Man Controll Part 1...
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'Man Control', The End-time Implications
Part I: False Submissions, Total Rebellion
By Kato Mivule
June 18, 2005
As we continue to live for Christ Jesus in these last days I would like to point out some very important truth for all who will choose to hear. I know some will get mad and angry with me but I will tell the Truth as it is in light of God’s Holy Word. As Human beings we love to be in Control, we love to dominate and be seen as the provider of solutions to all problems. In these last days we are seeing a very powerful surge in the drive towards worshiping Man. This phenomenon has not just captured the peoples of the world but even in Christian circles where Christ Jesus is supposed to be exalted. MAN loves to be seen at the controls…they love to claim that it was because of them – Man that brought about the blessings… However, this is a very dangerous supposition and will ultimately lead to the worship of the Beast and Anti Christ systems. Christians who truly love Jesus Christ must discern this evil ‘Man Control’ system and categorically reject and renounce it at all times.
People Love 'Man Control'... 
Man loves to act as an intermediary between fellow Man of a lesser status than he and God. Man loves to serve as a conduit through which other men of less status than he gets blessings and hear from God. This is total blasphemy, as we shall see. Therefore the creation of all types of religion and sadly now ‘Outcome Based Christianity’ in our modern churches are all endeavors to exalt Man in the place of Jesus Christ. Man continues daily stealing the Glory that Belongs to God and ceasing to worship and give glory to Christ Jesus. Therefore the implications are gigantic and consequences lethal in these last days as the ultimate goal is to move towards a One World Religion and exalt Man – Anti Christ and False Prophet in the place of God…this is total blasphemy brothers and sisters and will not go unpunished before The God of Heaven. As a result judgments are to fall on all who desire to be seen in the place of God. This is a very Stern Warning to all ministers…quit trying to take the place of God…God will not share His glory with another!
'Man Control' Begun in The Garden of Eden at The Fall of Man... 
It all begun in the Garden of Eden with Satan the Old Serpent lying to Man that they would be like God if they ate of the tree of life. When Man did listen to the Devil, sin came and so did death… It has always been Satan’s old deceit to Man that if he – Man can take control of himself they can be as God…that lie always culminates in the worship of Lucifer. Satan since then begun his evil reign and regime on Man and it has never gotten better nor will it ever get better under Satan’s Anti-Christ regime folks! Those who are crying for ‘Regime Change’ better cry for Christ’s Eternal Reign. Yes, better cry for the Real ‘Regime Change’, that Christ’s Kingdom will Come and His Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven…I can’t wait for the ultimate ‘Regime Change’ when Christ Jesus overthrows this wicked reign of terror, tyranny, evil and darkness controlled by Satan and Man and establishes His everlasting Kingdom. Yes, Come Lord, Come – Maranatha!
After the fall of Man from the glory of God in the Garden of Eden, God still sought the reconciliation of Man to God. God gave Moses instructions to lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt so they could go to the wilderness and WORSHIP GOD and Serve Him Alone. God also Gave Moses the Ten Commandments to lead and guide The Children of Israel to a Personal relationship with God but Man still sought to exalt himself and refused, instead sought intermediaries. At one point when Moses went to the Mountain to get the Ten commandments, Man made the decision to choose Man as their leader and covering and refused the leadership of Moses who was leading them to a personal relationship with God.
Interestingly when Man made the choice to choose to be under Man, they made a golden calf and worshiped it. The correlations can be seen clearly today in Christendom. Those who refuse accountability and submission directly to Jesus Christ will always choose an intermediary to whom they are accountable and submitted, and they do build a modern day golden calf, worshiping gold, silver, and mammon. Whenever man chooses to be under Man and exalt Man and allow Man to be an intermediary between Him and God, there will always be a golden calf built to satisfy the cravings of sinful Man…not so much different from our present day purpose driven prosperity humanistic gospel.
Mount Sinai and the rejection of a Personal Relationship with God…
God told Moses to have the children of Israel cleanse themselves and go meet Him on the Mountain, God Himself would meet with His people. Remember this was the reason God brought His children out of Egypt…that they may go to the wilderness to worship God alone and not serve under Man – the brutal taskmasters of Egypt…Man in Control always causes tyranny and enslavement of the weak and frame in society. The Children of Israel after getting to the Holy Mountain rejected God’s Visitation and requested an intermediary…that Moses speak for them before God and they will speak to Moses. From that day on, Israel demanded a King and refused the Kingship of God.
Exodus 20:18-21
18 And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. 19 And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die. 20 And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not. 21 And the people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was.
They Demanded an Intermediary...
They wanted Man but not God. Ever since that day God sent messengers to chide them for their failure to submit to God and their love for Man and his idols of Baal and Mammon.  Man has always sought to hide from a personal relationship, accountability, and submission directly to God since the fall in the Garden of Eden, when God came looking for Man and asked where Man was…you see folks, there is nothing new under the sun, it has all been the same. So today our pastors, preachers, TV Evangelists, Church Growth experts demand that they act as an intermediary and Man loves it, Man does not want to be accountable and submitted directly to God and His Anointed Jesus Christ. False submission doctrines are created to scare any man who chooses to follow God and submit directly to Jesus Christ and His True Word…those who choose submission and directly obey Christ Jesus are called “rebellious” and are told they will never see any blessings, riches or enjoy the “fellowships” or get “connected”, they are ostracized, kicked out of churches, hated, they are seen as none submissive to the church leadership and church board of directors, not accountable to the home cell leader or district home cell pastor…you see, ’Man in Control’!
1Samuel 8:4-22                   
4 Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel unto Ramah, 5 And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. 6 But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the LORD. 7 And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them. 8 According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day, wherewith they have forsaken me, and served other gods, so do they also unto thee. 9 Now therefore hearken unto their voice: howbeit yet protest solemnly unto them, and shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them. 10 And Samuel told all the words of the LORD unto the people that asked of him a king. 11 And he said, This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: He will take your sons, and appoint them for himself, for his chariots, and to be his horsemen; and some shall run before his chariots. 12 And he will appoint him captains over thousands, and captains over fifties; and will set them to ear his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and instruments of his chariots. 13 And he will take your daughters to be confectionaries, and to be cooks, and to be bakers. 14 And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your oliveyards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants. 15 And he will take the tenth of your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his officers, and to his servants. 16 And he will take your menservants, and your maidservants, and your goodliest young men, and your asses, and put them to his work. 17 He will take the tenth of your sheep: and ye shall be his servants. 18 And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen you; and the LORD will not hear you in that day. 19 Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us; 20 That we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles. 21 And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and he rehearsed them in the ears of the LORD. 22 And the LORD said to Samuel, Hearken unto their voice, and make them a king. And Samuel said unto the men of Israel, Go ye every man unto his city.
Man Demands a King, Rejects God’s Leadership…
The Scripture clearly shows the desire of Man to have Man over them and receive justification and through Man. Man always desires the approval of fellow Man. The Children of Israel clearly rebelled against The Lord and refused the Lordship of God but demanded ‘Man Control’. God gave them their desires and all the curses that Samuel mentioned did follow the children of Israel with every King who led them. They were held in bondage and God allowed it because Man refused to be accountable directly to God, Man chose to be submitted to the ruleship of fellow Man. They sought diligently an intermediary. This is the whole philosophy behind every religion. It is never a personal relationship with God or their ‘god’ directly but they seek purification and justification through some intermediary like a “holy saint”, prophet, a great teacher and many others to justify them. Man’s Dominion will never see any blessing from God but always a curse. Whenever Man is in Control curses of tyranny and oppression follow and thus are all the kingdoms of this world.
False Accountability and False Submissions…
The story of Samuel and the Children of Israel did not end there. It continues even to this very day and sadly in Christendom. This spirit of false submission has affected our So-called born-gain Christian churches and Christians have requested a king to rule over them. They have requested justification through accountability to Man and preachers. They achieve a sense of gratitude when they hear from God through an intermediary. They would rather hear about Jesus Christ through a pastor or preacher on TV. They would rather submit to their home cell district pastor and have the poor man act as an intermediary between them and God. So the curse follows all who reject direct obedience to Jesus Christ… Each and every curse that is mentioned by The Prophet Samuel of  ‘Man Control’ – King Ruling Over Them other than God is happening in Christendom today…
‘Man Control’ = Sin Slavery = Curse…
Man shall rule over you with all forms of tyranny…you will be a slave to man and thus a slave to sin and bondage. All those who love to have the glories and kingdoms of Man over them will experience slavery to sin, as we shall see later… They shall be captured by the evils of Man, which is slavery, and Satan in control…just like in the Garden of Eden…Satan took control of Man when Man fell from God’s Grace. The Children of Israel never saw any long-term blessing after they requested a King – ‘Man Control’ over them. They faced war after war, even with kings who feared the Lord like Jehosophat; they still faced the curse of war…until they finally went into captivity in Babylon. That is exactly what will happen to all churches today where they entertain ‘Man Control’ and have a king over them other than a direct personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
All the curses Samuel mentioned will follow such churches and believers until they are sold over to Babylonian rulers. In our times today it means being sold over to the RULERSHIP of the Anti Christ and Beast system of our modern day Babylon. Churches today are experiencing these curses, they have doctrines of tithes, prosperity teaching, accountability groups, data basing Christians by church leaders, pastors who manipulate and control them, pastors and leaders who divide them into sects of Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Catholics, etc, they have the curse of political abuse from worldly politicians who take control over them and turn them into usury. They face the curse of sin ruling over them and we shall see why in a little while. They face curses of premature death, mind control, witchcraft which is control by Satan himself. They face restriction to the word of God…they have to attend seminaries to get approval from ‘Man Control’ who decides what type of degree they can attain…as such the word of God is only learnt by a few experts who are paid to teach and serve as intermediaries between the Christians and Jesus Christ. They are cursed with businessmen who have turned the house of God into a Den of Thieves and Robbers.
Where Jesus Christ is Not Lord, Man, Sin and The Curse Abound...
Jesus Christ is no longer the Focus but rather the Name Jesus Christ has been turned into Usury for making people rich, wealthy and creating an elite class of special people who think Christianity is about getting wealthy and has nothing to do with sufferings and relating personally to Christ Jesus… All these curses are on all who have decided to surrender to ‘Man Control’ and are cursed because they have no direct relationship with Jesus Christ and never obey Him but obey ‘Man Control’ thinking that they are obeying Christ Jesus. That is why divorce, hate, lying, adultery, fornication, separations, and all types of sins even unheard of in the world are now celebrated in Christendom…the curse of ‘Man Control’ is over them. Homosexuality is now openly acceptable in some liberal Christian circles but soon it will be the norm in whole of Christendom because of ‘Man Control’ – they have a king over them. The final phase of ‘Man Control’ will be allegiance to the Beast System and the Anti Christ and his one world religion…that now has the ‘liberal part of Christendom conquered but soon the other half will follow unless they repent and Have Jesus Christ as Their PERSONAL Lord and Savior.
Man can NEVER Set a Man Free From Sin…
Man has never set Man free…there is NEVER a kingdom of Man that has ever brought Freedom, only bondage and tyranny though sometimes sugarcoated as liberation…Man is always a Lair and no Truth is found in him…his heart is wicked...there is Not any Man Controlled Organization that has survived tyranny, abuse, corruption and Sin…Man is Limited and always fails…Man can NEVER SET you free from SIN, Never…Man always leads you to Sin and Rebellion…Cursed is he who trusts in Man…Your Pastor and his ‘Man Controlled’ Church can NEVER set you free from Sin but only lead you to Lust of the Eyes, Pride of Life, and Total Rebellion…It is Only Jesus Christ who can Set you free from Sin and He calls for total obedience to His word and a Personal Relationship with Him.
I am not advocating Rebellion, am preaching against it…
The implications are very serious and it is time that we break all allegiance to our churchianity kings that we have set to rule over us and go directly to the throne of Grace and have a one to one relationship with The Father through Jesus Christ. Our only intermediary to The Father is Christ Jesus and His finished work on The Cross at Cavalry.  Now, many will think I am advocating Rebellion…please wait…I am not advocating rebellion…as a matter of fact I am teaching against the spirit of rebellion that is going on in Christendom with kings ruling over people because that is what Man requested and WANTS but it is not what Man NEEDS… What I am preaching here is freedom from rebellion practiced in our churches today and into perfect total obedience to no one but Christ Jesus. 
You Will Stand Before Jesus Christ Alone, Not with Your Pastor...
You cannot have a Personal relationship with Jesus Christ through some intermediary. You will stand before Jesus Christ alone. Your church will not save you. Going to a Christian Church with a red carpet and all the best multi media equipment will not take you to heaven, it will not save you. Know this today you who think am preaching rebellion…your pastor and TV evangelist will never stand with you before God. That Suburban church of yours with that so called ‘cool’ Pastor will never save you. You will have to choose to come into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ…I mean a PERSONAL not a Groupthink salvation…it has to be personal. You can jump up and down and yell and scream at me and hate me, that will not change the Truth…churches don’t save people as sleeping in a car garage does not turn you into a car. You can stay in that Church as much as you want but unless you have a PERSONAL relationship with Jesus Christ that leads you into a life of holiness and righteousness before God, you are wasting your time, you might as well trying sleeping in your garage and request that somehow some day you will evolve into a car…it ain’t gonna happen dude!  It is time to come to DIRECT Obedience to Jesus Christ.
Christ Jesus Desires a Personal Relationship with you…
Christ Jesus suffered such great inhumane sufferings and was crucified on the Cross, died and rose on The Third day not just to entertain your Hollywood minded western cravings of the Good guy verses the Bad guy…He endured the Cross with such great unspeakable passions so He could have a PERSONAL Relationship with you and not through your so-called pastor, elder, or church board. Christ bought you and none of those Churchianity leaders EVER paid any price for your soul. I am preaching hard against you believer, yes, but don’t think I have forgotten the Christendom Pastors and Leaders; I have their package in store too…just hold on…wait…
You Have a Personal responsibility to get out of Rebellion…
You have to make a choice today and choose whom you will follow. No longer can you be blind and blame your intermediary the ‘Saint Pastor, Saint Preacher, Saint TV Evangelist, Saint Church Board Members’, you have the personal responsibility over your soul.  Hiding behind that ‘Man of God’ will not take you to heaven nor make you escape the coming wrath of God upon all those who are disobedient to Christ Jesus. As long as you obey and submit to Man so as to get the justification of Man and approval of Man, you are in TOTAL REBELLION against God. Brothers and Sisters this is a very imperative spiritual issue. God will not endure any longer all who REBEL against Jesus Christ. Obedience to Man is Equal to Obey The Pride of Man and Obedience to Satan.
Now, many will get very angry and mad with me here…I am prepared for that. Yes, the preachers of Christendom have lied to you that if you submit to them you are submitting and obeying God…it is such Rebellion I am preaching against…such thinking and ideology is TOTALLY against the teachings of Jesus Christ and Total Rebellion against God. Now, you ask me about the scriptures that speak about submission to authority and to one another…well, I will get to that later, so please wait…and hold on…don’t jump to conclusions yet…wait for Part II. I will simply put this forward to you if you cannot wait…why was The Prophet Samuel so displeased with the Children of Israel when they requested a King – ‘Man Control’ over them and rejected the Kingship of God??? Ahh???
Any one who leads you to obey them as Man and not to Total Obedience to Jesus Christ is a liar, hypocrite, a fake, an apostate, and one who will lead you finally to Obey The Anti Christ = Man in Control = Worship of Satan = Total Rebellion Against God.
Obedience to Man Leads to Sin and a Curse…
Every Obedience to Man leads to Sin and it leads to a CURSED Life…for Christ Jesus is not your Personal Lord and Savior but you have another lord…that lord is Man or which ever Pastor or Preacher seeking your submission and accountability. The Curses that the Prophet Samuel spoke about to the Children of Israel when they requested a king over them and rejected God to rule over them will surely follow you and your children and children’s children to the third generation…simply because you have chosen to REBEL against God…so then shall Man, Sin and Death Rule over You…it does not matter if you call your self a Christian and go to church every Sunday and tithe, and lead worship in your church, and meet every Wednesday in your home cell group…obedience to ‘Man Control’ is Rebellion against Jesus Christ and His True Word…
Why do Christians continue in sin, were is the Freedom from Sin?
Have you ever asked your self why Christians in Christendom sin over and over again and never seem to over come sin but baptize sin with different names until they accept sin as normal??? Have you ever asked your self why you continue to struggle against sin and it never goes away but that ridiculous Pastor and Preacher tells you that sin is just a “weakness” you have to live with and won’t go away??? Ahh???  Have you read through the Bible and studied on how Jesus Christ over came the Curse of The Law and Sin and now we have Freedom from Sin in Christ Jesus yet it seems not to affect you because you continue to struggle with sin and that silly Preacher tells us all you have to do is be “accountable” and “submitted” to a home cell pastor????? Ahhhhh???
Do you ask yourself were the Power of Christ Jesus to overcome sin is? Why is it that the church is in bondage to sin? Why don’t we walk in freedom from Sin if we are told that we obey Jesus Christ? Why is sin so rampant in the Christian community? Why are we legalizing sin and rebellion? Why the high rate of divorce in Christendom, more than that in the World? Why the high rate of depression and suicide yet Christians Tithe, Give, and Bless the Prosperity Preacher? Where is the blessing that the prosperity preacher and inane Pastor promised us??????
Why are we continuously SLAVES to Sin yet we obey all the Teachings that our Pastors have taught us every Sunday to Obey??? We Tithe, we meet ever week in home cells, we give to Missions, we go camping and “connect” to other church members… So, why don’t we over come sin??? Why are we still held captive and slaves to the very thing Christ Jesus overcame??? You Pastors and Preachers, I pass these questions to you…why all the failures and curse of sin in our midst if we truly obey Christ???  So, I ask whom do you obey? You have done all that is required by ‘Man Control’ but sin still reigns in you. So, I ask whom do you Obey???
Have You Not Hired an Intermediary to do your Spirituality?  
Have you not chosen a king over you? Have you not chosen a go-between who does the spiritual job for you and you enjoy paying them your tithe every Sunday? Did you not hire a pastor to Shepard you? Won’t that hiring surely flee when the wolves and lions come as the Bible says? You are accountable and submissive to your Home cell pastor and you do well, but when was the last time you Totally Obeyed God and His Anointed Jesus Christ? When was the last time you heard His Voice personally? Those hirings deceived you that God does not speak, but reason for yourself, how can God be God and fail to speak? Could you say that He is still God if He cannot speak?
You have hired prophets who speak “Positive” things you love to hear. Didn’t you? You keep buying those books at Wal-Mart in the ‘Christian’ section that speak only “Positive” things you love to hear, didn’t you? When was the last time you read your own Bible? When were the last time you communed directly and personally to Jesus Christ? When was your last personal prayer time before God of Heaven? You say Lord, Lord but will Jesus Christ be unjust when He says, “ go away from me you workers of iniquity, I Never knew you”?  Has Christ Jesus ever known you personally or do you simply parrot His Name and repeat what the Silly Preacher says with no reason??? Who is bewitching you? Who is trying to separate you from the Love of Christ Jesus??? And if they are separating you from a Personal Love with Jesus Christ, what are they giving you in exchange??? Ahh???
Don’t waste time getting mad at me…
I will end here for now. Many will get angry with me but I am prepared for such fellows. You will not scare me an ounce, if you do threaten me it is because you are a liar, a hypocrite, a snake, a viper, a fox, asinine and foolish and only wish to DENY any a True and Personal Relationship With Jesus Christ and seek to Hinder all who Seek To Love Jesus Christ Personally. You will fail in all your endeavors of holding in bondage and slavery the people of God.
True Leaders Lead People to Jesus Christ…
All True Leaders NEVER lead People to themselves but to God and His anointed Jesus Christ. Moses, Peter, Paul, Barnabas, Steven, Elijah, John The Baptist, to mention but a few, All did lead people to Meet their God and Creator and not themselves…all did lead people to worship Jesus Christ, to a PERSONAL Relationship with the Savior…these leaders never exercised CONTROL and Manipulation, which is Witchcraft over the People. They led them to a PERSONAL Intimate Relationship with The Father…that was The Father’s Plan from the beginning…we are His Children and Children Have free Access to Their Father. So, stop your stupid and foolish threats to me that I am preaching rebellion… As I said earlier I am preaching against the very Rebellion you Practice…one that sets intermediaries between Jesus Christ and His Blood Bought Children.
Obedience to ‘Man Control’ = Worship of Satan…
I will conclude by this…All who are under obedience to MAN are under the Law and are under a Curse of Sin and Ruled over by Sin and they Finally Worship Lucifer…that is the essence of the Anti Christ = Man Plus Satan Ruling Over Man = Life of Full Blown Sin = Total Rebellion Against God. It is only Jesus Christ who has The Power to Set You Free From Sin. Obedience to Christ = Life not under the Curse of The Law = Life not under ‘Man Control’ = Life Led By The Spirit of God = Life as Sons and Daughters of God = Holiness and Righteousness = Life were The Spirit is and there is Liberty = Life in Christ Jesus = Life were to live is Christ = Life were Christ Lives in Me and not I.
‘Man Controlled’ Ministries are cursed with Sin…
Any Church or Christian organization and Ministry that is ‘Man Controlled’ has all the characteristics of Sin and the Curse of Sin upon it, and it is under the Law…that is why such ministries enjoy preaching purpose driven prosperity doctrines like Tithing, Giving to the ‘Man of God’ so he can buy a Gulf Stream Jet, buying expensive homes for preachers, False Submissions like Home Cell Accountability Groups, Church Growth Movements, Ten Steps to Successful Marriage, Ten Steps to a Successful Life, Ten Steps to a successful Christian business, Positive possibility Teaching,  submission to the Church Leadership, and all sorts of junk spiritual food taught in Christendom…they are simply teaching you the Law and obedience to ‘Man Control’, they tell you if you do all those things and go to church every Sunday then you are a “True Christian”…let all Men be lairs and God True…Believe on Christ Jesus and have a Personal Relationship with Him, free, you don’t need to bribe Christ or pay Him any thing, simply Love Him, Love His Word and Trust His Word….Amen!!!
Your Brother in Christ
Kato Mivule
[email protected]
Watch For Part II…


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