Sailor Scout Melvin By Chibicardcaptor < > Note: This is a rollicking adventure tale, with old friends, the Sailor Scouts, doing their thing. There is no small amount of romance; and Molly and Melvin, that wonderful pair, play the central role. Lots of swashbuckle, and the story is complete in this one installment. It may be a good idea to first read "Molly's Christmas," by this author, to appreciate Molly and Melvin as a couple. Enjoy! Rating: PG-13 if you do not blush easily. No language; Sailor Scouts type of violence. Disclaimer: Sailor Moon is copyright (c) 1992 Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha, TOFI Animation. English Language Adaptation (c) 1995 DiC Entertainment. No one ever expected Molly and Melvin to marry. They were good friends, just like brother and sister, but no more; or so people thought. Melvin finished both high school and college one year early, and within two years had achieved an advanced degree in computer engineering, and a promising position with Nakajima Ltd. Molly, meanwhile, struggled with four years of college. Both saw the rest of their lives opening up, and, after ice skating one January afternoon, Melvin simply asked, "Molly, there is no one I would rather spend the rest of my life with than you. Will you marry me?" "Yes," Molly replied, and put her arm around his waist, not easy in winter coats. "Our parents are supposed to arrange this sort of thing, or at least to think they did. Mom has been waiting for several years for me to say 'go get him.' If I turn her loose she will be a tiger. Are you sure you want me, Melvin?" Melvin answered in the affirmative, and they agreed on a wedding the following summer or late spring, in May or June, during the break at school, where Melvin was finishing his studies. His company wanted him to continue schooling, even while working. May thirty-first came, and they were married in a simple, yet elegant, ceremony. He looked uncomfortably close to his image of "Tuxedo Melvin," acquired in junior high school, but Molly was beautiful in a traditional wedding kimono. In late afternoon, after the wedding reception was well underway, they changed into traveling clothes and boarded a train to a small coastal town, three hours away. At the train station a driver in a rickshaw, a really quaint old horse-drawn vehicle, took them to their hotel. It was a decent enough place, with a good view of the small harbor, which was surrounded on three sides by mountains, little houses and cultivated slopes. The innkeeper called a servant to take their bags to their room, and gave Melvin their key as they registered, as Mr. And Mrs. Umino Gurio. "That is us," Melvin whispered to Molly, "man and wife." Molly gave his hand a little squeeze and they went back outside to look over the town and walk around for a while. It was a quaint little place, actually a favorite honeymoon spot. It was nice, but affordable. They felt lucky. Many newlyweds had to live with one or the other's parents. These two at least had a one-room apartment to live in and, in fact, Melvin had been there for a month already, with Molly helping decorate it on weekends. Melvin's sisters missed him, but were glad to get his bedroom. There were five sisters now, and Molly had acquired two new sisters after her little brother was born. They bought some carryout food for dinner: rice, vegetables, seafood pieces in an herb sauce, and a tiny bottle of sake. They had very little money and did not want to spend what they had in fancy restaurants. They went up to their hotel room and looked around. The silence was deafening. There was a nice bathroom, a picture window overlooking the coastline, a table, chairs, dresser and --- a bed. Not just A bed, but THE bed. Melvin had seen dozens of beds in his lifetime, but not like this. This was his and Molly's. Theirs. The BED. "Well, here we are, married, on our honeymoon, in a strange town, in a hotel room," Melvin nervously made small talk. "Yes, here we are," Molly responded. "Let's eat before the food gets cold. In fact, let's take our clothes off, so we don't spill food on them and get them dirty." "Good idea," Melvin agreed. Actually, he thought it was a terrible idea; but seeing Molly remove her dress, slip and pantyhose, he did not want to get left behind. Totally undressed, they gave each other a long, thoughtful look; and Molly turned the lights to 'low,' set the food out on the bed, and they both lay down, reclining on one elbow, and started to eat, using their other hands to hold their chopsticks and sake cups. Both loosened up a little. "My mother gave me some ideas on what to do,-- tonight --," Melvin told Molly. "Did she offer to give you lessons, too?" Molly teased. "You are lucky. All I was told was, Daddy said 'don't chew gum,' and my mother said, 'close you eyes and think of Mount Fuji.' I love you, Melvin. I have loved you since we were children. You are kind, thoughtful, considerate and gentle. This is my first time, tonight, and yours too, I am sure. It may be a little uncomfortable for me, maybe even hurt a little. Just be yourself and leave the fancy stuff until later. We have a whole life together." "I love you too, Molly," Melvin responded. "I love you more than life itself." They ate their dinner, sipped their sake, and Molly got up to clear away the empty containers and turn down the bed. Melvin turned off the light. Molly was right. It did hurt a little. Melvin was alarmed when she tensed up and whispered "Ohhh! Ouch. Owie;" but she did not mind too much. It was just part of getting married; and Melvin was kind, gentle and thoughtful. She really wanted to be right where she was, and with the man of her life; the man she adored and cherished. Tired from the train ride, comforted by their first dinner together married, the bottle of sake and their new love for each other, they fell right to sleep in each other's arms. They could have slept until noon, but woke up at 3:30 a.m. to use the bathroom. They joined together again, this time more relaxedly, and really enjoyed themselves, especially Molly. This time they did not wake up until long past sunrise. By the end of their two-day honeymoon they were feeling very close, as newlyweds should feel; and after three weeks of married life they felt as if they had never not been married. That was when reality struck. Molly was quite sure she was pregnant. Four weeks later she was absolutely sure. She went to Doctor Mizuno, Ami's mother, who checked her over, and assured her all was well; she was to come back every month or two until seven and a half or eight months, then every week or two until time to give birth. The pregnancy went well, but a week before Molly's due date Dr. Mizuno found something worrisome; however, she decided to let it go until after she had the babies. There were problems enough with twins on the way. Right on schedule, Molly produced two little boys, slightly under- weight, at five pounds twelve ounces each. She was expecting to go home a few days later, but Dr. Mizuno kept her for another two days. She was taken into surgery, and when she awoke the doctor told her she was very sorry, but she had had to remove both of Molly's ovaries. She and Melvin were disconsolate. Both wanted more children, especially a little sister for the twins. But it simply was not to be. Life then got hectic for the next few years. Melvin joined in feeding, bathing, diapering and telling bedtime stories, everything that needed to be done. He was unlike most Japanese husbands, who left attending babies to their wives. Melvin was also doing well in his job, had received a few promotions and job title changes. But, as many companies were, they were more generous with titles and honors than they were with pay raises. Nevertheless, Molly and Melvin had moved out of their tiny apartment into a very small rented two-bedroom house. When the boys were four they started pre-school and attended three days per week, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Molly had nine hours a week to wish for a little girl, one that would never come. She was soon to learn to be careful about what she wished for. Years previously, her five best friends, Serena, Ami, Rei, Lita and Mina, had left for the future. She knew they were Sailor Scouts. They had revealed as much to her, and she had seen all five transformed into Senshei. Early one Saturday morning, Melvin saw two mini-vans, probably rented, drive up in front of their house, and park. He called Molly. They watched as Serena and the other four friends got out, along with several children. Ami had twin little girls in blue dresses to match their blue hair, wearing pretty panties with little blue kitty-cats in back. Rei was carrying a baby girl dressed in red. Lita had a daughter in her arms, as did Mina. Serena had a little dark-haired boy in tow, and a blonde girl in her arms. Molly and Melvin were speechless. Neither knew any girl but Serena had married or had children. In they came, seven children in hand. Melvin, who was more sensitive to looks, subtleties and nuances than Molly, instantly discerned this was not merely a social call. They all sat down or stood, chairs being in short supply, and admired Molly's two boys. After five minutes of pleasantries, Melvin asked why they were there. "Something is wrong, isn't it?" he asked. "And you all need a favor." "You are right in that, Melvin," Serena spoke. "Would you two take care of our kids for a while?" "Serena, you must be kidding! I can barely take care of my own two. You can see how small our house is." Molly was aghast. "I think we need to listen, Molly," Melvin ventured. "Something big is in the air." Both stayed quiet for a while, as Serena went on. "There is a huge battle going on in the future. A race from ten billion light years away is invading. They are on the Moon and planets. Darien has been captured and is being held for ransom. The girls' husbands have all been killed in battle." She gestured towards Ami, Rei, Lita and Mina. "We, the Scouts, are fighting furiously, but need to put our children somewhere safe." Mina then explained some science. "You already know space is curved. You can travel in a straight line, and eventually come back where you started. We have learned it is more curved than anyone ever thought. It is really similar to four helices intertwined, a quad-helix, with thousands of turns. The top end of one helix is joined to the top end of a second. Then the bottom end of the second is joined to the bottom end of the third. The top end of the third is joined to the top end of the fourth, and the bottom end of the fourth is joined to the bottom end of the first, making a continuous path. If you were to travel at the speed of light, you would think you were traveling in a straight line, but end up where you started, thirty billion years later. "Additionally, this long quad-helix is wound into a toroid of several hundred turns." Mina was on a roll, and Melvin said he understood perfectly. "You are really smart for a blonde, Mina," he spoke reflexively. "I heard that!" Serena blew up. "Ju-Ju-chan, cover your ears!" She placed her little daughter's hands over her ears. Melvin muttered an apology, and Mina went on. "This race, which is occupying a dozen galaxies, has learned to tunnel, or 'wormhole,' from one helix to another, and even from one turn of the toroid to another. They can travel from their galaxies to our Moon or Earth in a matter of days. "They do not need energy, as the Nega-verse did. They have enough. They want slaves, us, all of us. They want to transport every one of us on the Moon and planets to their galaxies, and put us to work. They can also time travel. They may be here next, after you, Molly and your two boys." Lita talked, while Mina went to the kitchen for some water. "When we got here, Rei sensed a telepath contacting her. It was Hotaru Tomoe. Her dad had totally lost it from too much contact with those baddies, Kaolinite and her crowd. He is in an insane asylum, and Hota-chan was all alone. We went to him, bought the mansion, and agreed to care for Hotaru and put the money into an account to pay his mental health bill, and any leftover money would go to his daughter." Serena spoke. "You may remember, Hotaru was older than Reenie. Then, after that Mistress Nine episode, she died, and came back to life as a little baby. I gave her to her father. She is now younger than Reenie, about eight. Reenie is there with her, now." Rei then handed Melvin a deed. "The mansion is now in your name. It has lots of bedrooms, and we all spent a few days remodeling the basement laboratory. Serena, klutzy Serena, is really good with a hammer, nails and a saw." Ami took over. "The old lab is now a secure room. If the 'wormholers' come after you, you will need to get everyone into the room, and there you will be safe. There is a lot of high-tech future stuff in it, and outside of it, too. You will be amazed." Melvin was already amazed. Molly had been left way behind. Serena saw her perplexed look, and said, "We realize Melvin can barely afford his own family. We brought a titanium strongbox with us. It is filled with gold coins from several millennia, several worlds and several civilizations. It will pay for anything you will need, including a mother's helper. The box is one meter long, and one half of a meter wide and deep. You can see it has lots of gold inside of it." "How long will this go on," Molly asked. "We do not know. Days, weeks, months, years, maybe forever. Our husbands were killed. We could die, too." Ami was being as realistic as she could be. All the girls were having trouble keeping from weeping. They had lost their husbands, and now were going to lose their children. Molly and Melvin had no choice but to accept. They notified their landlord, who was glad to lose them. He'd had offers of higher rent for their house. He even returned their security deposit. They spent that day and Sunday moving belongings in the vans to the mansion. Sunday evening, Serena said they were going to return one of the mini-vans and transport back to the future. She handed Molly the keys and title to the other van. "We bought this for you. You will be needing it." The girls all hugged their children 'goodbye,' and were off, to an uncertain future at best. Melvin's first big expenditure was to have a heated pool and a sauna put in the basement. Hokkaido was frozen in winter, and too cold for swimming in the summer. The pool was 2 1/2 meters wide and 10 meters long. It had wide steps, the full width of the pool, leading down into the shallow end; and the children could play on the steps in water of any depth they wanted. Ami's twins, Kana-chan and Kami-chan, were immediately swimming the length of the pool and back. They were just like carp; they loved the water so much. At bath time all of them would go into the sauna where Molly, Melvin and Hotaru would steam, wash and spray each child and themselves; and then they all would jump into the pool to splash, play and cool off. They were a typical Japanese family, except for the fact that there were twelve of them. Hota-chan was a wonderful help to Molly with the little children. She looked up to Melvin as her new father, and even called him 'Papa- san.' She quickly discovered that Melvin was a latent telepath, like herself. Those two, and a kitten, one of Luna and Artemis' kittens, Mare Tranquilitatis or Mare-chan for short, frequently gathered in the secure room for trances, séances, meditation, whatever it could be called. With candles, incense and soft music, they listened for Rei communicating from the future Moon. They learned the war was going well at times, badly at other times, but showed no signs of ending. The little girls were growing, and Hotaru trained them as Senshei. Kana-chan and Kami-chan loved to take toy water pistols, shout "Mercury Bubbles Blast Attack," and drench a cousin from both sides. Giggling never stopped. Serena's Ju-Ju-chan once grabbed a wet diaper and yelled, "Tinkle, Tinkle In Your Face Attack!" and hit Kami-chan dead center in the mouth. Mina's little Asami-chan tended to be more interested in Molly and Melvin's two boys than fighting, and several times went sneaking off into the trees with them, having a little tea party or eating cookies. Rei's Seira, Si-Si-chan, had an attitude; and Lita's Yukari-chan could kick tail better than any one there, and had Molly's twins deathly afraid of herself. About the time the little girls turned twelve, Rei communicated a message to Hotaru and Melvin that they would be coming for all the girls, and wanted Melvin to come to the future with them. The battle was not going well. They had learned how to build their own wormholes, but, as fast as they could defeat one battalion of wormholers, another replaced those. Molly suddenly found herself alone, with her twins, now teen-agers, and Serena's young Mamoru-kun. On the future Moon, Melvin studied the situation, and saw it was a battle that would never end. "We need to get to the source. Here is my idea. There is a black hole in a not-too-distant galaxy. We will construct a wormhole between it and the enemy's group of galaxies. The Scouts will direct force fields to slow down the rotation of their galaxies, one by one, and dump them into the wormhole, and Shloop! Their galaxies will be sucked up into the black hole, something like a galactic vacuum cleaner." "But won't that take more energy than we could ever manage?" asked Mina. "No, a spinning galaxy has potential energy. You, the Scouts, will simply re-direct that energy to force the galaxy to slow down and collapse into the wormhole. Energy will be released, not absorbed, and will be used to speed the collapsed galaxy on its way down the wormhole into the black hole." Melvin's idea sounded good, if they could do it. They gathered a technical crew; and the nine Senshei and Melvin transported to the enemy's home galaxy where Melvin began constructing the wormhole to near the black hole from the enemy galaxy. Rei, Mars, meanwhile located Darien telepathically, and the five inner Senshei went on a rescue mission. They blasted, destroyed and confused. All at once there were yells of "Moon Scepter Elimination," "Celestial Fire Surround," "Mercury Aqua Mirage," "Venus Chain Encircle," and "Jupiter Thunder Dragon." Darien was unceremoniously rescued and led to a wormhole back to the Moon after a quick kiss from Serena, Sailor Moon. Darien learned that all six little girls, his and the Sailor Scouts' daughters, were being led by Chibi-Usa and were defending the Moon. He was to return to the Moon and protect them. "Look after Chibi- Usa and Ju-Ju-chan; they are taking care of the Moon, now. See ya." These were all the parting words they had time for. Serena was back to the war. Next, all nine Senshei, the inners and Sailors Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune, concentrated on annihilating enemy galaxies. They would spread themselves around a galactic edge; reflect its rotational energy back on itself, slowing its angular velocity down, collapsing it, and sending it sucking into the wormhole Melvin had created, and on to the black hole. It took about six months, two weeks per galaxy, and the enemy existed no more. One hundred trillion to one thousand trillion enemy fighters were all trapped forever in a black hole, never to return. Melvin and the girls all transported back to the future Moon, destroying wormholes as they went. When they arrived, Darien and the second-generation Scouts, 'Sailor Sprouts' as he called them, were mopping up the last of the remaining enemy. That is when they got careless, and made a fatal mistake. While they were all congratulating each other, a wormholer tossed a small explosive right between Kana-chan and Kami-chan, killing them instantly. Everyone fell apart, weeping, sobbing, grieving unto death. Everyone except Ami, their mother. She concealed her heartbreak, and gathered up the bodies of her two daughters and took them to cold storage in her laboratory. No one saw her again during the week Melvin remained on the Moon. Melvin, Hotaru and the four girls, less Ami, returned to the mansion on a Friday. All enjoyed a very happy reunion, and Melvin explained the end of the battle as best he could. He was also hoping he might even have a job to come back to. Serena said, "Leave that to us," and on Saturday, the five boarded flights to Tokyo, Hong Kong, London, Berlin and New York. When the stock markets opened on Monday, they bought up all of the available shares of Nakajima Ltd. common stock. Some of its members of the board of directors even sold their own shares, seeing a spike in the price. On Tuesday, the girls returned to the mansion and gave Melvin the stock certificates, in his name. On Wednesday, he returned to work, heading directly to the C.E.O.'s and President's offices, where he simply walked in, bowed, and begged their forgiveness for not knocking. With practiced discourtesy the President asked if Melvin had an appointment, and the C.E.O. said, "Umino-san, report to your supervisor immediately --- if you still have a position at Nakajima." Melvin bowed again, assuring them he did, and presented them with copies of his stock certificates and announced he was now the majority stockholder with 77.635 percent of the common stock in the company, "In round numbers." The two officers looked over the certificates, and muttered, "Yes, of course." "In round numbers." "If I could beg your indulgence," Melvin smiled, "Could I perhaps have a slightly larger office, and a secretary who does not chew gum? I shall be back Monday," and, bowing deeply, took his leave. The following Monday, Hotaru told Molly that Ami wanted her to come down to her mother's clinic, and to bring a suitcase. "Is this more mental telepathy?" Molly asked. "No, she is in town. She called on the telephone. I will look after the boys when they come home. I can cook, you know. I will feed them and Papa-san." Hotaru took over. At the clinic, Ami explained how, when her two daughters were killed, she collected their ovaries, and cloned an embryo from each girl's genetic material. "I know you loved them, and you want more children. I want you to be the mother of Kana and Kami again, to give birth to them, their rebirth, quite literally. You can raise them as your own. I will be back from time to time. I love them, very dearly. "Tell them the truth, everything, because they will be Senshei, Sailor Scouts, some day. Eventually, they will go to the future, if they want to. If not, they may stay here and protect the Earth, as Serena and I were doing once. "Queen Serenity has found me a new husband, and I most certainly will have more children, with him. I would love to raise Kana and Kami myself, but I honestly believe it is for the best for you to do it this way." Ami's mother, Dr. Mizuno, examined Molly, putting her to bed; and the following morning she implanted the two embryos in Molly's uterus. She spent the next two days quietly in bed, with her pelvis elevated, and returned home Friday afternoon. Melvin was full of questions. Molly assured him she would tell all, but not for a few months. He had to be patient. He whined and pouted a little, but was involved with getting to know his sons better after six months away, and in kicking some corporate tail. After wiping out inter-galactic nasties, rearranging a corporation was a piece of cake. He and Molly also had a chance to catch up on some long overdue necking, but Molly was sticking to her bed, alone, for a few more weeks. Melvin was mystified. Then he sensed, or felt, an answer. Six weeks after Molly's visit to Ami and Dr. Mizuno, he confirmed what he had been noticing: something hard in her tummy, as if she had swallowed a lemon, whole. Puzzled, worried, he thought of cancer or tumors, he did not know what. She was sick to her stomach a few times, and Melvin said, "Molly, if I did not know better, I would swear you were pregnant." "I promised Ami I would not tell you for three months, but she did not say you could not guess. Yes, I am PG with Ami's two babies, Kana- chan and Kami-chan. You are going to be a father again, of the same two girls you were the father of for the last almost twelve years." "Holy Crystal Tokyo, now it is my turn to be confused. How did all this happen?" Melvin thought he had seen everything on the Moon and in distant galaxies, but this topped it all. Molly explained it all to him, and they both laughed when she said she had never expected to be ever carrying another man's babies when she married Melvin, less than twenty years before. "In any case, Tsukino-san has been dead for nearly fifteen years, so you cannot go after him with a Samurai sword." [See "Ami's Diaries," by Lady Guinevere. Ami and Serena's brother Sammy, Shingo-san, are romantically involved.] "Molly, this is great news! Twin boys, twin girls, not even genetically related. Maybe we will have a double wedding." Melvin really loved the idea of being a father again. "Down boy," Molly protested. "Wait until I give birth to them before you marry them off." Two years later, the two little girls, Kana-chan and Kami-chan, were toddling around in their little blue dresses that matched their blue hair, wearing pretty panties with little blue kitty-cats in back. Mare- chan, Luna's kitten, now an old cat, took a special interest in them. They were future Scouts, Sailor Sprouts, as Darien had called them. "Get them young and raise them right. That is my motto," she thought, curled up and went to sleep. The End I hope you enjoyed the story. Let me know if you did. Look for "The Sailor Sprouts" sometime soon. < >