law of development of mankind. states want independence, nations want liberation, peoples want revolution. No power, as brutal it might be, will be able to block this mighty stream of history.

Today the US American imperialism is still number one in exploitation, war and terror. More than ever the liberation struggle of the peoples in the biggest part of neo-colonial countries is correctly directed against it. But other big imperialist powers such as Germany, France, Britain, Japan and Russia compete with it for influence in certain parts of the world, and dispute its right of hegemony that was undisputed after the fall of Russian social-imperialism in 1990 until recently. This competition of the imperialists among themselves makes peoples struggle easier but also involves the danger of chasing away one imperialist through the front door while another one is coming in through the back door.

The main topic of this issue of Proletarian Review No. 15 is Liberation Struggle. Today, in various countries liberation struggles take place on very different levels. Often reactionary bourgeois and petty-bourgeois forces play a very influential role and steer peoples liberation struggles into a direction that leads the masses of the people into a fight for the interests of certain cliques of big landlords and comprador bourgeoises - instead of an irreconcilable fight against all and every imperialism and reaction.The history of uncountable liberation movements has proven that liberation struggle can be successful only under the leadership of the working class and its revolutionary Communist Party. Only in the way of a new democratic revolution the rule of the workers and peasants can be establish that can prevent that, under the pressure and influence of imperialism, a bureaucratic capitalist class will develop and destroy all achievements of revolution.

The glorious liberation movements in the Philippines and Nepal follow this way we are reporting about in this issue.

The last successful revolution in Nicaragua 1979 was cheered word-wide by all progressive people then, but its decline was in most cases explained and derived not from inner weaknesses but from pressure from outside. Our standpoint is different, as you can read in our article.

In Europe the last successful revolutionary upheaval was even a bit longer ago: 30 years ago in Portugal , an anti-fascist military coup against the colonial wars in Africa triggered off a braod mass movement that at least for one year showed clear features of a revolution.

According to the focal point of this issue the standard column Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism concentrates on Proletarian Internationalism and International Solidarity .

On current occation we publish our declaration for the anniversary celebration of the liberation of Mauthausen concentration camp on 9 May (Don't forget, don't forgive!). Further articles in this issue deal with human rights in Iran , in the heart of Europe, say demonstration at Traiskirchen refugee camp (south of Vienna, Austria), and " welfare" in EUrope.

We are closing with a short poem "Our women" (by Nazim Hikmet) and a short talk on the occasion of 8 March.

Editorial staff
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Contents of Issue No. 15, May 2004 - 46 pages

List of Publications
(February to June 2004, in German if not otherwise mentioned)

Books and Brochures (published by us or ML-LitVertrieb; in German)