The Sailor Sprouts Get Back Together By ChibiCardCaptor Rating: 'PG-13' for violence. No sex. No language. This is a romantic adventure tale of the Sailor Sprouts, daughters of the Sailor Scouts. The story is complete in one installment. However, it uses characters introduced in "Sailor Scout Melvin," "The Sailor Sprouts," and "The Sailor Sprouts - Hotaru's Wedding, Final Battle and Conclusion." A very brief SPOILER summary follows. Molly and Melvin were married. The five Sailor Scouts came to them, dropping off their seven children to take care of, and bought them the Tomoe Mansion (all in Hokkaido, Japan). The children, Mamoru, Junko, Kana, Kami, Yukari, Seira and Asami, had lived there for over ten years while the Scouts fought an enemy on Future Moon. Then, the six girls and Melvin went to the moon and defeated the enemy; but Kana and Kami, twins of Ami, were killed. Ami cloned embryos of them and implanted them in Molly, who was unable to have more children. Molly produced new twins, naming them Kana and Kami, same as the originals. The daughters, now known as the Sailor Sprouts, returned to Molly and Melvin's home after a few boring years on the Moon, along with Chibi-Usa. Junko had 'borrowed' Serena's Luna Disguise Pen, which she frequently used to turn into an eagle or a black panther. They repeatedly engaged the "Dark Forces" in battle, and eventually defeated them. During this time, Molly produced two more twins, as did fifteen- year-old Junko, all cloned from the original Kana's and Kami's ovaries. Finally, peace reigned, almost; and after high school graduation three of the girls went elsewhere, Chibi-Usa went back to the Moon and her sister Junko stayed at the mansion to raise her two girls and help Molly with her four. Disclaimer: Sailor Moon is copyright (c) 1992 Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha, TOFI Animation. English Language Adaptation (c) 1995 DiC Entertainment. Three years had passed since the combined Sailor Scouts, Sailor Sprouts and three sets of twin daughters traceable back to Ami and her late husband, Shingo-san, but born as clones implanted in Molly and in Junko, the second daughter of Serena and Darien, had been together. Junko was about to be married to her boyfriend of ten years, Douglas, Doug-ra-san as she called him. Chibi-Usa, who had taken on a persona nearly identical in age to her sister Junko-chan, had spent the past three years on Future Moon with Serena, Darien and their growing new crop of children. Darien had been imprisoned by the Wormholers for thirteen years in a distant galaxy and, with Serena, was producing a whole new family. Their son Mamoru-kun, older than Junko by a few years, had married Machiko-chan, his high school sweetheart and was working for Melvin at Nakajima Ltd., but had re-located to Melvin's factory complex in Sao Paolo, Brazil, where he was apprenticed to the manager. Junko was equally attached to her own twin daughters, Hiromi-chan and Yuki-chan, now seven, and to Molly's ten-year-olds, Kana-chan and Kami-chan and Molly's younger two, Nobuki-chan and Chizu-chan, age seven, the same age as Hiromi and Yuki-chan. She cared for all six at times, sharing the load with Molly, who watched all six while Junko was in town in college. It was a hectic life. She and Douglas had decided to be married in their senior year of college, but not to start a family until they graduated and he got a job. He could live, however, there in the Tomoe mansion. Junko explained to him that lots of nights she would be sleeping in the girls' dormitory, not with him. They had not lightened security at all since the Dark Forces had been defeated. There was still evil in the world, human evil, even though the magical evil had been destroyed for good, or so they assumed and hoped. In fact, for years they had had prowlers. Once the four twins were out of the nursery, Melvin had combined three bedrooms into a little girls' dormitory so Junko, Hotaru, Ami or other visiting Sailor Scouts or Sailor Sprouts could be there with them. Awake, the girls could be formidable, especially Kana-chan and Kami-chan. But asleep, they were vulnerable. Most of the time Junko would use the Luna Disguise Pen and transform into a black panther. Her hearing and eyesight were keener in that form, and she could stealthily creep up on a prowler, scare the living daylights out of him and never see him again. This happened all-too-frequently. However, a new threat bothered her. A rapist had escaped from a Siberian prison, stolen a boat and sailed from the Kamchatka Peninsula to Hokkaido. Junko had seen what could be this man around the Tomoe mansion. He matched a newspaper photo. She formulated a plan. The next time there was a prowler she identified him positively as the Russian. She slowly herded him towards a highway three kilometers away, by scaring him, growling and showing herself. She had a location in mind, a bridge over a storm drain. Her biggest fear was that he was armed, carrying a gun. She got him to just where she wanted him, standing on the bridge, nowhere to go but over the edge. He drew a gun and was about to shoot her, so she sprinted, hit him with her full weight of one hundred kilograms, toppling him over the side where he fell thirty feet, landing on his head, breaking his spinal cord. He did not die instantly, but was totally paralyzed. Junko, Panther, ran down to him as quickly as possible, before scavengers got there. She clawed at his clothing and collected papers and a wallet. She made a growling lunge at approaching scavengers, frightening them back, picked up the papers and wallet in her teeth and returned to the mansion and the six twins, where she de-morphed. Meanwhile the scavengers stripped the man of his clothing and possessions, leaving him for rats and wild dogs, which ate everything left of him, bones and all. A slow drizzle removed even the bloodstains. He no longer existed. He was now a non-person. Junko went over the papers and confirmed her suspicions. This was not merely a rapist or a pedophile, but much worse. Chibi-Usa arrived soon after that to help Junko prepare for her wedding. Junko explained to her there was evidence of a ring of kidnappers of children, harvesting body parts from them for sale in Europe and North America, operating out of Hokkaido. "Let's collect a live kidnapper next time," Chibi-Usa advised. "We will --- interrogate him." They both smiled evil, conspiratorial smiles and enlisted the aid of Douglas and Florien, Hotaru's husband. First, they borrowed some handcuffs, leg irons and a stun gun from Security at Melvin's factory. They only had a few days to wait. Junko, as Panther, caught a prowler, pounced, knocking him to the ground where he was handcuffed and shackled, then dragged by Panther into the basement. They tied him to a post with his arms behind himself. Florien, Douglas and Chibi-Usa took turns interrogating him. He had nothing to say. He was as afraid of his employers as of these people. Panther chewed on his ankle, snarled in his face and clawed his chest. That was working. Then she sniffed the front of his pants and licked him there. Chibi-Usa got the message. "Kitty is hungry," she said to the two men. "Take his trousers down. Kitty wants to eat." They started to open his belt buckle and he cracked, screamed, and said he would tell all. But just get Panther away! He told hem they would kidnap little children, a year old to teen-age, mostly girls, and someone else would take them to a small freighter that had been converted into an operating room and laboratory. He said a word the ship's name sounded like, but that may have been a nickname or code name. And that was all he knew. The four got their heads together, and looked at a map. Florien said a ship might anchor on the lee side of an island for shelter from the wind and waves, but needed to be close enough to Sapporo for a helicopter to fly the new body parts to a private jet aircraft and be flown to Europe or North America. Next day Chibi-Usa watched the children while Junko morphed into Eagle, one of her favorite forms. She flew to the group of islands Florien had suggested, Rebun and Rishiri. There she saw a small coastal freighter at anchor, and a helicopter just taking off, heading towards Sapporo. She circled the freighter once, and then perched on its yardarm, watching for armed guards. She had not long to wait. Then, two men in bloodstained white coats came up on deck carrying a large aluminum container. It was getting dark. They started throwing grizzly pieces of flesh overboard, to the sharks, when Junko, Eagle, flew down and hovered, hummingbird style, close to them. She squawked and squawked, looking for a handout. One of the men smiled and threw her a piece of meat, which she caught in mid-air in her beak and flew off. Bingo! It was the hand and forearm of a child, about sixteen centimeters, or just over six inches long. That was all the evidence she needed. Yukari, Seira and Asami, the other three Sailor Sprouts, were all in or near Tokyo. Chibi-Usa telephoned them, saying they had some tail to kick. Sailor Sprouts in action again. They were all back in Hokkaido in a half day. Coincidentally, Ami transported from Future Moon and joined in the war conference. Junko explained. "These butchers are kidnapping children from Japan, China, India, all over the East. Some poor people also sell their children to the butchers. Chinese parents are only permitted to have one child, so sell any extras for needed money. "They are killed, and their hearts, livers, kidneys, corneas, bone marrow, blood, everything that can be transplanted are flown to deep pockets customers needing a new organ. The remains are fed to the sharks. This ship will soon move on to somewhere else, like Sri Lanka. By keeping moving they stay one step ahead of the law." She brought the child's forearm out of the refrigerator and laid it before them for emphasis. "This is human evil of the worse kind. I want us to go as Sailor Sprouts to this ship, rescue any children and sink the ship with all the butchers on board." Everyone was game, ready for action. Florien obtained a boat, covering his tracks in the process. It had to be big enough to carry enough fuel for the trip. Before they left, Chibi-Usa said, "I almost forgot. Our mother and Queen Serenity sent you this." It was a belt with a jewel of Imperium Silver Crystal set in the buckle. "You can now transform to Eternal Sailor New Moon. You got your wings, girl. No more Eagle." Junko was not about to lose Eagle. She loved flying as a bird, but was glad to be able to fly as a Senshi with Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi-Moon. "Last but not least," Chibi-Usa continued, "here is a new scepter. It is plenty powerful. You may need it tonight." They all went in two vans to the boat, just after dark. Hotaru stayed at the mansion guarding the children with Molly and Melvin. They motored for a couple hours before they got to the ship. They all had their roles memorized. Everyone except Ami transformed. "Chibi- Moon Silver Crystal Power ... ," "New Moon Silver Crystal Power ... ," "Mars Crystal Power ... ," "Venus Crystal Power ... ," "Jupiter Crystal Power ... ," and, in unison, "HENSHIN YO!" Florien piloted the boat to beside the freighter, and all five Senshi leaped twenty feet into the air on board. Sailor Chibi-Moon went to the living quarters in the forecastle where she found five young girls imprisoned. She burned the lock off of their cages with her scepter, led them back on deck, and made three flights to the boat, two with a child under each arm, and one with the last one on her back. Sailor Chibi-Mars went into the engine room where she blasted four crewmen and the ship's engine with a "Celestial Fire Surround!" attack. The ship was now powerless. She went on to search every room and compartment, but found no children, and joined Sailor Chibi-Jupiter in the stern. There they both found six more little girls and carried them topside, and were met by Sailor New Moon who had been to the bridge, disabling the radio and navigation equipment. She found no children there, but herded the Captain, the First Mate and the Quartermaster into the engine room, and welded the hatch shut with her new scepter. Sailor Chibi-Venus had gone to the hold, which had been converted into an operating room, where skilled surgeons were just ready to begin harvesting parts from a six-year-old. She did her "Venus Love Chain Encircle!" attack on the entire medical staff, chaining them to a stanchion where they could not escape. She recovered three more children, tranquilized, ready for anesthesia and surgery. She brought all four up topsides. On deck, Sailor Chibi-Moon and Sailor New Moon were making alternate flights, carrying two children on each flight to the boat, where Ami was looking after them. They were all crying, terrified, and wetting their pants. Douglas, who had learned diapering the hard way when Hiromi-chan and Yuki-chan were little, was cleaning children up and changing clothes as fast as he could. Back on deck, Sailor New Moon directed every Senshi to make another sweep through the ship. "Open every door. I do not want to leave a single child behind. If you find any crew members, kill them or lock them in a compartment." Away they went. They were taking no prisoners. Two more children were found, locked in airless storage rooms. Four pregnant teenagers were found in the galley. Sailors Chibi-Moon and New Moon took them to the boat on three flights each. Florien then piloted the boat closer, and the remaining Senshi jumped back into the craft. "Okay, sink it," ordered Sailor New Moon. Florien interjected, "No overkill. We do not want to attract any attention." So he piloted the boat all the away around the ship while the Senshi used their attacks to punch dinner-plate sized holes in the ship's waterline at one-meter-intervals. By the time they got back to where they had started, the ship was clearly sinking; and they watched it go down, with the entire crew on board. "Good riddance," was everyone's comment. They all heard the helicopter returning from the airport at Sapporo for a new load of organs. "Our turn," said Sailor New Moon to Sailor Chibi-Moon. They both took off and deliberately flew into the landing lights of the helicopter, gaining the pilot's attention. Sailor New Moon then flew beside the chopper's tail and, using her new scepter, chanted "New Moon Revenge!" and knocked the tail rotor off of the aircraft. It pirouetted out of control and crashed into the water, sinking like a rock. The crewmen had no chance to escape. The Senshi all de-morphed and joined Ami and Douglas comforting children while Florien piloted the boat back to the two vans they had driven up in, and then they loaded everyone into the vehicles and drove back to the Tomoe mansion. Ami spent a few hours checking each child for immediate medical needs, and wisely put an identification band on each one's wrist. Yukari cooked some food and fed them all. There were almost two dozen, altogether. Eventually, they were clean, dry, well fed and asleep in makeshift beds. Over the next few days they identified nearly all of the children. The babies who could not talk were siblings of older kids, who told them where they lived. Seira-chan drove them home, the ones who lived in Hokkaido, and dropped them off in front of their houses, then drove away before she was asked any questions. Three were from northern Honshu. Melvin flew them to Niigata in his corporate jet where Seira rented a car and drove them to their homes. Of the remaining girls, three were older teen-age Swedes and one was a Dane. All four were pregnant. They had been captives on the ship for several years producing blonde blue-eyed babies for the adoption market. "Who was the father?" Ami asked. "Just some guy. He looked like us," she was told by one of the teens. Asami-chan recalled a blonde hunkster in the operating room who fit the description. "Nice work, if you can get it," were her sentiments. Melvin had them flown to the Swedish and Danish embassies in Tokyo. They had come from good homes and wanted to return. All in all, it had been an exciting adventure. They were, however, left with a little girl, about three, who was clearly not Japanese, and spoke an unrecognizable dialect. "She may be Indian, a Pakistani, a Bangladeshi, a Burmese, A Sri Lankan, who knows? If we send her anywhere, she will be an outcast." So Junko decided to keep her. They named her Aruna; the seven-year-old twins all added -chan, so Aruna-chan she was. "We still have that doofus we caught prowling," reminded Chibi- Usa. "Ami, could you help us? Bring your black bag." Junko took over. The three went to where he was imprisoned in the basement, chained to a wall. Junko had picked up a butcher knife from the kitchen on the way. "Hold his right hand for me, big sister." "Right you are, little sister," Chibi-Usa responded. Ami looked on, horrified, as Junko cut off the man's hand at the wrist while he screamed. "They have done this to thieves for centuries," she explained. Ami took several deep breaths, applied a tourniquet, cauterized the blood vessels and sewed the skin together. She gave him enough Morphine to hold him for several hours and they then turned him loose. Junko watched him stagger towards the highway, then morphed into Panther and sprinted after him. With a blood-curdling growl she batted him on the rear with her paw, giving him another burst of speed. She returned, de-morphed and settled down on a beanbag chair. She was falling apart now, and was defensive. "Look, Aunt Ami; I was not borne this way. I got this way fighting Wormholers, the Dark Forces, kidnappers and prowlers every few weeks or a month since I was a pre- teen. Those butchers all deserved to die. So did this yo-yo. With luck he will barely make a living as a beggar. Everyone will know he was punished for being a thief. "Now if you do not mind, I have to get married in a week." Ami had been there and done that. She knew how Junko felt. So, she went to visit with her six twin daughter-clones. Junko and Chibi- Usa talked about the wedding. She wanted it to be as simple as possible, to hold it in the ballroom of the Tomoe mansion. They looked around, decided they could seat twenty-five guests, thirty at the most. Children could stand and sit on the staircases or kneel on pillows at low tables. Junko was willing to wear a wedding kimono, but beyond that it was to be their own design. And if she came from cleaning up after one of the six --- no, seven --- children throwing up she would be in blue jeans or white shorts. She and Douglas had to start school in a few weeks; there would be no time for a honeymoon. Molly jumped in. "Oh yes there will be. You will never know how important being alone for a few days, at least, is. Melvin and I still feed our souls constantly, from our memory of a weekend honeymoon together at our seaside resort. I know you, Junko-chan. You would settle for going to an upstairs bedroom for an hour and calling that a honeymoon. Well nothing doing! If you want to stay close by, go to the same seaside resort Melvin and I went to. Stay a week. You have money; we did not." They would do readings of favorite Japanese poetry, some material by Kalil Gibran, and even Judeo-Christian Scripture. They chose a close friend, a Christian minister, rather than a Buddhist or a Shinto priest to officiate. He was very flexible and would give them what they wanted. Chibi-Usa asked who she wanted to come; Junko answered, "Oh, our mother Serena, Aunt Ami. Not Darien; he gets sick time and space traveling. All the Sprouts, Seira, Yukari and Asami. They are already here. Some school friends. Otherwise, just round up the usual suspects." Junko should have spent the week preparing, but was busy with her own twins and her new foundling Aruna-chan. Aruna was smart and picked up Japanese rapidly from the other children. She was moody and afraid, however. Men terrified her, but she slowly softened to Douglas. Junko cornered Melvin one evening. "The Japanese are the most prejudiced people in the whole world," she began. "I want her to go to high school and college in the United States, Canada or Britain. She will never be accepted here. Those other countries are not without prejudice, but they are far more accepting than Hokkaido." "Don't forget Australia, Junko. They started out as a penal colony, and accept society's rejects quite readily." Melvin promised to work on her request right after the wedding. During the week, a trades' lady came from a local store with some wedding kimonos and shoes, which Junko absentmindedly tried on. Molly and Chibi-Usa accepted the correct ones. Junko was actually out of it, absorbed in her thoughts and looking after the girls. Ami returned with Serena the day before the wedding, and both promised to sleep in the girls' dormitory while Junko and Douglas were away. The four Sprouts, Chibi-Usa, Yukari, Asami and Seira would also be around, so security was covered. Junko and Douglas could enjoy their trip, not to worry. The next day started early. She bathed, got dressed, and then a hairdresser and manicurist took over. Dressing a Japanese lady's hair takes a while, and it did. Hours, in fact. Eventually it was done, and wrapped in a scarf until show time. Junko continued with the seven little girls, helping clothe them in pretty pastel dresses, what little girls would wear anywhere; in Rome, Paris, New York, Atlanta or in Hawaii. She stayed away from the ballroom at Molly's request. Someone would tell her where to be and when. Douglas was to wear light beige slacks, a white shirt and a silver-blue necktie, no jacket. They both were making one simple statement, fidelity to the marriage itself; purity, light colors, no black tuxedo. Even though the rest of the world was sleeping with each other ever since junior high school, she and Douglas had not. "I am really an old fashioned girl," Junko explained to Molly and the Sprouts. "Except for killing and maiming and torturing kidnappers, I am really an old fashioned girl. Oh yes, having twins before I got into high school. And adopting a foundling a week before I get married. Otherwise I am just an old fashioned girl." Somehow, she did not feel so old fashioned, after all. The guests had arrived and it was time. Three ladies played their stringed instruments softly. Flowers were everywhere, having been flown in from Hawaii to supplement the Japanese flowers. In the center of the ballroom was a round table that could have been borrowed from the Court of King Arthur. It was to serve as a dais. She could imagine knights in armor seated around its circumference. Three pillows were in place for Junko, Douglas and their minister. They climbed up little stair steps and knelt, sitting on their heels. "There is no escape now," she thought, as the stairs were carried away. Chibi-Usa and Douglas's brother stood behind Junko and her man, as witnesses. The five alternately read from the selected readings to the hushed silence of the guests. The children were all seated on the two staircases, peering between the banister supports. As the preacher read from scripture, "Increase and multiply. Fill the Earth and subdue it," Aruna-chan walked out to the table, where Chibi-Usa picked her up and placed her between Junko and Douglas, and she knelt on her own little pillow, sat on her heels, and addressed them, "Mama-san, Papa-san." The preacher continued. He referred to Kalil Gibran, and advised them to allow spaces in their togetherness. He only knew Junko had duties, children. They both had college to finish, and Douglas would soon have a demanding career. Lastly, Douglas placed a ring on Junko's finger and recited his marriage vows to her. Junko then placed a ring on Douglas's finger and said, "To thee, my husband Douglas, I promise my troth. Take this ring as a pledge of my fidelity. With my body I thee worship." The minister then blessed them, congratulated them and said, "Okay, from here on out it is up to you two. You have married each other. May God bless you both, all of you and your family." They stood up, someone brought out the stair steps and they climbed down, carrying Aruna-chan between themselves. All six little girls, Kana-chan, Kami-chan, Nobuki-chan, Chizu-chan, and Junko's own twins, Hiromi-chan and Yuki-chan came running out shouting happily, "Mama-san, Papa-san." The six girls had been calling Molly, Ami and Junko, all three, "Mama-san" and Melvin "Papa-san." Now Douglas was also "Papa-san" to every one of them. The guests all stood up and applauded. This was the finest wedding anyone had ever seen, and it was not over yet. For an hour or more Junko and Douglas greeted old friends, carefully sipping champagne or sake in very small quantities. Most were close relatives, the Sprouts, Serena and Ami, and school friends from Crossbow Academy and their three years in college. Nearly all of the males had been boyfriends of Yukari, Asami or Seira at one time or another, especially of Asami, Mina's daughter. Chibi-Usa worked the crowd, and suddenly ran into her old junior high and high school boy friend, Roger, the farmer. His father had died; he was managing the farm, and his mother was trying to boss him around. He had a toddler-age boy in his arms, and a pumpkinesque little wife, about seven months pregnant. He was proud of his growing family and said to Chibi-Usa, "If you had married me, all of this would have been yours." Chibi-Usa was speechless for a second or two, and then saw a smile in Roger's eyes and one growing on his lips. He was kidding her. "In your dreams, clod-buster. In your dreams," she retorted, and hugged him briefly. His round little wife laughed at that, and Chibi- Usa took little Roger junior and held him for a while. It was a happy reunion, and no one was displeased with his or her life. Junko and Douglas eventually began opening gifts. They were all very nice; crystal, silver, linens, china, small appliances, just what newlyweds all need. Then, with a grand, showy flourish, Melvin presented his gift. It was the smallest gift she had ever seen, about the size of a disposable cigarette lighter. Junko was totally bewildered. She unwrapped it with Douglas watching. Inside a tiny box was a key. A key? What did it fit? Melvin had spoken into his cell phone and drew Junko and Douglas over to a window. A chauffeur had just driven up in a brand new Lexus four-wheel-drive luxury sports utility vehicle. This was absolutely perfect for Hokkaido's harsh winters. The chauffeur came inside, gave Melvin his key, which Melvin then presented to Douglas. They all continued visiting, and when a four- piece combo came in, began dancing. Seira-chan, Rei's daughter, sang several jazz numbers and a few torch songs. She was every bit as good as her mother. Junko and Douglas danced with everyone there. She noticed it was getting a little dark. Someone else was in charge of their departure for their honeymoon. She did not know who. Chibi-Usa informed her and Douglas it was time to change to traveling clothes. They went upstairs, and came down half an hour later with suitcases, and heard a noise outside on the front lawn. With a stagy presentation, Melvin announced, "Your chariot awaits, young lovers." Outside was the corporate helicopter. "You will be to your seaside resort in an hour. A train would have taken three hours, driving even longer." She could not leave without saying goodbye to her little girls. She hugged and kissed all seven, said more goodbyes and they were off. Serena, Ami, Hotaru and the Sprouts would take good care of everyone. It was difficult to talk in the noisy aircraft, so they both lay back, relaxing. Soon they were at the tiny airport, and rode in a taxi to their hotel. They registered, checked their room and went out to eat. Neither had eaten all day, not even at the reception, they were so nervous. They found a nice restaurant, had a candlelit dinner and were feeling very, very mellow. The seaside town was nice and quaint, on a harbor with hills behind it, covered with small cottages and crops growing. Finally they headed back to their hotel, collapsed for a few minutes, and got dressed for bed. Douglas had noticed a troubled look on Junko's face at times all day. "What is wrong, beloved?" he inquired. "This should be the happiest day of our lives." "It is," she responded. "It is just that life has been so busy dealing with the kidnappers, the butchers, sinking that ship with all the people on board, then cutting that man's hand off. I hated doing all that, but --- I enjoyed it! What is happening to me? I love life, people, you, our children; but I actually enjoyed killing and torturing those people. Oh Douglas, make the pain go away!" That was roughly what Douglas had in mind. They turned down the bed and turned the lights off. They not only made love, they were in love. They not only came together, they were simply more together than they had ever been. They would continue to love each other and be together for the rest of their lives. Douglas discovered in Junko-chan a brief glimpse of a totally loving God, and experienced a foretaste of heaven itself, as all husbands do in their totally loving brides. Junko was right where she wanted to be, in the arms, bed and life of her new husband. Her experience both hating and loving to kill was not unusual. Most soldiers go through the same thing. They later suffer post- traumatic-stress-disorder, and may become totally dysfunctional. Not Junko. She had no time to waste on becoming dysfunctional. They spent their week touring the countryside, walking, bicycling, eating and just being together. They took a harbor cruise, and also spent one day fishing. They deep-froze a few of their catch to take back to the mansion. They had a fine morning SCUBA diving and saw a nice collection of coral, sea plants, schools of fish, and shellfish. Under-water was a beautiful new world they had never before experienced. The week ended all-too-quickly. Molly was right. The memory of this honeymoon would feed their souls for the rest of their lives. After a few hours' train ride they reached the Tomoe mansion, and five of the seven little girls were all over them. "Mama-san, Papa-san," they greeted, enthusiastically. They were so happy to see them, and were all pretty in fresh little dresses. Then Kana-chan and Kami-chan walked in, curtseyed and properly greeted them in near-perfect English. "Father, Mother dearest. How good to see you. Did you have a pleasant trip?" The smaller girls were now laughing and giggling hysterically, rolling on the floor in a show of panties and petticoats! Molly, Serena, Ami and Melvin were all watching, smiling. Melvin should have been at work. Junko knew something strange was going on. Melvin beckoned, and presented Agatha, a dark-haired, fair-skinned young teen. "Agatha is from Fredericton, the capitol of New Brunswick, Canada. She is the daughter of a business associate, one of five sisters, and wanted to complete her education in Japan. She is in junior high school, and I promised to put her through college if she would simply associate with the girls, especially Aruna-chan, and teach them English. She is a fast learner and has already picked up many Japanese words. All seven girls love her, and she has had a profound influence on them." Agatha greeted Junko and Douglas, curtseying and saying, "Good afternoon, Sir, Mum." She was just formal enough to be polite, informal enough to be pleasant company. Junko returned the greeting, bowing, "Konnichi-wa, Agatha-chan. Duomo arigatou gozaimasu," then hugging her and kissing her on the cheek added, in English, "You are a wonderful girl. Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoy your stay, and like it here." Junko could also be cosmopolitan. She had, of course, studied English from early grade school, as do most Japanese children. The newlyweds settled into their new living quarters. Melvin had hired a painter to redecorate the rooms vacated by Professor Tomoe after his death. This would give Junko and Douglas basically a two room apartment, consisting of a sitting room, bedroom, kitchenette and bath on the third floor. It was very nice, but Junko immediately engaged a Buddhist and a Shinto priest, an Anglican clergyman and a Shaman of no discernible denomination. They blessed, exorcised the rooms with words, scripture, incantations, candles, incense, holy water, the clicking of prayer wheels, flower petals, the rattling of gourds and the ringing of bells to drive out any spirits or demons remaining after Tomoe's dalliances with the nether world. Better to be safe than sorry. Before evening, Junko explained to Agatha that she frequently turned into a black panther and catnapped in the girls' dormitory for security reasons. Agatha had been kidded by adults enough times in her young life that she took it all in, and pretended to believe it. Junko and Douglas retired to their rooms at about 10:30 p.m., and at about midnight Junko tiptoed down to the girls' dorm, changed into Panther and lay down, catnapping but alert. Agatha came in stealthily in her night gown, checking on the girls, brushed past Panther, looked down and stifled a scream, not wanting to awaken anyone. Junko, Panther, purred, then rolled over, inviting Agatha to stroke her chin. Agatha bravely did do, checked on the seven girls, then sat down on the floor beside Panther and stroked her some more before going back to her room. They both had found a new friend in each other. School began a few weeks later. Junko and Douglas were in their last year of college; the twins were in the second and sixth years of primary education. They put Aruna-chan into a nursery school three mornings a week for social contact with children her own age. Agatha entered the eighth year at Crossbow Academy and found the experience challenging. She was not immediately accepted, but Melvin's money and local influence guaranteed at least partial acceptance. When she brought her first friends home it reminded Junko of her years at the same school. It seemed like a lifetime ago, but was only seven or eight years in the past. But such years, she thought, as she reminisced on defeating the Dark Forces as a Sailor Sprout, bearing twins cloned from Ami's Kana and Kami killed on Future Moon, and then defeating the butchers, kidnappers and dealers in human body parts. Agatha-chan brought home a terrifying story in November. Students were approaching her to buy drugs. They knew Melvin had money, and figured Agatha could afford them. They were the farthest thing in the world from her desires, but those people, boys and girls both, were insistent. They made veiled threats. Junko talked to the school principal, and suggested searching lockers or backpacks. He replied it was worthless, they knew how and where to hide things better than that. Then, in a daring maneuver, she told the principal Agatha had a pet cat who could sniff out drugs, and would he bring in a police officer that had a few drug samples the kitty would sniff for training and then go looking? He agreed and they decided upon the second class period the next day for the search. As soon as they hung up the telephone the principal threw his head back and laughed uproariously. "Baka, baka, baka! A drug- sniffing pussycat?" Next day, Molly drove Aruna-chan to nursery school and Agatha to Crossbow Academy leading Junko as Panther on a leash. They parked at the service entrance of the school and were met by the principal and a narcotics police officer. Their eyes bulged open as large as teacups. They were not expecting a 100-kilogram panther for a drug-sniffing pet cat. Nevertheless, they made the rounds of lockers. On an agreed upon signal between Panther and Agatha she pointed to locker after locker and said, "This one." The principal opened the lockers and found small quantities of drugs in each. A gram of cocaine here and there, grams of marijuana, hashish and opium. Two lockers yielded larger quantities. They checked athletic lockers and found more. They searched storage rooms and found more yet; a staff member was implicated. They were soon finished. Junko as Panther and Molly quickly left, leaving Agatha to finish her school day. Arrests were made. Some students with small quantities confessed to possession and were simply expelled from school. Those with larger quantities were holding for the actual dealers, whom they implicated. The staff member was fired, but for lack of evidence could not be charged with a crime. Junko did not think this issue was settled, and she was right. One of the girls caught holding for the actual dealers was kidnapped. Ransom was demanded. Her parents paid the ransom money, but the kidnappers fled with the money and the girl both. Junko was wearing her new transformation belt, and morphed into her new Senshi form, "New Moon Eternal Crystal Power, HENSHIN YO!" This was the only time she had ever transformed into a Senshi without the others present, and she was uncomfortable. She leaped into the air, wings flapping, and soon located the fleeing vehicle. She launched an attack with her scepter; "Moon Scepter Power, Blind!" aiming a laser beam into the driver's eyes. He could not see, and lost control of the car, which ran into a ditch. As each person got out she stunned the person with her scepter, all except the girl victim, who was nearly unconscious from the trauma. Sailor New Moon dragged her out of the car and loaded her onto her own back and took off again, wings straining, as the police approached. She headed straight for Dr. Mizuno's, Ami's mother's clinic, where she de-morphed into Junko. She asked the doctor to look after the girl, and have her call her own home when she regained her senses. "And above all, you do not know anything, okay?" That was okay with Dr. Mizuno, since it was totally true. The kidnappers were arrested, convicted and given light sentences and deportation since they were all foreigners. However, they would never be effective as criminals again, since Sailor New Moon had so scrambled their brains and blinded one with her new scepter they were now dysfunctional. Junko arrived at college a little late that afternoon. Her sensei asked what had happened, but Junko only answered that something had come up. She spent that evening with her children and Douglas. She and her husband went to bed a little early. She needed loving, and Douglas was there for her. Ami had arrived from Future Moon allowing Junko to spend the entire night in bed with her Douglas, which is exactly what she needed and wanted. Next morning Ami looked at Junko, smiled knowingly, and said she thought married life agreed with her. Junko did not argue, merely sighed, and was happy to hear Chibi-Usa would spend the winter holidays with them all. The next day, Saturday, they dropped in on the kidnapped girl and her family. They were gradually getting back to normal. The mother put her arm around her daughter and said, "Thank goodness, she is all in one piece!" Junko, Molly and Ami all looked at each other knowingly. 'All in one piece.' Truer words were never spoken. By Christmas season the new Lexus four-wheel-drive had proven its worth a hundred times over in Hokkaido's snows. Compared to the other vans with chains on the tires it was a totally different driving experience. Chibi-Usa joined them all in early December and announced her plans to stay through mid-January, then visit her and Junko's brother Mamoru and his wife Machiko-chan in Brazil, and see their new family. The holidays were spent eating, sitting by the fire and skiing Sapporo's excellent slopes. Agatha turned out to be a decent enough skier, and patiently instructed and coached the seven girls on the bunny hill. The Lexus was invaluable, sometimes being used to tow the second van out of the snow. All seven girls, Agatha, Junko, Chibi-Usa, Molly, and sometimes Hotaru and Florien's children spent many evenings in the basement sauna and pool, getting soaped down, hair-washed and sprayed off, and then swimming laps. Agatha was slightly intimidated at first by so much nudity, especially with Douglas occasionally there, but quickly adjusted and enjoyed such intimate get-togethers. Exhausted from swimming laps, they would then dry off, dress and have a late dinner or, if dinner was over, have a light supper or simply tea and a little hot chocolate or sake. If Molly were expecting Melvin at a reasonable hour she would bathe and swim with him, nearly always joined by Hotaru and Florien and their children. It was a happy family group, almost more happiness than they could bear. Christmas was very nice. With so much wealth around, gifts were usually small, personal and home made. Each time anyone came from Future Moon they brought a sack of gold coins for Junko, two or three dozen on every trip. Future Moon had vast treasures, and had collect gold from countless worlds, civilizations and ages. They were difficult to dispose of for Junko. How do you sell a coin made in the future in a country never heard of? They needed to be melted down and sold as bullion. But Melvin was providing everything, so Junko just kept dumping them into the closet or a bureau drawer in their apartment. The bottom broke out of the drawer from so much weight. Douglas borrowed some glue from Melvin, who looked in on the repairs. He was aghast to see a pile of gold coins in the corner, like last week's wash, and immediately purchased a safe for them and had it bolted to the floor and wall. Eventually there were perhaps $10 million in coins in it, weighing almost one metric ton. Melvin himself still had most of the steel box of coins brought him and Molly over twenty years before by Serena, Ami, Rei, Mina and Lita when they purchased the Tomoe mansion and dropped their children off for over ten years. Junko and Douglas had planned to delay starting a family until after college, and Douglas had found a job. Technically that was almost true, but Junko found herself pregnant by late February, looking at childbirth the following September or early October. When Chibi-Usa returned from Brazil she decided to stay there and assist her sister, Junko, until after the birthing in early autumn. School was hectic for Douglas and Junko. Morning sickness did not help. Being always tired, with a growing tummy, was not helpful either. There were term papers to write, schedules to meet. Finally graduation happened. Junko breathed a sigh of relief, but Douglas had not found a position in Hokkaido. He dreaded moving to Tokyo or Osaka to find work. Junko simply would not leave the mansion with seven children counting on her. They and Chibi-Usa discussed it one day soon after graduation. Junko pointed out, "Douglas, remember I am a Royal Moon Princess. We have money, you know that. You could simply be my royal consort. You are good at it. In fact, if you could put your consorting in boxes and sell it you would be rich." He knew he was being kidded, and blushed slightly. Chibi-Usa understood how he felt. Her Roger had chosen against such a position, preferring to find a wife his equal and work the family farm. It was Melvin who came to Douglas's rescue. "Douglas," he addressed him, "you graduated with honors. I can guarantee you will be accepted as a Teaching Assistant while you work on an advanced degree. You may even be accepted as a faculty professor after a yearlong post- doctoral position somewhere in Osaka or Tokyo, or maybe Australia. By the time that happens the girls will be grown and in high school or college themselves. Junko will no longer be needed here, at least not as much." It made sense. The next morning he applied for and was accepted both for pursuing an advanced degree and as a T.A. at minimal pay. Still, it was the first real job he had ever had. He suspected Melvin had paved the way for him. After all, Melvin donated heavily to the school. Junko was scheduled for an ultra-sound scan of her unborn baby. "If it is healthy I do not want to know what it is, or they are," she told Dr. Mizuno. After seeing wall-to-wall twin girls from the original Kana and Kami, through the six clones and Aruna, it was hard to think babies came any other way except female and in pairs. Her pregnancy proceeded normally, and on October 3 she produced not two, not three, but one little boy they named Douglas Jr. but who was instantly called Chibi-Douglas by everyone. The girls could have picked on him unmercifully or they could have spoiled him rotten. Mostly they did the latter. "Let me hold him, Mama-san," asked Aruna-chan. She wanted him as her own little dolly. The other six joined in bottling him, cleaning him up and dressing him. They played with him, and as soon as he started crawling they were down with him on hands and knees on the floor. Life was exciting and happy. By that Christmas Douglas was firmly entrenched in academia, taking courses, teaching classes and grading papers. In six years he would become a PhD in computer sciences. Then he could teach as a faculty professor, work for Melvin, or move himself and his family elsewhere. Junko assured him that as soon as Molly's sets of twins were safe and could protect themselves as Senshi she would consider relocating. Australia or New Zealand had their attractions, or possibly Canada. She was thinking about Aruna- chan and her need to leave Japan some day. But for the season, the moment, they simply observed Christmas with their family, Molly, Melvin and a large number of Sailor Scouts and Sprouts who drifted through, some staying, some moving on with their own lives. Merry Christmas to one and all from the Scouts, Sprouts, Melvin, Molly, Douglas and all the children. Eagle and Panther send their greetings, also. The End I hope you have enjoyed this story. If so, you may want to read the other Sprouts stories, all in the ASMR library under 'Nankypoo.' Also there, are three more stories not related to the Sprouts, but quite entertaining. I thank you for your interest and readership. ChibiCardCaptor